RCCG Fasting and Prayer Points 2021

Click HERE for Previous Open Heaven Devotional


“Behold, the eye of the LORD is upon them that fear him, upon them that hope in his mercy; To deliver their soul from death, and to keep them alive in famine. Our soul waiteth for the LORD: he is our help and our shield. For our heart shall rejoice in him, because we have trusted in his holy name. Let thy mercy, O LORD, be upon us, according as we hope in thee.” Psalms 33:18-22

“And when he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to cry out, and say, Jesus, thou Son of David, have mercy on me. And many charged him that he should hold his peace: but he cried the more a great deal, Thou Son of David, have mercy on me. And Jesus stood still, and commanded him to be called. And they call the blind man, saying unto him, Be of good comfort, rise; he calleth thee.” Mark 10:47-49

Preamble: There is a cry that God always attends to – a cry for mercy. And if there is a time when mercy is needed, is more now than ever. The enduring mercy of the Lord is what we can count upon always. This year prophesies at all levels are wrapped in a condition of submission to the will of God and His mercy. Like blind Bartimaeus, let us come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in this time of need.

We thank God for inhabiting our praises, worship and thanksgiving in the first segment of 21 days as directed by the Holy Spirit through our Father-in- the Lord, Daddy E. A. Adeboye. Testimonies are already flowing like a river. We have been directed to spend the next 21 days in seeking for God’s mercy personally, for our families, for The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), for the Body of Christ as a whole and for our Nations. God’s mercy will be upon us as we cry unto Him in the next 21 days in Jesus Name, Amen.

Day2 (23 of 63) – 2ND FEBRUARY, 2021
TEXT: Hebrews 4:14-16, Psalm 24:3-5


In order to attract God’s mercy, penitence and true repentance are prerequisites. God is ever waiting to show mercy to any truly repented sinner. For all have sinned and fallen short of God’s glory. God is giving us another opportunity in this season of grace to right our wrongs and come under cover of His mercy.


  1. Thank God for the privilege to come before your throne of grace in order to obtain mercy. Hebrews 4:16, Psalm 118:1
  2. Father I am grateful for your kindness, not shutting against at me the door of mercy
  3. Father, have mercy upon me in any way I have failed to show compassion on the wounded around me in Good Samarian care in Jesus name. Luke 10:33
  4. Father, have mercy upon me for my Prayerlessness. For failure to pray enough for leaders in my nation and in Church position of authorities in Jesus name.
  5. Father, have mercy upon me for dwelling in criticism instead of supporting our leaders in government. Numbers 12:1
  6. Father, have mercy upon me for my sins of unbelief, double mindedness and doubting your word. Romans 14:23
  7. Father have mercy upon me for acts of unfaithfulness in the payment of my
    offerings, tithe, first fruits and vows. Genesis 4:4
  8. Father, have mercy upon me for acts of unfaithfulness in the payment of taxes, and other lawful national obligations in Jesus name.
  9. Father, have mercy upon me for acts of disobedience to traffic regulations on the highways, and other governmental rules and regulations. Romans 13:1
  10. Father, have mercy upon me for acts of dishonesty in keeping to my words. Forgive me the sins of lack of personal Integrity in Jesus name. Psalm 15:4
  11. Father, have mercy upon me for sins of hatred, jealousy, non-forgiving one another and vengeful act in Jesus name. Genesis 4:6
  12. Father, forgive and correct me of all sins of uncleanness for you are pure.
    Numbers 31:24
  13. Father, have mercy upon me for the sins of ingratitude. Lack of appreciation for the free gifts of nature; for the air, water, rain etc, for good health and for not sharing testimonies in Jesus name.
  14. Father, forgive me where I have discriminated against the poor, the disabled and those not from my tribe in Church, in work place and in communities.
  15. Father, have mercy upon me for all sins of backbiting and backstabbing.
    James 4:1, Titus 3:2

RCCG 63 Days Of Fasting and Prayer Points 2021 will be updated daily…

Day 1 (22 of 63) – 1ST FEBRUARY 2021
BIBLE TEXT(S): Ps. 124, Ps. 136, Lam. 3:22, Rom. 9:15-18


Our God is holy and our God is love. God’s love produces mercy that is why even though He is holy and His eyes cannot behold iniquity, His love compels Him to show us mercy everyday of our lives that is why we are not consumed. Lam. 3:22.


  1. Father we thank you for the salvation of our souls.
  2. Father we thank you for sending your only begotten son Jesus Christ to this world to die for us. John 3:16
  3. Father thank you for your mercy that endures forever. Psalm 136:1
  4. Lord we thank you for always renewing your mercies and love for us every
    morning. Lamentation 3:22
  5. Father we praise and thank you for being our defence and the God of our mercy. Psalm 59:17
  6. Father we thank you for your sufficient grace and mercy over your church.
  7. Let us thank God for His mercy over our Daddy G.O. and his family.
  8. Let us thank God for His mercy over all our pastors and ministers.
  9. Father; we thank you for your decision to show us mercy. Romans 9:15-18
  10. Let’s thank God for all the journey mercies He has always granted us.
  11. Let’s thank God for His sustaining mercy throughout the famine and lockdown periods globally.
  12. Thank you, father, for the blood of Jesus that is available to wash us whiter than snow from all our sins. Revelation 7:14
  13. Thank you, father, for the blood of Jesus that speaks better things over our lives. Hebrews 12:24
  14. Thank you, father, for the blood of Jesus that always purges our conscience from dead works to serve the living God. Hebrews 9:14
  15. Thank you, father, for your goodness and mercy that follow us always. Psalm 23:6

JANUARY 11 – 31,2021


I will bless the LORD at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth. My soul shall make her boast in the LORD: the humble shall hear thereof, and be glad. O magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt his name together. Psa 34:1-3

The resultant effects of David’s determination to praise the Lord continually are revealed in Psalm 37:25;

“I have been young, and now I am old…” This statement of David could be quoted as saying “my life was preserved from all agents of death”. He buttressed this point when He said in Psa. 34:19

“Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivereth him out of them all”
By the leading of the Holy Spirit, Our Father-in-the-Lord; the General Overseer- Pastor E. A. Adeboye has declared sixty three days of fasting and prayer in 3 segments of 21 days each. As directed, this first segment is devoted to a high level of thanksgivings and praises unto our God.

