Prayer Kwashiorkor By Pastor D.K Olukoya -

Prayer Kwashiorkor By Pastor D.K Olukoya

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International Headquarters, Lagos, Nigeria.
SUNDAY SERVICE Live streaming with Daddy D.K Olukoya (G.O, MFM Worldwide)
Date: 14th June 2020

Topic: Prayer Kwashiorkor
Anchored Scriptures: Isaiah 16:12, Jeremiah 48:11, Proverbs 28:13


Today’s broadcast is going to be divided into two parts:

  1. A short exaltation
  2. A prayer meeting

So get yourself ready. We are looking at what I call ‘prayer kwashiorkor’.

Kwashiorkor is a situation of malnutrition. A lot of believers are suffering from prayer kwashiorkor.

Who are those that can fall into the category of who have this infirmity of prayer kwashiorkor?

  1. Those who are not praying at all.
  2. Those who are not praying adequately.
  3. Those who don’t enjoy prayer.
  4. Those who are now spending decreasing amount of time in prayer.
  5. Those praying only at convenient times, they are suffering from prayer kwashiorkor or put in another word; their prayer alter is weak.
  6. Those sleeping when they should be praying.
  7. Those waking up and the first thing they go for is for the phone, for the newspaper, for the television; not for prayers.
  8. Those taking breakfast before prayers.
  9. Those who forget their prayer times, they are all suffering from prayer kwashiorkor.
  10. Those who always pray survival prayer instead of revival prayers.
  11. Those spending more time with friends than in prayers.
  12. Those who are using prayers to contest for their phone.
  13. Those who are only able to pray when they are in church.
  14. Those who are unable to wait on the Lord for a long time.
  15. Those who are so spiritually weak, they even forget they are fasting and they break their fast unconsciously.
  16. Those who felt prayers is very boring.
  17. Those blaming somebody else for their prayer failures, all these are students in the school of prayer kwashiorkor.
  18. Those who harbor the spirit of slumber.
  19. Those who get tired very quickly and easily during prayers.
  20. Those who cannot pray in the spirit, they cannot pray in tongues.
  21. Those who find it very difficult to concentrate when they are praying.
  22. Those that have allowed temptation, computers, internet, newspapers to take up their prayer time.
  23. Those who lack prayerful friends, they are students of prayer kwashiorkor.
  24. Those who always eat heavy meals at night to make their spirit heavy.
  25. Those who have very very weak prayer alter but are only interested in listening to music and in entertainment.
  26. Those who have hatred for vigil prayers.
  27. Those who are unable to sustain a prayer point for a long time, they are all students of prayer kwashiorkor.
  28. Those who pray and their visions are never clear.
  29. Those who pray and the problem seem to get stronger and their prayer becomes weaker. They get weak at the alter of prayer.

All these are those students in school of prayer kwashiorkor.

  1. Those who are unable to hear from God even when God is speaking, they are students of prayer kwashiorkor.
  2. Those who have never prophesied before in their lives while they are praying, students of prayer kwashiorkor.
  3. Those who are living above their experience and trying to prove super spiritual, they are students of prayer kwashiorkor.
  4. Those who are ashamed to pray in public.
  5. Those who only resort to prayers after all methods have failed, they are students of prayer kwashiorkor.
  6. Those who cover their sins. Look at what it says in Proverbs 28:13. This is the greatest prayer kwashiorkor, those who cover their sins.
  • Sin is a prayer killer.
  • Sin is revealed in the Bible: The police man pursues it, the doctor prescribes it, the law discovers it, the conscience condemns it, God punishes it.
  • Sin is a cheat.
  • Sin is deceiver.
  • Sin is a destroyer.
  • Sin will promise you pleasure but pay you in pain. It will promise you life but pay off in death. It will promise you prosperity but pay off in poverty.
  • Sin is dangerous beyond any expression and description.
  • Sin is the violation of the law of God. The human society may and they do punish crime but only God can punish sin.
  • Lack of conformity to God’s rule is sin.
  • Transgression of the law of God is sin.
  • Sin is missing the mark.
  • Sin is turning aside from the straight path.

If one now wants to become a prayer warrior and you’re covering up your sin, what you’re doing is putting yourself under a divine curse and your prayers will not be answered because you refused to confess your sin.

  • Sin is like you’re competing with God for sovereignty.
  • Sin is declaration of independence before God. If I have the right to determine what is right and wrong, then I’m God.
  • Sin is man overstepping divine limit.
  • Sin is failure to attain to divine standard.

Listen carefully beloved, there is a powerful curse attached to all hidden or covered or secret sins. Hidden sins have devastating effect and this is why many people are in the school of prayer kwashiorkor.

Sin that is unconfessed, sin that is unlamented, sin that is not removed will certainly bring the anger of your holy and righteous and angry God.

You may cover up your sin by making excuses, you may cover up your sins by secrecy, you may cover up your sin with false hood like gehazi, you may cover up your sin because you’re waiting for the time to just pass away. You may scheme to push the blame on others.

