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The following are the Things God said Specifically which anybody can Pick Up and Key into:


  1. Daddy says that: More than eighty Percent (80%) of Projects starting in 2022 will Succeed.

It has nothing to do with the Economy of the world – No!

  1. Daddy said: This Year will be a Year of the Emergence of Previously Unknown Stars.

… They will emerge this Year – Take Note of my words!

  1. Daddy said: In spite of everything that may be happening, this Year is going to be a Year of some Massive Breakthroughs – In Science and in Finances.
  2. And there is this one that I like very much – Daddy said that: Infant Mortality Rate will drop by at least fifty Percent (50%).

He didn’t say that Infant won’t die but He just said that the Rate is going to be reduced by at least fifty Percent (50%).


I know that some of you will say: What is God saying about Nigeria?

I don’t want to Prophesy about Nigeria.

All I can say in a Parable is that: You know that the English has a Proverb – You don’t make omelette without breaking eggs.

Have you heard that before?

God will explain that to you.

Also Read: Open Heaven 2 January 2022 Sunday Daily Devotional – The Beginning Of Months II


Now, if you look at the Prophecies of Last Year (2021); the First Thing there is that some of the Problems of Year 2020 will spill over to Year 2021 – And we have seen that.

The Second Prophecy of Last Year (2021) is that the world is not going to get out of the troubles until they admit that Jehovah is God.

And I said Last Year that Daddy made it clear that you are making Vaccines – He says that as you are making one Vaccines, He says a New Variant is Surfacing.

And so from Covid19 we went to Alpha; from Alpha we went to Beta; from Beta we went to Delta and now Omicron.

I told you when the Problem of Covid19 is going start that the world is going to convulse like a Child – The Convulsion is still going on and the world is not admitting yet that they have to apologise to God. They are still trying Science very hard.

And they are doing very well – One Vaccine after another and then the Booster – They are trying.

But what got me concerned is the Omicron – I know that the Scientist will tear me to Pieces for this but I don’t care.

Omicron, is not a baby of Covid19 – It is a Grandchild. And that is why it is moving faster but it is Softer.

But don’t let us argue – What do we do?

If we ask Nigeria to repent; which we do because it is of the Mercy of the Lord that God had kept our situation Normal.

I told God – Have Mercy on Nigeria. We have no Money, No Doctors and we are not ready.

And He said: Son, I have heard your cry in Nigeria – Only those whose Time has come will die.

And up till today; after two (2) Years; the number of death from Covid19 in Nigeria is a little over three thousand (3,000). Whereas, over four thousand (4,000) is dying in a Day in another African Country.

So, how do we get out of this trouble?

A friend of mine – I have told you so much about him and you will get to meet him some day.

A friend of mine suggested and he said: You are our Pastor; apologise for us!

I said: I see, Good Advice.

Why am I telling you this?

I am going to need one thousand (1,000) Volunteers – Strong Christians Prayer Warriors, Young (Not above 70 Years Old) to join me in seeking the face of the Lord for Nigeria and for the world.

Before you Volunteered, these one thousand (1,000) Volunteers and myself (Daddy GO) will be Fasting continuously for 72 Hours:

I. 24 Hours will be spent for Nigeria.

24 Hours Multiplied by 1,000 People; that is quite a Number of Hours.

II. 24 Hours, we will spend for the world.

III. The remaining 24 Hours – I will tell you if you are a Volunteer.

So, on a First Come, First Serve Basis; I need one thousand (1,000) Prayer Warriors.

We will do the Praying early in February 2022 – I will tell you if you are one of the Volunteer

They will Put on the Screen the Phone Number of my Secretary (Daddy GO’s Secretary) – If you are Volunteering, you will send to him: Your Name, your Contact and then your Age.

Daddy Go Secretary Phone Number – +234 – 07087805722

South Africa for example who detected the Omicron and what happened to them; in future if a New One surfaces those who detect it won’t talk because they won’t want what happened to South Africa to happen to them.

So, we need to do something urgently so that there won’t be no more Grandchildren of Covid19.

And then of course, apart from Covid19; our Problems in Nigeria requires urgent Action!

  1. The Lord says that the issues of Migration is going to take a New Turn in the New Year.
  2. I don’t want to talk much on other Natural Disaster like Fire Outbreak except for just one of them.

Daddy says that there will be two (2) Monstrous Storms – One coming from the Atlantic Ocean called Hurricane and one from the Pacific Ocean called Typhoon).

That unless they are weakened, the results will be terrible.

But the one thousand (1,000) Volunteers; we will discuss that with God!


As for RCCG, all I have for you is Good News.

But your Pastors will be telling you.

They are Good News but they are Confidential!

Maybe you will hear a bit on Sunday (During the Annual Thanksgiving Service).

So, that is all I have to tell you!

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Watch Out for our Full Coverage of the Cross Over Holy Communion Service and the Cross Over Proper Message!

… Discovery Media Crew; Reaching Out to the world through the Power of the Gospel!

Moses Durodola

Open Heavens 2021 Daily Devotional guide was written by Pastor E.A. Adeboye, the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, one of the largest evangelical church in the world and also the President of Christ the Redeemer’s Ministries. The Open Heavens devotional application is available across all mobile platforms and operating systems: iOS, Android, Blackberry, Nokia, Windows Mobile and PC.

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