No matter the outlook of the immediate past year 2020, we all saw and experienced the goodness of God in a greater dimension. These 21 days will be the meeting point where the created would wholeheartedly bow before their creator in GRATITUDE. God bless you. Amen.

DAY 1 – 11th JANUARY 2021
BIBLE TEXT: Exodus 15:1-21, 2Ki 17:36, 1Ch 16:29
We worship God for who He is. For His creation, power,
majesty, dominion and sovereignty.

  1. Use this day to worship God for Who He is; Who he was, and for what He will forever be
  2. Sing songs of worship in any known language or dialect to acknowledge His power and sovereignty.
  3. Call Him by His names; He is Alpha, Omega, The Wonderful, The Counselor, The Almighty, etc

DAY 2 – 12th JANUARY 2021
BIBLE TEXT: Exodus 15:1-21, 2Ki 17:36, 1Ch 16:29
 We worship God for who He is. For His creation, power,
majesty, dominion and sovereignty.

  1. Continue to worship and praise God; the creator of heavens and earth and for Who He is; Who he was, and for what He will forever be
  2. Reflect on His greatness and worship in songs of worship in any known language or dialect.
  3. Psalm 5:7. But as for me, I will come into thy house in the multitude of thy
    mercy: and in thy fear will I worship toward thy holy temple.
  4. Psalm 22:27. All the ends of the world shall remember and turn unto the LORD: and all the kindreds of the nations shall worship before thee.
  5. Psalm 22:3. But thou art holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel.
  6. Let us adore Him for His great and mighty works in all families of RCCG worldwide. Exo 15:11.
  7. Bless the Lord and praise Him continually for He has done marvelous things for us in RCCG Psalms 34:1

DAY 3 – 13th JANUARY 2021
BIBLE TEXT: Exodus 15:1-21, 2Ki 17:36, 1Ch 16:29
 We praise God for His mighty works. Praise is an expression of respect and gratitude. it can be by singing or making a joyful noise from gladness of heart. Psa 100:1


  1. Continue to worship and praise God; the creator of heavens and earth and for Who He is; Who he was, and for what He will forever be
  2. Reflect on His greatness and worship in songs of worship in any known language or dialect.
  3. Psalm 5:7. But as for me, I will come into thy house in the multitude of thy
    mercy: and in thy fear will I worship toward thy holy temple.
  4. Our God, we praise you because you are gracious in Jesus name. Psa. 116
  5. Our father in heaven, we praise you because you are a righteous God in the name of Jesus. 1 Cor.1:30
  6. Lord we praise you for you are a compassionate God in the name of Jesus. Psa 145:8-9
  7. We praise you for you are a merciful God in the name of Jesus. 2Sam 24:14.
  8. Lord I praise you for your grace that saved us in the name of Jesus. Eph. 2:8
  9. We praise you for creating us in Christ Jesus unto good works in Jesus name. Eph.2:10
  10. We praise you that because our sins are forgiving for mercy sake in Jesus name. Psa 103:3
  11. We praise you for the redemption of our life in the name of Jesus. Psa. 103:4
  12. We praise you Lord for you are great in Jesus name Psa 104:1
  13. Bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me, bless His holy name. Psa. 103
  14. Father; You are worthy of our praise. I give you all the glory due to your name
  15. Let us count our blessings and thank God for His goodness and mercies towards us and our family and all families in RCCG. Psalms 23:6
  16. Thank and praise the Almighty God who has not allowed the evils of our
    backgrounds to drag us to the ground.
  17. Thank God for being our shield and shelter from the storms of the enemies.
    Psalms 3:3
  18. Let us thank God for many battles He is fighting on our behalf individually, as families and as a Church.
  19. God the father, we bless your name because you are wise and powerful, we will praise you forever and ever in Jesus name. Dan 2:20.
  20. Almighty father God, we will sing and praise you for you are the only one who can rescue the oppressed from the power of evil in the name of Jesus Jer. 20: 3

DAY 4 – 14th JANUARY 2021
BIBLE TEXT: Psa 34:1, 124
 The thoughtful will be thankful, for It is of the Lord’s mercy

