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Let’s lift our hands to the Almighty God and begin to bless His Holy Name.

Give Him Glory, give Him Honour, give Him Adoration. Bless the King of kings and Lord of lords; the Ancient of Days, the Holy One of Israel; The Unchangeable Changer, the Alpha, the Omega, the Beginning, the Ending, the One Who was, the One Who is, the One Who is to come, the Almighty!

Worship the Wonderful, Counselor, the Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. The Rock of Ages, the Maker, the Repairer, the Potter, the One Who can make and Unmake, the One Who breathed and the Red Sea Parted, the One Who spoke and darkness gave way to Light, the One Who drown Pharoah and all his host in the Red Sea.

Give Him Glory, give Him Honour, give Him Adoration.

Thank You Father! Glory be to Your Holy Name. Thank You Lord.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Worshiped – Amen.


  1. The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob,
    Jehovah, the Man of War,
    Your Mercy endureth for ever and ever;
    Oh Bless His Holy Name (Hallelujah)!
  2. We lift Your Name (Higher)
    We lift Your Name (Higher)
    We lift Your Name (Higher)
    We lift Your Name (Higher)

Also Read: Open Heaven 12 December 2021 –Topic: COMPLY WITH THE WORD 


Father we worship You! King of kings and Lord of lords we worship You, Ancient of Days we worship You.

We Thank You for all what you did last Night; we Thank You again for what You are going to do tonight. Glory be to Your Holy Name!

Please, once again in the lives of all Your Children, give us Abundant Evidence that The Siege is Over.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Let someone shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!

And if you have a neighbour near you wherever you are now or reading this Message on the Label of DMC (all over the world); turn out to two (2) or three (3) of them and tell them – THE SIEGE IS OVER!

Again I have Good News for Somebody – The Lord asked me to tell the Fellow: It doesn’t matter how you felt this morning, The Siege is Over (Amen).

Tonight we want to discuss the fact that – THE SIEGE OVER YOUR RESOURCES ARE OVER!

My Text would be from Galatians 3:13-14:

13 Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree:

14 That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith.

When a City is besieged, the number one goal of the enemy is to attack your Resources.

Because the People in the City cannot go out to farm or trade, they begin to eat whatever is left in the City until there is no food left.

Then they have to make a choice – Either to surrender or die.

And that is why I am Decreeing straightaway that: Every attack on your Resources would be destroyed tonight – Amen.

When People run out of money, they can do some unbelievable things – Some will kill, some will steal, some can even consider suicide.

The number one target of the enemy is your Resources, so as to drive you into something that you won’t even dream you could do.

And I want to say again: In the Name that is above every other names, whatever has been attacking your Resources will be crushed tonight – Amen.

There are certain things I would love to share with you tonight. I would try and be as brief as Possible; so that we too can Pray.

Probably the most important Point is that – THE GOD WE SERVE IS SOVEREIGN.

Psalms 115:3 says: Our God is in the Heavens, He does as he Pleases.

The God I serve is Sovereign, He is the Original Majesty, He does whatever Pleases Him. He is Higher than the highest, He is Stronger than the strongest; above everyone else.

No matter how ‘HIGH’ you think you are, He will tell you that Heaven is His Throne and the Earth is His footstool.

So, no matter how high your Throne, your Throne is still under His feet – That’s my Father!

I need to make this one clear, so that by the time we finish you will know that those who think you are going to die Poor are in for a Surprise- Amen.

You remember the Story of those four (4) boys that I told you long ago – One the son of the President, one the son of his Doctor, one the son of a Witch Doctor (a Herbalist) and the other was the son of a Messenger.

You know children, it doesn’t matter how rich their father is, they Play together. And when boys are together talking, you can be sure they are discussing their father.

The first one said: My father is the highest.

They asked him why? – And he said: “My father is the President – he is the Number one man”.

The Second one said: No! My father is your father’s Doctor. If he commands your father to stay in bed for one week, your father must obey!

The third one said: “My father is higher than all your fathers. He is a Witch Doctor, he can kill your fathers in their sleep without touching them”.

The fourth one said: “My father is the Highest of all”.

They all looked at him and said: “We know your father, he is a Messenger”.

He said No! “You don’t know my Father. My father cannot only kill, He can raise the dead. I am not talking of the Father here, I am talking of the Lord Jesus Christ”.

… That is the GOD I am introducing you to tonight!

Would you put your hands together for Him.