When there is a sin in the camp, there is a problem. An alarm bell will ring that your prayers can’t work. The serpent of sin must die in our live in the name of Jesus!

  • That sin that is a customer to you must go.
  • The sin that you have paid for and you cannot return, the store keeper is no longer there, you can’t identify the person or the individual; you need to kill that sin.
  • The tasteless sin, the sin that sickens,
  • The sin that you’ve imagined, the sin that you have sort, the sin that you have played with, the sin that you have fondled with for a long time,
  • The sin that you’ve embraced,
  • The sin that you have grasped and consumed with gluttony,
  • The sin that you have seen that have possessed you as a spider and you are caught in the spider web of sin, the sin that is personal to you,
  • The sin that sticks to you, the sin that flows in your veins, the sin that fails your heart, the sin that you have acquired, the one you have decorated yourself with.

All these sins must die if we must become good student at the alter of prayer. If we must depart from the school of prayer kwashiorkor, we must get rid of them.

  • The sin that you’re struggling with
  • The sin that is clinging to you.

Listen beloved, a single sin can rob you of your destiny just like a single sin could have robbed Joseph of his destiny.

What is the way out beloved?

  1. You need to surrender your life to Jesus, that is not negotiable.
  2. Crucify the flesh, the affection and the lust there in; kill dead.
  3. Repent from every known sin.

Repentance that is hypocritical is not repentance, repentance that keeps company with old partners is not repentance.

It says ‘come ye from among them’, the Bible says ‘and be the seperate’. Repentance without confession is no repentance’. Repentance that makes you ashamed of Jesus Christ is false repentance.

Also read: The BOOK OF LIFE by Pastor D.K. Olukoya

Repentance that will not forgive others is false repentance. Repentance that will not produce the desired result for heaven is false repentance. You need to repent from every known sin

  1. Confess those sins to the Lord.
  2. Depart from the school of iniquity.


That is how the Almighty can help you.

May you depart from the school of prayer kwashiorkor. May you depart from the school of covered sin so that your prayer will be accurate and will get result.

God bless you in Jesus name.

Close your eyes and ask the Lord to forgive you in any area where you have sinned, any area where you have not been the best for the Master; ask Him to forgive you now.

Ask Him to cleanse your heart, ask Him to cleanse your body, soul and spirit.
Ask Him to sanitize your heart, ask Him to change your heart.
Speak to the Lord now.


After Ministration prayers by Daddy G.O:

  1. Any power assigned to steal my portion, release my portion and die in the name of Jesus!
  2. Oh God arise and overhaul anything that is not complete in my life in the name of Jesus!
  3. Oh God arise and write your laws in my hands in the name of Jesus!
  4. Oh God arise and build a new alter in my life in the name of Jesus!
  5. I renounce every strange covenant holding my life in bondage in the name of Jesus!
  6. Powers and activity of eaters of flesh and drinkers of blood, die in the name of Jesus!
  7. Every strange alters working against my spiritual life, O Lord overthrow them in the name of Jesus!
  8. Every power assigned to trouble my inheritance, I cut you off in the name of Jesus!
  9. Every witchcraft power connected to my root, dry up in the name of Jesus!
  10. O Lord, destroy every covenant of backwardness in the name of Jesus!
  11. Arrows of sudden death, go back to your senders in the name of Jesus!
  12. I command every infirmity to come out of my flesh in the name of Jesus!
  13. Father, let your covenant speak in my bone in the name of Jesus!
  14. Anything belonging to me, trapped in the camp of the enemy; be released in the name of Jesus!
  15. Anything belonging to me that is inside the grave, I recover you in the name of Jesus!
  16. Powers obstructing my journey of destiny, clear away in the name of Jesus!
  17. I command any infirmity in my body to disappear in the name of Jesus!
  18. Everything that has make me naked before the Lord, O Lord release your fire and burn them to ashes in the name of Jesus!
  19. Father, let every spell upon my life be broken in the name of Jesus!
  20. O Lord, guide my feet into my place of prosperity in the name of Jesus!
  21. Any power that does not want me to life my head, die in the name of Jesus!
  22. Any divination done against me, I render you null and void in the name of Jesus!
  23. By the covenant in the blood of Jesus, all that belongs to me must come to me in the name of Jesus!
  24. O God, release your covering of glory upon my life in the name of Jesus!
  25. Wherever the enemy has knocked down, I rise up seven fold in the name of Jesus!
  26. O God arise, exalt me among my fellows in the name of Jesus!
  27. Any evil flying around shall not come close to me in the name of Jesus!
  28. Any veil the enemy has used to cover me up, tear away in the name of Jesus!
  29. Every ordinance of evil written against me, blood of Jesus, wipe them away in the name of Jesus!
  30. Lord, let every yoke of backwardness be broken away from my life in the name of Jesus!

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