  1. Continue to worship and praise God; the creator of heavens and earth and for Who He is; Who he was, and for what He will forever be
  2. Reflect on His greatness and worship in songs of worship in any known language or dialect.
  3. Psalm 5:7. But as for me, I will come into thy house in the multitude of thy mercy: and in thy fear will I worship toward thy holy temple.
  4. Bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me. Bless His Holy name.
    Psa 103: 1
  5. Father; You are worthy of our praise. I give you all the glory due to your name
  6. Thank you because of your mercies and love towards me and my family in Jesus name Psa 138:1-2
  7. Let us bless the name of the Lord. Truly; it has been of the LORD’S mercies that we were not consumed, because his compassions has not failed us. Lam 3:22
  8. Thank you, Lord, for the salvation of my soul. Thank you, father, for the miracle of sleeping and waking every day. Psa 35:23
  9. Thank you, Lord, for I am wonderfully and fearfully made. Psa 139:14
  10. Thank you for giving me overflowing blessing and anointing my head with oil Psa 23:5
  11. Thank you, Lord, for how great you are, we will proclaim and tell of the wonderful
    things you have done in the name of Jesus Psa 75:1
  12. Thank you for your glory and might power that cannot be surmounted in the name of Jesus 1Chro 16:28
  13. Let us praise God for his glorious grace, for the free gift He gives us in his dear son Jesus Christ Eph 1:6
  14. Lord God, we thank you for your salvation, we will sing to you and proclaim your loving kindness day after day in the name of Jesus 1Chro 6:23
  15. Thank you, Lord, for making all the members of my family for your signs and wonders. Isa 8:18
  16. Father, I thank you for keeping every member of my family alive through the
    turbulent of the past year in Jesus name. Eccl 9:4
  17. Father I thank you for divine protection, connection and provision, in Jesus name. Gen 47:12
  18. Father I thank you for divine visitation, healing in Jesus name. Job 10:12
  19. Father, I thank you for delivering me from the hands of devourers in Jesus name. Mal 3:11
  20. Father, I thank you for always granting me and my family journey mercies, in Jesus name. Psa 121: 8

DAY 5 – 15th JANUARY 2021
BIBLE TEXT: 1 Thes 3:1, 5:25, Heb 13:18
 We are encouraged to always pray for our leaders that the word of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified.


  1. Continue to worship and praise God; the creator of heavens and earth and for Who He is; Who he was, and for what He will forever be
  2. Reflect on His greatness and worship in songs of worship in any known language or dialect
  3. But as for me, I will come into thy house in the multitude of thy mercy: and in thy fear will I worship toward thy holy temple. Psalm 5:7.
  4. Bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me, bless His holy name. Psa. 103
  5. Father; You are worthy of our praise. I give you all the glory due to your name
  6. Let us bless the name of the Lord for the obedience of Late Pa. Josiah Akindayomi and Pastor E.A. Adeboye, to the voice of the God who called them.
  7. Let us thank God for the manifestation of Signs and Wonders since the
    establishment of RCCG.
  8. Father God we thank you for the lives of Daddy and Mummy G.O. the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God in Jesus name Psa.34:1-3
  9. Thank you for chosen them, please continues to be their God in the name of Jesus. Psa 33:12
  10. Oh Lord, we thank you for your protection over them Isa.41:10
  11. Lord, thank you because you are fighting every battle of their lives. Exo.14:14
  12. Lord God almighty, we thank you for giving them victory in every area of their life. 1 John 5:6
  13. Gracious Lord, we thank you for prospering your work in their hands Psalm 68, 118:19
  14. Father Lord, thank you because you will complete the work you have started in their lives in Jesus name Phi 1:6
  15. Thank you, Lord, for answering their prayers and may you continue to always answer their prayers in Jesus name 1 Kings 8:28
  16. Father Lord, we thank you that all you have released into their hands will never be taken away by the enemies and they will end strong in the name of Jesus. John 6:37
  17. Lord, we thank you for long life and prosperity for daddy and mummy G.O, in Jesus name. Psalm 91:16
  18. Father, I thank you for delivering them from the hands of devourers in Jesus
    name. Malachi 3:11
  19. Father, I thank you for always granting them journey mercies, in Jesus name. Psalm 121: 8
  20. Father; we thank you for the multiplication of your grace upon their lives, ministry and family.

DAY 6 – 16th JANUARY 2021
BIBLE TEXT: Psa 31:19: 2 Thes 3:1, Heb 13:18
 We are encouraged to always pray for our leaders that the word of the Lord may have free course and be glorified. Pray that; they may
have good conscience in all things and be willing to live honestly.


  1. Continue to worship and praise God; the creator of heavens and earth and for Who He is; Who he was, and for what He will forever be
  2. Reflect on His greatness and worship in songs of worship in any known language or dialect
  3. I will come into thy house in the multitude of thy mercy: and in thy fear will I worship toward thy holy temple.Psalm 5:7.
  4. Bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me, bless His holy name. Psalm 103
  5. Father; You are worthy of our praise. I give you all the glory due to your name
  6. Thank God for His church marching forward in Nigeria and the world over.
  7. Thank God for favour being granted to RCCG in Nigeria and the world over.
  8. Thank God for preservation of life of church workers and ministers particularly in gospel resistant terrains, Acts 17:5
  9. Thank God for the lives of all our leaders in RCCG at all levels in all Nations.
  10. Father; we thank you for your beloved ministers; we thank you for your call upon their life in Jesus name.
  11. Father; we thank You, knowing that you will guide them to finish well and strong in Jesus name
  12. Father; We thank You that they will be strengthened and empowered for the task ahead in Jesus name.
  13. Father, we thank You for how You have been strengthening him and empowering them for greater works in Jesus name. John 14:12
  14. Father; We thank You that that Your word in their mouth has not falling to the ground in Jesus name, 1 Sam 3:19
  15. Father, we thank You that You have not allowed separation between you and Your ministers
  16. Let us thank God for the wisdom the Lord has granted our leaders in the running of the Church worldwide.
  17. Father; We thank You that for being merciful unto us and our leaders in any area that we have fallen short of Your glory Proverbs 28:13
  18. Father; We thank You that our Church Leaders are examples of wisdom, victory and power of God in all nations.
  19. We thank You for Granting them victory and power to speak God’s word with boldness.
  20. Father; We thank You for the fulfillment of your counsel of health and healings concerning our Church leaders and their families. John11:4

DAY 7- 17th JANUARY 2021
BIBLE TEXT: Act 11:26
 The Church is the group of people that are redeemed by the blood of Jesus, the believers in Jesus Christ, the representative of Jesus upon this earth.


