Open Heaven For Teens 29 September 2022 – Mind Your Business

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TOPIC: Mind Your Business [Open Heaven for Teens 29 September 2022]

MEMORISE: And that ye study to be quiet, and to do your own business, and to work with your own hands, as we commanded you; 1 Thessalonians 4:11

READ: 2 Samuel 1:1-15

  1. Now it came to pass after the death of Saul, when David was returned from the slaughter of the Amalekites, and David had abode two days in Ziklag;
  2. It came even to pass on the third day, that, behold, a man came out of the camp from Saul with his clothes rent, and earth upon his head: and so it was, when he came to David, that he fell to the earth, and did obeisance.
  3. And David said unto him, From whence comest thou? And he said unto him, Out of the camp of Israel am I escaped.
  4. And David said unto him, How went the matter? I pray thee, tell me. And he answered, That the people are fled from the battle, and many of the people also are fallen and dead; and Saul and Jonathan his son are dead also.
  5. And David said unto the young man that told him, How knowest thou that Saul and Jonathan his son be dead?
  6. And the young man that told him said, As I happened by chance upon mount Gilboa, behold, Saul leaned upon his spear; and, lo, the chariots and horsemen followed hard after him.
  7. And when he looked behind him, he saw me, and called unto me. And I answered, Here am I.
  8. And he said unto me, Who art thou? And I answered him, I am an Amalekite.
  9. He said unto me again, Stand, I pray thee, upon me, and slay me: for anguish is come upon me, because my life is yet whole in me.
  10. So I stood upon him, and slew him, because I was sure that he could not live after that he was fallen: and I took the crown that was upon his head, and the bracelet that was on his arm, and have brought them hither unto my lord.
  11. Then David took hold on his clothes, and rent them; and likewise all the men that were with him:
  12. And they mourned, and wept, and fasted until even, for Saul, and for Jonathan his son, and for the people of the LORD, and for the house of Israel; because they were fallen by the sword.
  13. And David said unto the young man that told him, Whence art thou? And he answered, I am the son of a stranger, an Amalekite.
  14. And David said unto him, How wast thou not afraid to stretch forth thine hand to destroy the LORD’s anointed?
  15. And David called one of the young men, and said, Go near, and fall upon him. And he smote him that he died.


One of the vices you must avoid at all costs is sticking your nose into other people’s businesses, especially if you enjoy tale-bearing, rumour mongering or gossiping. You need to understand that God dislikes it and so should you.

In our Bible reading for today, the servant lost his life because he failed to mind his business. He also wanted to get a reward for what he did not do, but instead, he got killed. This is what most rumour mongers do. When you gossip about one person to another, you will not be praised and even if you get praised, God will not be pleased with you. Tale bearing, rumour mongering and gossiping break the cord of unity between people and God hates this. Would you rather do what men like or what God likes?

An author once said that those who mind other peoples businesses instead of theirs never make any progress in life. Therefore, it is very important to mind your business so that you can make progress in your endeavours.


Those who mind their business make progress in life.

Also Read: Open Heaven 29 September  2022 Daily Devotional By Pastor E. A. Adeboye – PRAYERS FOR YOUTHS 

HYMN: Let Others See Jesus In You

  1. While passing through this world of sin,
    And others your life shall view,
    Be clean and pure without, within,
    Let others see Jesus in you.

Let others see Jesus in you,
Let others see Jesus in you;
Keep telling the story, be faithful and true,
Let others see Jesus in you.

  1. Your life’s a book before their eyes,
    They’re reading it through and through;
    Say, does it point them to the skies,
    Do others see Jesus in you?
  2. What joy ’twill be at set of sun,
    In mansions beyond the blue,
    To find some souls that you have won;
    Let others see Jesus in you.
  3. Then live for Christ both day and night,
    Be faithful, be brave, and true,
    And lead the lost to life and light;
    Let others see Jesus in you.

Daily Devotional for Teen’s guide was written by Pastor E.A. Adeboye, the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, one of the largest evangelical church in the world and also the President of Christ the Redeemer’s Ministries


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