HE DOES AS HE PLEASES – The only thing that matters to God is His Pleasure.

Like I told you yesterday, in Revelation 4:11 – He made All Things for His Pleasure: Including you, including Silver, Gold – He said so in Haggai 2:8: “The Silver is Mine, the Gold is Mine.”

So don’t come and tell Him you are rich – He would tell you: “I Am Richer than the richest, what I gave you came from Me.” He owns the cattle upon a thousand hills – That’s what He said in Psalms 50:10.

Everything He does is for His Pleasure. Anything that does not Please Him, He doesn’t allow – That’s Good News!

How is that Good News?

The Bible tells us that this God has Pleasure in your Prosperity – Your Prosperity Pleases God. And whatever Pleases Him, He will do.

So I am decreeing even on the basis of that alone, that you are going to Prosper – Amen.

Now, as Mighty as this God is – Who can do anything He likes; the God you can’t query, you can’t sue Him. You didn’t elect Him and so He is not looking for Re-election.

If you know how to approach Him (take Note of that) you can get anything you want from Him.

The Bible says in Daniel 11:32B – They that do know their God shall be Strong and do Exploits.

The Bible says (as difficult as this may be to believe) that you can even Command Him.

Isaiah 45:11 made it clear – He Himself said so “concerning the work or my hand, command ye me.”

So you can Place a Command on the All-sufficient God – You can say it with all boldness that: From tonight onwards, the word Poverty will no longer be in my dictionary.

… All you have to do is Please Him.

Also Read: Open Heaven 11 December 2021 –Topic: HEARKEN’TO THE VOICE OF WISDOM 



I told us yesterday – You must have Faith like that of a child.

Hebrews 11:6 says: “Without Faith, it is impossible to Please God.”

What does that mean?

With Faith God is Pleased. And He does whatever Pleases Him.

With Faith, He invites you into His Club – The Club of the Almighty.

Mark 9:23 says: It is only if you can believe; All Things are Possible to him that believes – Faith like that of a Child!

Would you believe then like a Child – That in the Mighty Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, that you will no longer suffer Poverty?

… YES, We at DMC Believe!

I will remind you of that kind of Faith in a Story – A Watch Night Service of a Particular Year, God said there was someone in the crowd who was having Problems Paying his house rent. That in the New Year he would become a Landlord.

Only one fellow who was a Messenger in an Office, had enough Faith to believe. He was the only one who said ‘AMEN.’ The others were trying to imagine, “how can that be in Lagos?”

You know the Story – The New Year came, he went to the office, saw the Chairman of his Company – Prostrated (in our usual Custom in the Yoruba Tribe of Nigeria) to greet him.

And that one looked at him and said: “Ha Messenger, have I given you any Christmas Present?” – He said, No Sir!

“Have I given you one for the New year?” – No Sir!

He said: “Well, Lagos State Government was selling some houses, I bid for one and I won. I don’t need it, come and collect the keys”.

You know the Story! – You know how he got to the house and found it to be a Mansion. You know how he returned the following day and went to thank the Chairman, and the Chairman said: “Is there any furniture in the house? The Messenger said No Sir!

The Chairman said: “I change my furniture every Christmas. I don’t know where to put the one from last year yet.

He called a driver and said: “Load the furniture and take it to this boy’s house”.

…Faith like that of a Baby – You know that Story!

I am telling you to let you know that another of my son heard that Testimony – He came to the Holy Ghost Service with all his Goods thrown out of the house to the Streets because he couldn’t pay his House Rent.

And he said: “The God who did that of that Young Man can do my own”.

By the following week he sent me a Picture of the load in the Street and another Picture of a house Someone gave him.

I Decree to Someone here today or reading this Message now on the Label of DMC now: Before the New Year, the Siege Over your Resources are Gone – Amen.

Faith will Please Him; and when He is Pleased He enables you (through that Faith) to move Mountains – Including the Mountain of Poverty.

Because He is Sovereign, because He does what He likes, and nobody can challenge Him; He said in Romans 9:15-18; I will show Mercy to whom I will show Mercy; “I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.”

It also says: “It is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth but of God that shows Mercy”.

The Elders have a saying that: “It is not how much you Struggle that will determine how much you Prosper.” If it is Struggle that determines Success, Prosperity – There some People at the Wharf who carry one bag of cement on the left shoulder and another on the right shoulder, from sunrise till sunset. And there is nothing to show for it.

In the Name of God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, your Years of working like an Elephant and eating like an ant is Over – Amen.

