Topic: From Revelation to Manifestation [Seeds of Destiny 15 July 2019 Devotional]

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Beloved, it is your revelation from the Word that determines your manifestations in life.

Scripture: Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee. Isaiah 60:1

Thought For The Day: It is your revelation from the Word that determines your manifestations in life.

Sometime ago, I stepped out of my office and before me was a young man, the only son of his mother, tied with chains having four padlocks. Four people struggled to hold him. Immediately, my heart welled up with compassion. But unfortunately for the bastard devil that tormented the young man, before leaving the office, I saw light that told me that whoever hears me hears Him (Jesus Christ) from Luke 10:16. It says: He that heareth you heareth me; and he that despiseth you despiseth me; and he that despiseth me despiseth him that sent me. In other words, He told me that His Voice was inside my voice; therefore, any devil that cannot disobey His Voice cannot disobey my voice.

So, I looked at the young man and said: ‘Leave him!’ And those who held him looked at each other, and I believe that they were saying in their minds something like, ‘Leave who? The person that four of us could not hold?’ Nevertheless, they left him. No prayer was prayed yet. Next, I said, ‘Loose him!’ And they were wondering, ‘Loose who?’ They must have thought: ‘Well, if he says we should loose him, we should because he is also here, in case this young man starts manifesting.’ So, they loosed him. His hands were bleeding. I looked at him with compassion and I said to him, ‘Sorry.’ He replied, ‘Thank you sir,’ and adjusted his cloth. I said to him, ‘Go on your knees.’ He went on his knees and I led him to Christ. And I said to him, ‘You are free, in Jesus’ Name, Arise!’ I said to his mother, ‘Mother, have your son.’ And he was instantly and absolutely free.

Beloved, it is your revelation from the Word that determines your manifestations in life.

Remember this: It is your revelation from the Word that determines your manifestations in life.


  1. Let the Word of God power every action you take in life.
  2. Act on every revelation you receive in order to experience corresponding results in life.


Prayer: Father, open my eyes to the revelation of Your Word, and move me into the realm of manifestations, Lord, in Jesus’ Name.

Daily Bible Reading: 1 Chronicles 19:1 to 21:30, Romans 2:25 to 3:8, Psalm 11:1 to 7, Proverbs 19:10 to 12

Quote: Anywhere you combine Word and Spirit, something must erupt. Culled from GO IN THIS THY MIGHT by Dr Paul Enenche.

Amazing Fact: Cockroaches can live for several weeks with their heads cut off, because their brains are located inside their body. They would eventually die from being unable to eat.

Don’t Forget To Attend: The Healing and Deliverance Service by 9:00 am tomorrow at the Glory Dome, the Lord’s Garden, Airport Road, Abuja. Invite someone. God bless you as you do so.

Prophetic Declaration/Word: The Word of God shall come alive for you in this season and cause you to see drastic results in Jesus’ Name.

Today’s devotional was written by Pastor Paul Enenche of the Dunamis International Gospel Centre (DIGC), headquartered at Abuja, Nigeria, with Pastor Paul and Becky Enenche, as the Senior Pastors. It is a power-packed arena where God’s Presence, Principles and Power are at work for the salvation, healing and restoration of human destinies and dignities

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