Topic: How To Pray [Open Heavens for Teens 8 July 2019]

Memorise: “Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.” – Romans 8:26

Read: Matthew 6:9-13

9 After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.

10 Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

11 Give us this day our daily bread.

12 And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.

13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.

Bible In One Year: Job 38-39, Acts 15:1-21


The basics of how to pray is all embedded in the Lord’s Prayer. First you start with praise (Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name). Then you move on to establish that His will is if utmost importance to you (Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven). Then make your request (Give us this day our daily bread…..), Then end with praise (For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen).

When you pray, make sure you are praying according to God’s will. State His word that is relevant to request you are making to prove that it is His will. God always backs up His word with signs and wonders.

Key Point:
Notice that the Lord’s prayer starts with “Our Father”. God only hears the prayers of His children.

Also Read: Teen Open Heaven Daily Devotional by Pastor Adeboye

Hymn 16:

  1. Christian, seek not yet repose
    Hear thy gracious Savior say;
    Thou art in the midst of foes:
    Watch and pray.
  2. Principalities and power
    Mustering their unseen array
    Wait for the unguarded hours:
    Watch and pray
  3. Gird the heavenly armor on,
    Wear it ever night and day;
    Ambushed lies the evil one:
    Watch and pray.
  4. Hear the victors who o’ercame,
    Still they mark each warrior’s way;
    All with one sweet voice exclaim,
    Watch and pray.
  5. Hear, above all, hear thy Lord,
    Him thou loves to obey;
    Hide within thy heart His word:
    Watch and pray.
  6. Watch, as if on that alone
    Hung the issue of the day;
    Pray, that help may be sent down:
    Watch and pray.

Daily Devotional for Teen’s guide was written by Pastor E.A. Adeboye, the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, one of the largest evangelical church in the world and also the President of Christ the Redeemer’s Ministries.

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