Topic: Time To Hide [Open Heavens for Teens 28 June 2019]

Memorise: “Therefore they sought again to take him: but he escaped out of their hand.” – John 10:39.

Read: John 10:30-40

30 I and my Father are one.

31 Then the Jews took up stones again to stone him.

32 Jesus answered them, Many good works have I shewed you from my Father; for which of those works do ye stone me?

33 The Jews answered him, saying, For a good work we stone thee not; but for blasphemy; and because that thou, being a man, makest thyself God.

34 Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?

35 If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken;

36 Say ye of him, whom the Father hath sanctified, and sent into the world, Thou blasphemest; because I said, I am the Son of God?

37 If I do not the works of my Father, believe me not.

38 But if I do, though ye believe not me, believe the works: that ye may know, and believe, that the Father is in me, and I in him.

39 Therefore they sought again to take him: but he escaped out of their hand,

40 And went away again beyond Jordan into the place where John at first baptized; and there he abode.

Bible In One Year: Job 13-15, Acts 8:26-40


When Elijah heard that Queen Jezebel was out to kill him, he descended from Mount Carmel and ran as fast as he could. This tells us that a stage in your life may come when you need to hide, retreat or run so that you can come back and face your enemy head on.

Today, I am entreating you to gain the wisdom to know when to run and when to fight back. Someone maybe hurting you greatly at home, maybe your step parent, you need to act with wisdom. It is not every time that you fight, sometimes, you run. God is your defender, if you fight when He is asking you to run, you will be defeated. If you throw blows when He wants you to use words, you will get big blows that will bring you down. At any time that you are faced with a opponent, always ask God for what to do and do nothing until He has given you instructions. It will be a deadly thing for someone t have enemies and not be in good terms with his ally. You must stay away from any sin that can make God not fight for you. A word is enough for the wise.

Prayer Point:
Father, help me fight all my battles.

Also Read: Teen Open Heaven Daily Devotional by Pastor Adeboye

Hymn 8:

1 Immortal, invisible, God only wise, 
In light inaccessible hid from our eyes 
Most blessed, most glorious, the Ancient of days, 
Almighty, victorious, Thy great name we praise.

2 Unresting, unhasting, and silent as light, 
Nor wanting, nor wasting, thou rulest in might;
Thy justice like mountains high soaring above,
Thy clouds which are fountains of goodness and love.

3 To all life thou givest to both great and small;
In all life Thou livest, the true life of all; 
We blossom and flourish as leaves on the tree,
And wither and perish, but nought changeth Thee.

4 Great Father of Glory, pure Father of Light, 
Thine angels adore Thee, all veiling their sight; 
All laud we would render; o help us to see; 
‘Tis only the splendor of light hideth Thee.

5 Immortal, invisible, God only wise, 
In light inaccessible hid from our eyes 
Most blessed, most glorious, the Ancient of days, 
Almighty, victorious, Thy great name we praise.

Daily Devotional for Teen’s guide was written by Pastor E.A. Adeboye, the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, one of the largest evangelical church in the world and also the President of Christ the Redeemer’s Ministries

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