Topic: Desperation Is Allowed [Open Heavens for Teens 9 June 2019]

Memorise: “And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.” – Luke 11:9

Read: Luke 11:5-10

5 And he said unto them, Which of you shall have a friend, and shall go unto him at midnight, and say unto him, Friend, lend me three loaves;

6 For a friend of mine in his journey is come to me, and I have nothing to set before him?

7 And he from within shall answer and say, Trouble me not: the door is now shut, and my children are with me in bed; I cannot rise and give thee.

8 I say unto you, Though he will not rise and give him, because he is his friend, yet because of his importunity he will rise and give him as many as he needeth.

9 And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.

10 For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.

Bible In One Year: 2 Chronicles 29-31, John 18:1-23


When Elisha cried out to God in 2 Kings 2:14, river Jordan parted for him as soon as he smote the waters. You must realize that his cry was out of distress, he was desperate. The Psalmist says in Psalm 120:1:

“In my distress I cried unto the LORD, and He heard me.”

God attends to distress calls and He answers the desperate. Elisha’s outburst was out of desperation and he had every reason to be desperate. Check out erstwhile blond Bartimaeus or the paralytic that was lowered through the roof to meet Jesus. In both cases, the Lord had to suspend what He was doing in order to attend to them. How desperate are you? Several millions or even billions of people pray to God daily, but very few call out to Him in desperation. Some don’t pray like God is their only option, some don’t pray like they have total trust in God and have no other place to go if God does not answer. This season, the Lord will create a way for you to go through. You are coming out of that fix! Call on Him now, call out of desperation and He will answer you.

Key Point:

According to Matthew 11:12, there are certain spiritual blessings that may never be obtained except through spiritual violence. How desperate are you?

Also Read: Teen Open Heaven Daily Devotional by Pastor Adeboye

Hymn 16:

  1. Christian, seek not yet repose
    Hear thy gracious Savior say;
    Thou art in the midst of foes:
    Watch and pray.
  2. Principalities and power
    Mustering their unseen array
    Wait for the unguarded hours:
    Watch and pray
  3. Gird the heavenly armor on,
    Wear it ever night and day;
    Ambushed lies the evil one:
    Watch and pray.
  4. Hear the victors who o’ercame,
    Still they mark each warrior’s way;
    All with one sweet voice exclaim,
    Watch and pray.
  5. Hear, above all, hear thy Lord,
    Him thou loves to obey;
    Hide within thy heart His word:
    Watch and pray.
  6. Watch, as if on that alone
    Hung the issue of the day;
    Pray, that help may be sent down:
    Watch and pray.

Daily Devotional for Teen’s guide was written by Pastor E.A. Adeboye, the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, one of the largest evangelical church in the world and also the President of Christ the Redeemer’s Ministries.

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