Pursuing Purpose And Vision By Pastor Paul Enenche

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SERVICE OBJECTIVE: Understanding what it takes to pursue vision and purpose unto actualisation

The Scriptures make it clear that vision must be pursued in order to be fulfilled (Hab. 2:2)
Vision is the tonic of life (Prov. 29:18); it is the value of life

The absence of vision is the devaluation of life; where there is no vision people are valueless
Where there is no vision, people are stripped of honour and dignity (Prov. 29:18) – Bishop David Oyedepo

Your purpose is God’s original intention for your life, your vision is your discovery of that intention

Your vision is the determinant of your value in life

The true value of your life is recovered when purpose is discovered


  1. To pursue is to pressurize unto fulfilment or realisation
  2. What is not pursued cannot be possessed
  3. What is not pursued may not be possible


  1. Write the vision
    1a. Vision receives vitality when it is documented
    The faintest ink is more powerful than the most powerful memory – Martin Luther
    1b. Vision or purpose is only reviewable and pursuable when documented
    1c. Vision can only gain motion with documentation
    When vision is in the mind of a person, it is either wishful thinking or positive desire
    The best time to document a vision is when it is hot
    Vision is like a crying baby in service, it must be carried out immediately
  2. Review the vision
    Review means view and view again
    2a. Reviewing the vision causes a deepening of the understanding of the vision (Acts 10:19)
    2b. Reviewing the vision causes a refuelling or refiring of passion
    2c. Reviewing the vision facilitates action on the vision
  3. Plan the vision
    Planning the vision has to do with detailing the vision
    It is possible to have a good vision but a terrible plan and the vision may fail, not because the vision was bad but because the plan was terrible
    Vision is fixed but the plan is flexible; vision tells you where you are going, the plan tells you how to get there
    Vision is a constant but the plan is variable
    Vision without a plan is either a daydream or wishful thinking
    Where people fail to plan, they have planned to fail
    Being filled with the Holy Spirit is not an excuse for ‘planlessness’
    The closer you get to God in life the wiser you get; stupidity is only a sign of distance from God
    3a. Planning breaks the vision into achievable bits and parts
    Everything in life is achievable if it can be broken down
    3b. Planning identifies options available for the actualisation of the vision (Jer. 6:16)
    3c. Planning gives room for changes of approach where and when necessary
    In the journey of vision, the vision is fixed (constant) but planning is flexible (variable)
  4. Pursue the vision
    Pursuit has to do with taking steps and making moves regarding the vision
    Every vision requires a fighting spirit for actualisation
    4a. Pursuit is giving motion to the vision through massive action
    4b. Pursuit is covering grounds and meeting goals towards the actualisation of the vision
    If you take care of the goals, the goals will take care of the vision
    4c. Pursuit is operating with the sense of urgency towards the realisation of the vision
  5. Be patient with the vision (Hab. 2:2-3)
    In the course of pursuing the vision, if there appears to be some delay, don’t give up
    Visions speak at the end, not at the beginning
    When you miss the vision, you miss the provision
    Visions have the tendency to tarry
    5a. Patience is remaining firm and strong in the pursuit of the vision with no room for discouragement or despair (Gal. 6:9)
    5b. Patience is confronting and resisting every obstacle or opposition to the vision without tiring or wearing out (Job 14:14)
    5c. Patience is the deployment of staying power – endurance, resilience, persistence, perseverance, tenacity, stick-to-it-iveness until fulfilment (Heb. 6:12)
  6. Exercise faith for the fulfilment of the vision (Hab. 2:4; Heb. 11:6)
    Whatever involves God involves faith
    It is not possible for God to be at work where faith is not in place
    The bankruptcy of faith is the mortality of vision
    6a. Faith is exercising complete dependency on God for the fulfilment of the vision, especially at the place of prayer
    6b. Faith is placing the revelation of the Word above the contrary conditions of life
    6c. Faith is seeing the invisible, believing for the incredible and taking steps towards the impossible
    It is the taking of steps that move God into action

NOTE: Every vision is for an appointed time (Eccl. 3:11)
It is important to be sensitive to the vision but it is also important to be sensitive to Divine timing (Eccl. 3:11)

‘Any farming you want to do in dry season is either irrigation farming or frustration farming’ – Dr Paul Enenche

When you trust God for the plan, also trust God for the time
When purpose marries season, they give birth to beauty
Don’t go before God or lag behind Him; walk with Him


  1. It is not enough to possess vision, it is important to pursue vision (Hab. 2:2-3)
  2. Purpose and vision don’t get fulfilled in a day; faith and persistence are required for their fulfilment (Heb. 6:12)
    Any vision that does not have within it the provision for that vision, it may be frustration, imitation, competition or hallucination


Father, thank You for Your Word to us today. We do not take it for granted. To You be all the glory Lord, in Jesus’ Name.

In the Name of Jesus, I cannot miss the plan and purpose of God for my life

Father, I come before You today to surrender my life to You. Today, it is my decision to follow Your Will and plan, not my own will and plan. Help me Lord, to fulfil Your Purpose for my life, in Jesus’ Name


  • That plan of God for your life, no devil shall stop it!
  • Receive help from God for the fulfilment of vision in Jesus’ Name!
  • The plan and purpose of God for Your life, you shall not miss it!
  • Everywhere they tied your finances and arrested your finances, today the yoke is broken!
  • What is yours shall look for you from the North, South, East and West
  • Before this week is over, what is yours will enter into your hands
  • As God is giving us new songs, He will give us new victories, testimonies, manifestations and openings! (Ps. 40:1-3)
  • As God has given us new songs, He will bring you out of the pit (Ps. 40:1-3)
  • All those who will not let Nigeria rest, they will begin to face each other and begin to finish each other!
  • Every affliction in your life that is stopping your miracle, that affliction is arrested!
  • This week is a week of great manifestations

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