Pastor Faith Oyedepo -

Overcoming Family Challenges (Part 1) by Pastor Faith Oyedepo

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Topic: Overcoming Family Challenges (Part 1)

Dear Reader,

Peace and blessings to you! It is with joy unspeakable, full of glory, that I welcome you into the seventh month of the year. May it indeed be a month of perfection in your family life in Jesus name. All through this month, I shall be teaching on Overcoming Family Challenges. It is my prayer that at the end of these teachings, every issue of concern in your family life shall be turned to testimony.

There is no limit to the pleasures and blessings God can bring to all areas of your life; your family life inclusive. Success in your family life is God’s will for you but it does not come by chance, neither is it an accidental occurrence. It takes conscious, deliberate and calculated steps to enjoy successful family life.

Today, many are frustrated, unhappy, fed up because of several family challenges they are facing. As my husband would rightly say, it is scriptural to be challenged, but it is unscriptural to be defeated. If you are married and experiencing turbulence in your family life, all you need to do is apply the principles contained in God’s Word and the storm will cease. The Bible says in Joshua 1:8, This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.

There are principles you must align with if you desire to overcome family challenges. Let me show you one of such principles.


Several homes today are experiencing dis-harmony, simply because they have not put the principle of gratitude to work in their homes. Remember I said success in your family life is a conscious and deliberate step. Some wives never appreciate their husband’s efforts, no matter what he does or how much he spends, it is just never enough. On the other hand, some husbands find it difficult to appreciate their wives’ inputs at home. No matter how much effort she puts into the smooth running of the home, he comes in from work and begins to find faults in all she has done, shouting and yelling at everybody. The woman soon becomes weary and feels she can never please him. Learn to say ‘Thank you’ for every little act of kindness, and see how exciting your marriage will become.

It is also necessary to appreciate the various inputs of those who live with you and lend a helping hand around the house. Even if you come home to discover that your house-help has done something wrong, don’t start yelling at her and calling her names. You can start by acknowledging the things she has done right, and then call her attention to the things not well done. When she does something well, learn to say Thank you. Never forget that good words are worth much more and cost little. You should also learn to say Thank you to your children when they do thank-worthy things. Remember, gratitude is what determines altitude.

Also Read: Laying A Solid Foundation For Your Children (Part 2) by Pastor Faith Oyedepo

To live a life of gratitude like Jesus, you need to accept Him as your Lord and personal Saviour by being born again. If you want to be born again, please pray this prayer with faith in your heart: Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I come to You today. I am a sinner. Forgive me my sins and cleanse me with Your Blood. I accept You as my Lord and personal Saviour. Make me a child of God today. Thank You for delivering me from sin and satan to serve the living God and thank You for accepting me into Your Kingdom.

Congratulations! If you prayed this simple prayer of faith with me, you are now born again and a child of God. He loves you and will never leave you. Read your Bible daily, obey God’s Word and seek Christian fellowship (John 14:21).

With this, you are guaranteed all-round rest and peace in Jesus’ Name! Call or write to share your testimonies with me through, 07026385437 OR 08141320204.

For more insight, these books authored by me are available at the Dominion Bookstores in all Living Faith Churches and other leading Christian bookstores: Marriage Covenant, Making Marriage Work, Building a Successful Home and Success in Marriage (Co-Authored).

Pastor Faith Oyedepo is the wife of Bishop David Oyedepo, the founder of the Living Faith Church Worldwide a.k.a. Winners’ Chapel, and Senior Pastor of Faith Tabernacle, Canaanland, Ota, Nigeria

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