I said: If you know how to approach Him, He says I am Sovereign – I decide who to show Mercy to.

But you can approach Him and tell Him: ‘It is written that blessed are the Merciful for they shall obtain Mercy.”

It means if I show Mercy, then compulsorily Sovereign God you must show mercy to me.


  1. You know the way. You know the Lord Jesus Christ, that He is the Solution to every Problems. And yet you have relatives who are heading straight for hell and you have done nothing to help them; you have done nothing to bring them to the Lord Jesus Christ.

… My question then is: Where is your Mercy?

Some years ago, two (2) Big National Rascals – They were so rascally that everybody knew them (I won’t mention names).

They met here at the Holy Ghost Service. During break one saw the other and said: “You? – You are here too?” The other one said Yes! He asked him “How long have you been coming?” He said “I have been coming for almost six (6) Months”.

The other one turned to Him and said: “You are a Merciless fellow. You discovered the Truth and you kept it from me; yet we are supposed to be friends”.

Some of you have been Born Again now for three (3) Years, you have never brought a Soul to the Almighty God. Where is your Mercy?

“Blessed are the Merciful, for they shall obtain Mercy.”

How do I obtain Mercy?

Proverbs 28:13 – If you confess your sins and forsake them, you will obtain Mercy.

  1. You want to approach this Supreme and Sovereign God, on Whose Mercy your Success depends?

You must CONFESS your sins, you must FORSAKE them.

That’s one way of getting God to do what you want Him to do: Confess your sins, forsake them, don’t Pretend you are a Christian, don’t claim that you are Born Again and continue in your sin.


… Because once I can Please Him, the rest is easy.

  1. When the Lord Jesus Christ was teaching His Disciples to Pray, the first thing he said, “Our father who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy Name.”

What is the next thing He said? THY KINGDOM COME!

What do you do to Please Him?


Jesus said it in another way – Mathew 6:33 – “But seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness; and all these Things will be added unto you.”

How do I Please Him? The work of His Kingdom – Winning Souls, Plants Churches, doing His work, making Him Pleased!

What Jesus was saying is: Stop running after money. Run after the work of God and money will begin to run after you.

Do His work and leave the rest for Him – Everything you can ever need, He will Supply.

… I Pray that God has Anointed your ears, that you are hearing what I am hearing.

Because of you, watch me closely, by now you must have observed that I wasn’t even looking at my Notes.

You know why?

What is coming out of my mouth now is not what I Planned to say. What is coming now is a Message for Somebody here or reading this Message now on the Label of DMC right now – Amen!

I am not looking at my Notes. I have Prepared my Notes, I have Prayed over the Notes. I was ready to say things that will make you jump and clap, and shout! I got here, I opened my mouth, and I am hearing what you are hearing.

…. Let me hear somebody shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!

In 1974, I Prepared my PhD Thesis, I submitted and I travelled to Ilesha (A Town in Osun State Nigeria) for a Crusade. I knew that by January they will call me to come and defend my Thesis. And I was supposed to be busy still Preparing for whatever Question they may ask.

I submitted, I went for a Crusade. My Professor took my Thesis to the External Examiner himself instead of posting it. He bought his own Ticket. He got to the External Examiner and said: “You have to read this thing now, because I am not going until you have read it” And it was a Christmas Period!

The External Examiner said: “I will read at my convenience”.

My Professor said: “Your convenience will determine when I leave”.

Finally, he convinced the External Examiner who read the Thesis. And then turned to him said, “Alright, I have read it. You can go back and give this Boy his PhD”.

My Professor said: “No way! When are you coming for the Oral Exam?” Tell me when you are coming.

The External Examiner said: “I have no questions for this Boy; go and give him his PhD.”

My Professor said, “No! We don’t do it like that in our University”.

He said well, you will do it this time!

My Professor got back, informed the Board. The Board said, “you know the Rules.” He said, I know the rules, but this is what the External Examiner said.

To cut the long Story short, I was busy doing God’s work; God was busy doing my own.

Do you know that there is Someone here or reading this Message now on the Label of DMC that your case is going to be the First One?

Your Breakthrough is going to be a First of a kind!

Your Success is going to lay a Record

Who am I talking to? Let me hear you shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!

… I am telling you what is coming out of my mouth; it’s not in my Notes.

I became the General Overseer at the time when the Church was very Poor. The entire income of the Church was less than one Month of my Salary (where I was coming from). We were Struggling!