  1. Continue to worship and praise God; the creator of heavens and earth and for Who He is; Who he was, and for what He will forever be
  2. Reflect on His greatness and worship in songs of worship in any known language or dialect
  3. Psalm 5:7. But as for me, I will come into thy house in the multitude of thy
    mercy: and in thy fear will I worship toward thy holy temple.
  4. Bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me, bless His holy name. Psalm 103
  5. Father; You are worthy of our praise. I give you all the glory due to your name
  6. Father we thank you for the Church and the gathering of your Saints in the name of Jesus.
  7. Thank you, Lord, because the Church is still standing and the gate has no power to prevail over her. Matthew 16:18
  8. Thank you, Lord, for given the Church the keys of David, that whenever we
    decree a thing it comes to pass in Jesus name. Matt 16:19 , Isa 22:22
  9. Lord, we thank you for the open doors you’ve given unto Church to expand all over the world in Jesus name. Acts 16:5.
  10. Gracious God, we thank you for your overflowing generosity to your Church
    Deut. 28:6
  11. Lord we thank you for how you’ve been using your Church to put joy in the life of many through evangelism. 2 Cor. 4:15
  12. Thank you, Lord, for your peace despite the challenges your Church has been facing with. Jn. 14:2, Col. 3:15, Ezek. 37:26,
  13. Thank you, Lord, for the victory you always give to your Church without a fight. 1 Corinthians 15:57
  14. Thank you for your faithfulness over the Church that is new every morning. Lamentations 3:23
  15. Thank you, Lord, for keeping the Church alert and watching in prayer in the
    name of Jesus Colossians 4:2
  16. Father God thank you for the revival in the Church in the name of Jesus Psalm 85:6
  17. Thank God very sincerely for His faithfulness in the past monthly and special programs at home and abroad.
  18. Thank Him for all the prophecies being fulfilled and prayers already answered.
  19. Thank God for His provision for the RCCG mission
  20. Please, thank God for His divine support resulted in the growth being witnessed globally.

DAY 8 – 18th JANUARY 2021
BIBLE TEXT(S): Psalms 136: 1 – END,

Thanksgiving is the art of giving thanks to God. This is an expression of gratitude for God’s goodness and mercies that we enjoy personally and in our families.


  1. Bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me, bless His holy name. Psa. 103
  2. Our God, we praise you because of your mighty works in Jesus name. Matt 13:54
  3. Our God, we praise your name, you are gracious in Jesus name. Psa. 116
  4. Our father in heaven, we praise you because you are a righteous God in the name of Jesus. 1 Cor.1:30
  5. Lord we praise you for you are a compassionate God in the name of Jesus. Psa 145:8-9
  6. Father, I thank you for your mercy that brought salvation for me and my family, in Jesus name. Psalms 136:1.
  7. Father; I thank You for the salvation of my soul and my family members by your grace in Jesus name Eph 2:8.
  8. Father, I thank You for your mercy and favour over the elders in our families in the past years in Jesus name
  9. Father, I thank You for Your mercy and favour over men who are the heads of our families in the past years in Jesus name
  10. Father, I thank You for Your goodness over me and my family in the past years in Jesus name
  11. Father, I thank You for Your mercy and favour over our women in our families in the past years in Jesus name
  12. Father; I thank You for renewing Your mercies every morning over my life, in Jesus name. Lamentation 3:22.
  13. Father; I thank for Your favour that enables our men to provide for their families in the past years in Jesus name.
  14. Father; I thank you for your mercy that broke the yoke of bareness in the lives of our women in Jesus name.
  15. Father I thank you for your mercy that made our women to deliver safely in our families in the past years in Jesus name
  16. Father I thank you for your mercy over our youth in Jesus name.
  17. Father I thank you for favour that enables our youth to get good jobs in line with their carriers in Jesus Name.
  18. Father, I thank you for your mercy and favour that delivered me and my family from the hands of devourers in Jesus name. Mal 3:11
  19. Father; I thank you for your mercy and favour over our children in our families in Jesus Name.
  20. Father; I thank for Your mercy and favour that will continue to abide with me and my family in this new year in Jesus Name.

DAY 9 – 19th JANUARY 2021
BIBLE TEXT(S):1 Samuel 11:1 – 11.

There are situations that bring a man to his wits end and only divine intervention brings lasting solution. Many of us have experience such and we need to thank God for it.


