Open Heaven For Teens 2 October 2021 – WWJD

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TOPIC: WWJD [Open Heaven for Teens 2 October 2021]

MEMORISE: Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect. Matthew 5:48

Also Read: Open Heaven 2 October 2021 – The Right Choice In Marriage

READ: Philippians 3:10

10 That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death;

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Isaiah 24-26, Ephesians 4:1-32


I’m sure you’ve heard the acronym- WWJD before which means “What would Jesus Do?” During our younger Christian years, we used this phrase to caution and guide one another in our actions and reactions. For instance, if a sister loaned an unbeliever some amount of money and the other person failed to pay back as stated in their agreement, the born again sister may in anger threaten to behave rashly in order to get her money back. A fellow Christian sister would then ask her What would Jesus do?. No matter how angry she may have become, once she heard this question, she would calm down. Why? In our days, anyone who professed to be a born again child of God was expected to be of good conduct because that is Jesus’ nature.

There are bullies everywhere looking for ways to make trouble for you; they want you to misbehave so they can spite your salvation but God may be using this as a test of your character and He expects you to pass the test. Your reaction to peoples behaviour should be what Jesus would do in that situation.


Lord, please help me to become like You in my thoughts, words and conduct.

HYMN 15: Let Us With A Gladsome Mind

  1. Let us with a gladsome mind
    Praise the Lord for He is kind;
    For His mercies shall endure
    Ever faithful, ever sure.
  2. Let us sound His name abroad,
    For of gods He is the God;
    For His mercies shall endure
    Ever faithful, ever sure.
  3. He, with all-commanding might,
    Filled the new-made world with light;
    For His mercies shall endure
    Ever faithful, ever sure.
  4. All things living He doth feed,
    His full hand supplies their need;
    For His mercies shall endure
    Ever faithful, ever sure.
  5. He His chosen race did bless
    In the wasteful wilderness;
    For His mercies shall endure
    Ever faithful, ever sure.
  6. He hath with a piteous eye
    Looked upon our misery;
    For His mercies shall endure
    Ever faithful, ever sure.
  7. Let us with a gladsome mind
    Praise the Lord for He is kind.
    For His mercies shall endure
    Ever faithful, ever sure.

Daily Devotional for Teen’s guide was written by Pastor E.A. Adeboye, the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, one of the largest evangelical church in the world and also the President of Christ the Redeemer’s Ministries.

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