  1. Bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me, bless His holy name. Psa. 103
  2. Our God, we praise you because of your migthy works in Jesus name. Matt 13:54
  3. Our God, we praise your name, you are gracious in Jesus name. Psa. 116
  4. Our father in heaven, we praise you because you are a righteous God in the name of Jesus. 1 Cor.1:30
  5. Lord we praise you for you are a compassionate God in the name of Jesus. Psa 145:8-9
  6. Father; I thank You for your intervention that delivered me from the kingdom of darkness in Jesus Name.
  7. Father, I thank your intervention that delivered me from the power of sin in Jesus Name.
  8. Father, I thank you for your intervention that terminate loneliness in the lives of our marriageable youths in Jesus name.
  9. Father, we thank you for your intervention that helped our children to secure admission into higher schools of learning in Jesus Name.
  10. Father, we thank you for your intervention that broke the yoke of bareness in all our families in Jesus Name.
  11. Father, we thank you for your intervention that saw our women through all complication in giving birth in Jesus Name.
  12. Father, thank you for your intervention that delivered us from poverty and WASTAGES in Jesus Name.
  13. Father, we thank you for your intervention that prevented civil war in my nation in Jesus name
  14. Father, I thank you for your intervention that prevented occurrence of natural disaster in all our nations in Jesus name.
  15. Father, we thank you for your intervention that drove back insurgency in my nation in Jesus Name.
  16. Father, I thank you for your intervention in the economy of my nation in Jesus Name.
  17. Father, I thank you for your intervention that delivered us from Vivid 19 pandemic last year in Jesus Name.
  18. Father, we thank you for your intervention that prevented protests from turning to war in many countries last year in Jesus Name
  19. Father, we thank you for your intervention that prevented many natural disasters in many nations last year in Jesus Name.
  20. Father, we thank you for your intervention that we will continue to enjoy in this new year in Jesus Name.

DAY 10 – 20th JANUARY 2021
BIBLE TEXT(S):MARK 16: 15 – 18

Our Lord Jesus left a clear instruction that we should go to the whole world to win souls and baptize them. This program for winning souls or crusade is called let’s go-a-Fishing in Redeemed Christian Church of God and we need to thank God for the success so far.


  1. Bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me, bless His holy name. Psa. 103
  2. Our God, we praise you because of your mighty works in Jesus name. Matt 13:54
  3. Our God, we praise your name, you are gracious in Jesus name. Psa. 116
  4. Our father in heaven, we praise you because you are a righteous God in the name of Jesus. 1 Cor.1:30
  5. Lord we praise you for you are a compassionate God in the name of Jesus. Psa 145:8-9
  6. Father, we thank you for the privilege to win souls into your kingdom in Jesus Name.
  7. Father, we thank you for your spirit that enabled us to win souls in the past crusades in Jesus Name.
  8. Father, we thank you because the gate of hell has never prevented us from winning souls for the kingdom in Jesus Name.
  9. Father, we thank you for those strategies we have adopted and they worked for us in Jesus Name.
  10. Father, I thank you for establishing the souls that are won in the past crusades in Jesus Name.
  11. Father, we thank you for open heaven at the locations of past let’s go -a-fishing programs in Jesus Name.
  12. Father, we thank you for signs and wonders at all past crusades in Jesus Name.
  13. Father, we thank you for diverse healings in all our past crusades in Jesus Name.
  14. Father, we thank you for all the departments that worked tirelessly for the success of those crusades in Jesus Name.
  15. Father, we thank you for the zeal of our workforce in winning souls at these
    crusades in Jesus Name.
  16. We thank you Lord for convincing the sinners yourselves in Jesus Name.
  17. Father we thank you for souls that were saved in their thousands in the past
    crusades in Jesus Name.
  18. Father, we thank you for the signs and wonders that follow our youth as the
    embarked-on soul winning exercises in Jesus Name.
  19. Father, we thank you because no one of these new converts will ever go back to sin in Jesus Name.
  20. Daddy, we are thanking you because more souls shall be won in subsequent let go-a-fishing in Jesus Name.

DAY 11 – 21st JANUARY 2021
BIBLE TEXT: 1 Cor. 12:8-10

Miracles are the uncommon happenings, the impossible with man but possible with God, the gift God gave to his children for edification of the church. 1 Cor. 12:8-10


  1. Bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me, bless His holy name. Psa. 103
  2. Our God, we praise you because of your mighty works in Jesus name. Matt 13:54
  3. Our God, we praise your name, you are gracious in Jesus name. Psa. 116
  4. Our father in heaven, we praise you because you are a righteous God in the name of Jesus. 1 Cor.1:30
  5. Lord we praise you for you are a compassionate God in the name of Jesus. Psa 145:8-9
  6. Lord God of heaven, I thank you for the power you have given to me to partake of the miracles, signs and wonders in the name of Jesus. Mark 16: 17 -18
  7. Thank you, Lord, for making miracle signs, signs and wonders in the name of Jesus. Mark 16:17
  8. Daddy we thank you that no power could stop my miracle just as the grave could not stop Jesus in the name of Jesus. Joel 2:8
  9. Daddy, we thank you for open heaven that produced miracle signs and wonders in the church in Jesus Name.
  10. Father, I thank you for making me and my family for signs and wonder in the land of the living in Jesus name.
  11. Father, we thank you because What hindered others from greatness could not hinder us because of your miracles in Jesus Name.
  12. Father, we thank you for the impossible that you have made possible in your church in Jesus Name.
  13. Father, we thank you for the miracle healings your children enjoy in RCCG in Jesus Name.
  14. Father, we thank you for miracle jobs that your children got from time to time in Jesus Name.
  15. Father, we thank you for miracle babies that terminate bareness in the family of your children in Jesus Name.
  16. Father, we thank you for whipping away Every handwritten of ordinances that was against your children in RCCG in Jesus name. Colossians 2:14
  17. Father we thank you for the miraculous way RCCG expands into all nations of the world in Jesus Name.
  18. Daddy, I thank you for making it impossible for the enemies to stop the expansion of your church in Jesus Name.
  19. Father, we thank you for rooting up all evils programmed into our foundation’s in Jesus Name. Jeremiah 1:10
  20. Father, I thank you for the unprecedented progress that you church is experiencing in all nations of the world in Jesus Name.

DAY 12 – 22nd JANUARY 2021
BIBLE TEXT: Joel 2:25

All men desire restoration of all good things they have lost in the past. Only God can restore the wasted years, seasons and opportunities and we will praise Him for that.


  1. Bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me, bless His holy name. Psa. 103
  2. Our God, we praise you because of your migthy works in Jesus name. Matt 13:54
  3. Our God, we praise your name, you are gracious in Jesus name. Psa. 116
  4. Our father in heaven, we praise you because you are a righteous God in the name of Jesus. 1 Cor.1:30
  5. Lord we praise you for you are a compassionate God in the name of Jesus. Psa 145:8-9
  6. Father, we thank you for restoration of peace into my nation in Jesus name.
  7. Father, we thank you for restoring the economy of my nation in Jesus name.
  8. Father, we thank you for restoring those students kidnapped in various part of Nigeria last year in Jesus Name.
  9. Daddy, we thank you for restoring peace to our families in Jesus Name.
  10. Father, we thank you for restoration in our educational sectors in my country in Jesus Name.
  11. Father, we thank you because our power sector in my country is experiencing restoration in Jesus Name.
  12. Father, we thank you because our commerce is coming out of the wood and
    there shall be progress in all areas in Jesus Name.
  13. Father, we thank you for peace and harmony that reigns in many homes in your church in Jesus Name.
  14. Father, we thank you for restoring your church to position of authority again in Jesus Name.
  15. Father, we thank you for restoring the focus of our youths from crime to
    honourable effective works in Jesus Name.
  16. Father, we thank you for restoring the spirit of prayer into your church again in Jesus Name.
  17. Father, we thank you for restoring peace in all, the troubled zones all over my nation in Jesus name.
  18. Father, thank you for restoring social values into our youth in Jesus Name.
  19. Father, we thank you because the economy of my nation will continue to improve in Jesus Name.
  20. Father, we thank you for restoring your fear into your church in Jesus Name.

DAY 13 – 23rd JANUARY 2021
BIBLE TEXT: Exodus 23:25, Exodus 15: 26

Healing means restoration of health to the sick and restoration of orderliness to disorderly situations. It takes the touch of God to experience healing and we will thank him for this.


  1. Bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me, bless His holy name. Psa. 103
  2. Our God, we praise you because of your migthy works in Jesus name. Matt 13:54
  3. Our God, we praise your name, you are gracious in Jesus name. Psa. 116
  4. Our father in heaven, we praise you because you are a righteous God in the name of Jesus. 1 Cor.1:30
  5. Lord we praise you for you are a compassionate God in the name of Jesus. Psa 145:8-9
  6. Daddy, we thank you for the blood of Jesus that heal our soulish wounds in Jesus Name,
  7. Father, we thank you for the stripe of Jesus that heals our body in Jesus Name.
  8. Father, we thank you for your touch that we enjoy at any program in Jesus Name.
  9. Father, we thank you for the life of holiness that your children lives because of the constant touch they got at every service in Jesus Name.
  10. Father, we thank you for healing the sick by your stripes in Jesus Name.
  11. Father, we thank you for healing our families of all forms of social sicknesses in Jesus Name.
  12. Father, we thank you for your touch that restores harmony into those families that are at the verge of divorce in Jesus Name.
  13. Father, we thank you for blessing our bread and our water in Jesus Name.
  14. Father, we thank you for your touch that restored the intelligence of some of our children in Jesus Name.
  15. Daddy, we thank you for healing our women of cancers in Jesus Name.
  16. We thank you LORD, for healing our elders of those sicknesses common with aged People in Jesus Name.
  17. Father we thank you for healing our People of Covid 19 pandemic in Jesus Name.
  18. Father, we thank you for taking all these sicknesses away from us as you have promised in Jesus Name.
  19. Father, we thank you for keeping sickness away from our children in Jesus Name. 20.Father, we thank you because our healings are permanent in Jesus Name.
  20. Father, we thank you because our healings are permanent in Jesus Name.

DAY 14 – 24th JANUARY 2021
BIBLE TEXT: Exodus 23:25, 2kings 2:21

God demonstrate His power among His children to deliver them from bondages and to make us the envy of our peers. We need to thank God for this.


  1. Bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me, bless His holy name. Psa. 103
  2. Our God, we praise you because of your migthy works in Jesus name. Matt 13:54
  3. Our God, we praise your name, you are gracious in Jesus name. Psa. 116
  4. Our father in heaven, we praise you because you are a righteous God in the name of Jesus. 1 Cor.1:30
  5. Lord we praise you for you are a compassionate God in the name of Jesus. Psa 145:8-9
  6. Father, we thank you for your power that remain the same in Jesus Name.
  7. Father, we thank you for your power that gave us victory over our enemies in Jesus Name.
  8. Father, we thank you for the power in the blood of Jesus that broke all curses in our lives in Jesus name.
  9. Father, we thank you for your power that brings transformations in the lives of our people in Jesus Name.
  10. Father, we thank you because your power gave us victory over the kingdom of darkness in Jesus Name.
  11. Father, we thank you for your power that shied your pastors from all forms of demonic attaches in Jesus Name
  12. Father, we thank you for the provision that is keeping your church going in Jesus Name.
  13. Daddy, we thank you because as we behold your glory, we are transformed from glory to glory in Jesus name.
  14. Daddy, we thank you for special miracles that we enjoy in Jesus Name. 15.Father, we thank you for your power that gave us dominion over sickness in Jesus Name.
  15. Father, we thank you for the power for conception and safe delivery that we enjoy always in Jesus Name.
  16. Daddy, we thank you for given us mouth and word that our adversaries cannot gain say or resist in Jesus Name.
  17. Father, we thank you because your power has delivered us from the bondage of the evil ounces.
  18. Father, we thank you for the revelation of the kingdom that we enjoy always in Jesus Name.
  19. Father, we thank you because by your power, we shall resurrect on the last day in Jesus Name.

DAY 15 – 25th JANUARY 2021
BIBLE TEXT: 2Th 1:2, 2Th 3:16, Joh14:27

Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. John 14:27.
The peace that last only comes from God and we need to appreciate him for His peace we are enjoying in all our nations, lands, homes, families, churches, e.t.c


  1. Our God, we praise you because of your mighty works in Jesus name. Matt 13:54
  2. Our God, we praise your name, you are gracious in Jesus name. Psa. 116
  3. Our father in heaven, we praise you because you are a righteous God in the name of Jesus. 1 Cor.1:30
  4. Lord we praise you for you are a compassionate God in the name of Jesus. Psa 145:8-9
  5. Father; we thank you for the relative peace that the nations of the world are enjoying now in Jesus name.
  6. Father, we thank you for your peace that will reign in all our nations, all over the world, in Jesus name.
  7. Let us thank God for the ongoing peace-making missions and activities taking place over the world
  8. Father we thank you for eradicating anti peace agent in our nations.
  9. Father we thank you because the peace in our nations will last longer.
  10. Father we thank you for bringing the peace to all the warring and trouble sections in our nations
  11. Father we thank you for not allowing the desire of the enemy against the peace of our Nation from coming past
  12. Father we thank you for accepting our sacrifice of praise and worship to you in our nation
  13. Father we thank you for making the church an agent of peace in our nation
  14. Let us thank God for giving our leaders the way out of troubles and pandemonium in our nations.
  15. Father we thank you for all the military formations and other security apparatus you are using to bring peace into our nations
  16. Father we thank you for all the priceless peace I am enjoying in my life.
  17. Father thank you for making my joy to be full and your peace ruling our hearts, Col 3:15
  18. Father we thank you for your peace like a river in my home and family
  19. Father thank you for your peace in my home and life like no man can give.
  20. Take time to thank God for personal reasons on all the peace of God you have enjoyed so far.

DAY 16- 26th JANUARY 2021
BIBLE TEXT: 2 Chro 20:17-23

Permanent victories are only possible with God. To maintain the past victories and to get new ones, we need to thank the mighty one of Israel that has been fighting the battles and wars on our behalf.


  1. Let take time to sing and thank God for all the victories the Lord has brought into our lives since we are birthed into this world.
  2. Father I thank you for all victories over household and familiar enemies
  3. Father I thank you for all the victories you won for me while sleeping and when I am weak.
  4. Father thank you for all the victories over all visible and invisible battles.
  5. Father I thank for all sweatless victories over all forms of afflictions and troubles in Jesus name.
  6. Let us thank Godfor all the victories that the blood of Jesus has brought to us.
  7. Let us thank God for the victories of all battles we have won in the name of Jesus the son of God.
  8. Father we thank you because you will not allow any battles that we can not
    overcome to come to us.
  9. Father we thank you for victories over generational battles in our families and homes.
  10. Father we thank you victories over inherited and genetic battles. 11.Father we thank you for victories over health-related battles.
  11. Father we thank you for victories over all financial battles.
  12. Father we thank you for victories over all battles you fought yourself for us.
  13. Father we thank you over all battles we used our hands to bring into our lives.
  14. Oh Lord we thank you for keeping us alive all days of the years.
  15. Thank God for victories over personal battles that is known between you and God alone.

DAY 17 – 27th JANUARY 2021
BIBLE TEXT: Mic 2:6, Joe 2:28

RCCG is a church that believed in prophecies and has been benefiting from it. We need to rise and thank God for showing us his plan and desires through prophecies.


  1. Let take time to sing and thank God for all the fulfilment of past, Individual, Global, National and Church prophecies.
  2. Father we thank you for making RCCG a church of prophecies fulfilment.
  3. Father we bless you name for not allowing the devil to abort the fulfilment of prophecies in RCCG
  4. Father we thank you for making your son, Pastor E.A. Adeboye a prophet to many nations.
  5. Father we thank you because you did not allow the word of the mouth of your son, Pastor EA. Adeboye to fall to the ground. 1Sam 3:19
  6. Father we thank you for speaking to us inRCCG in the language that we understand.
  7. Father we thank you from not hiding you plans and intentions from us in RCCG
  8. Father we thank you because you made the RCCG a church to all nations.
  9. Let us thank God that prophecies in RCCG are not man made but Holy Spirit inspired.
  10. Brethren all us raise our voice in worship, praise and thanksgiving for edifying prophecies from RCCG to all and sundry globally.
  11. Let us thank God for disgracing every anti-prophesy fulfilment agents in our lives.
  12. Let us thank God that in RCCG, God is not a man that lied.
  13. Father we thank you for divine direction and guidance through your prophecies to us every year
  14. Father we thank you because of the growth we have experienced due to genuine prophecies that comes to past early in RCCG.
  15. Father we thank you for making RCCG a delightsome land to all nations, Mal 3:12 16.Thank God for every individual prophecies fulfilled in your life.

DAY 18 – 28th JANUARY 2021
BIBLE TEXT: Deu 8:18, Psa 112:3, Pro 10:22

Beloved its God wish that you and I prospered and he has been doing this in our homes, lives and churches, so its high time we thanked him for all the financial breakthroughs the good Lord has done in our time.


  1. Let take time to sing and thank God for all financial breakthroughs we have experienced so far in RCCG
  2. Father thank you for making way out financially for your Church and my family.
  3. Father thank you for proofing to the church and my family that only you has the power to make wealth. Deu 8:18
  4. Father we thank you for your desire to bless us financially this year. 1 John1:2
  5. Let us thank God for all the business decisions that has ended in financial
    breakthroughs. Prov 14:12
  6. Father I thank you for delivering me from the hands of devourers, in Jesus name
  7. Father I thank you for divine connection, in Jesus name.
  8. Father I thank you for timely financial interventions in my life.
  9. Let us thank God for financial open doors for the church and our families.
  10. Let us thank God for financial breakthrough over the building of the 3x3km
  11. Brethren thank God for financial dominion over all areas of your life.
  12. Father thank you for teaching our hands to make profit. Isa 48:17
  13. Father we thank you for disgracing and silencing the enemy of prosperity in
    your church.
  14. Father we thank you for all the ministerial helpers you have raise for your son, Pastor EA. Adeboye. Exo 17:12
  15. Father thank you for making your church to reap the riches of the gentile in this our time. Isa 61:6

DAY 19- 29th JANUARY 2021
BIBLE TEXT: Acts 14:21, Rom 15:20, Mar 16:16-18

Our vision as a church is to make heaven and take as many as possible along and sincerely God has been helping us in this task and we need to arise and thank him for all he has used His church for, in soul wining.


  1. Let take time to sing and thank God for all breakthrough we have experience in evangelism and soul winning so far in RCCG.
  2. Father we bless your name for making RCCG, an agent of drawing men unto yourself
  3. Father we thank you for the success recorded in all our go-a-fishing outreach programs
  4. Father we thank you for all the financial provisions for our evangelism programs
  5. Father we thank you for grace to break new grounds globally in the area of
    evangelism and soul winning
  6. Father we thank you for the divine direction and empowerment to win difficult areas and land to Christ Jesus.
  7. Father thank you for binding every territorial powers working against the success of our evangelism outreach programs
  8. Father we thank you for wining strong and fearful men of communities to your side during our evangelism outreaches.
  9. Father we thank you for raising rugged and sold to Christ evangelical ministers in RCCG
  10. Father we thank you for making all the fruits of our evangelism outreaches and programs to abide and remain on your side.
  11. Father thank you for the financial support to reach out to the unreached in our nations.
  12. Father we thank you for the Holy Spirit empowered growth in RCCG.
  13. Father we thank you for making soul wining the ministerial heart beat in RCCG 14.Father we thank you for all the signs and wonders that followed all our evangelical outreaches and programs, Mar 16:18
  14. Father we thank you for all the souls won during the Annual Convention, Holy Ghost Congress and Services and other special programs.

DAY 20 – 30th JANUARY 2021
BIBLE TEXT: Psa 55:6, Isa 40:31, Jer 48:40

Brethren we already flying high by the power of the most high God, we need to appreciate the one that has mounted us with wings to fly like eagles. The one that has lifted us in His hands above all situations


  1. Let take time to sing and thank God for the grace and empowerment to fly above all situations and circumstances
  2. Father we declare that we love you, we declare our everlasting love for you.
  3. All glory, glory, glory to the Lord, Hosanna, hosanna,Hosanna, blessed be thy name of the Lord, Hosanna, hosanna, Hosanna, blessed be thy name of the Lord,
  4. Father we thank you for the success of the last Holy Ghost congress, “Its time to fly”.
  5. We thank God for releasing divine wings to fly above all sickness, troubles,
    shames, debts, afflictions in Jesus name.
  6. Father we thank you for ability to soar above trouble waters.
  7. Father thank you for making us divine high flyer in all areas of my life in Jesus name
  8. Father we thank you for grace to be above and never at the bottom any more
  9. Father we thank you for grace to fly when others are crawling.
  10. Father we thank you for the grace to fly when others are walking.
  11. Let us arise and thank God for carrying us in his hand above all our troubles
  12. Let us thank God for giving his angels charge over us and our families.
  13. Let us thank God for taking us to a height that our qualifications, connections, family name, might and experience could not take us.
  14. Let us thank God for taking us high above the reach of the enemies.
  15. Father we thank you for making RCCG a divine flying church

DAY 21 – 31st JANUARY 2021
BIBLE TEXT: Prov 10:22, 1Sam 2:7, Deu30:19-20

God is the only one that can bless a man. He has been blessing both the old and the young in RCCG. In fact, he started the year with a pronouncement of blessing “God Bless You”. The best way to get more of his blessing this year is to thank him more.


  1. Let take time to sing and thank God for all his blessings and prosperity we have been enjoying as a church, family, nation and individual.
  2. Thank God for the blessings of Abraham that you have enjoyed over time. Gen 28:4, Gal 3:4.
  3. Thank God for making you a candidate of blessing this year and beyond.
  4. Thank God for the uncommon blessings you have been enjoying in the name of our Lord Jesus.
  5. Let us thank God for blessing us beyond our imagination and expectations.
  6. Thank God for destroying the power of poverty in your family and lives.
  7. Thank God for making you a blessing to others.
  8. Let us praise and thank God for opening his flood gate of heaven to us.
  9. Let us thank God for making us to fly above financial difficulties by blessing us abundantly
  10. Thank God for opening a new chapter of divine blessings to you this year.
  11. Thank God for clothing you with His garment of blessings.
  12. Thank God for replacing all curses in your life with blessings.
  13. Thank God for blessing you and your household. 2Sam 7:29
  14. Thank God for blessings you without sorrows or any repercussions.
  15. Thank God for all the packages of divine blessings he has for you this year

RCCG 63 Days Of Fasting and Prayer Points 2021 will be updated daily…

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