And then, because I had served the Government in one form or the other for twenty seven (27) Years, they Paid me Gratuity – It was big sum of money; compared to the situation then.

And I was glad that with this, at least I can manage till the Church grows.

And all of a sudden I remembered; “I am no longer my own”.

I told you yesterday (Day 2 Evening Session) – The reason we Dance is to admit the Ownership of God.

When I asked God “what should I do with the money?

I thought He would say – Oh, Pay your Tithe, then you can enjoy the rest.

The Almighty said: “I am happy you asked” Divide the money into three (3).

I said, Yes LORD – Give one third (⅓) to this Ministry. I said, Yes LORD.

… I was hoping He will ask me to keep the remaining two-third (⅔)!

He said, give another one-third (⅓) to that Ministry – My Yes LORD was low.

Then He said, give the remaining one-third (⅓) to that Particular Ministry – The “Yes LORD” only me could hear it.

Then He made a Statement: “I WILL BE YOUR SOURCE”.

… He has no failed till now!

I Decree to Somebody here or reading this Message now on the Label of DMC: GOD WILL BE YOUR SOURCE – Amen.

Thank You Daddy! The Best Sermon is the one coming from You.

God just whispered to me now that there was something I omitted yesterday (Day 2 Evening Session) – When I was talking about your Hands being made for God.

You know in Boxing; I told you I used to be a Boxer. When you get into the Boxing Ring and you discover that “this man is too Strong for me oooo – I don’t want him to kill me.” – You surrender!

You know what you will do to tell him “I surrender?” – You Raise your two (2) hands.

Now, there is a Rule in Boxing – When the opponent surrenders, by Raising his two (2) hands; the other man must not beat him again. If he lands a blow on you after you raise hands in surrender, he loses and you Win.

Daddy asked me to let you know – When you Raise your hands in Praise, you are saying: Lord, I surrender! If the devil dares touches you, God will finish that enemy.

Raise your hands to the Most High God and shout hallelujah – Hallelujah!

When you surrender ALL to Him, He will take care of anyone trying to batter your Resources.

When you focus on the work of the Kingdom; when satisfying God is what you eat, what you drink, breathe; He will take care of you in a manner you can never, never dream Possible.

… Again that brings us to one little point:

You know the devil knows the Bible and he believes every bit of it – Even if you don’t believe.

He knows that it is written in Jeremiah 17:11 – “As the Partridge sitteth on eggs, and hatcheth them not; so he that getteth riches, and not by right, shall leave them in the midst of his days, and at his end shall be a fool.”

… The devil knows that!

So he will try to offer you Prosperity in his own way – Tempting you to make quick money! Knowing fully well, when you make money by stealing, corruption, fraud; you may make it, but you won’t spend it.

Oh, there are Examples in the Bible:

I. You know Gehazi (1 Kings 5:1-end) – Particularly Verses 26-27.

Naaman came, he was healed. He came back with money. Elisha said, you keep your money (I don’t want your leprosy). Freely have I been given, freely do I give.

Satan said to Gehazi: “This is your opportunity men! You can now be very, very rich.”

You know the Story! – He ran after the man, collected money.

… He never spent it; he became a Leper!

II. You know Judas Iscariot.

The devil coned him – All you need to do is to Point out Jesus Christ. You don’t have to be the one who will kill Him – For thirty (30) Pieces of Silver.

He collected the money, but he never spent it – He hanged himself!

Are you a child of God? Are you making money the crooked way? You can have it, but you won’t spend it – “It is the Blessing of the Lord that maketh rich and added No sorrows”.

And then the devil who knows the Bible well discovered that, contrary to his expectations, Revival is coming again – New Churches are being built – from People like us in Africa.

All is a sudden we are beginning to do Evangelism, Mission work all over the world.

And he (the devil) said: “I better do something about this.” And he began to launch attack upon attack.

For example:

I. When Coronavirus broke, the first Place to be attacked was the Church – No more Services, no Gathering together. “They won’t be able to receive Offering – the work would stop!”

…. But the devil is a liar, the Church of God is Marching On!

II. But then, he has other Plans and Strategies.

He knows very well – And you can check this one on Google that: The Jews in America (just for example) are 1.4% of the Population of America.

But if you gather Billionaires (not Millionaires) – Gather together the Billionaires in America, 50% are Jews.

You can’t deny that fact – Check it on Google. He knows!

All over the world, nine hundred (900) People have been given Nobel Prize – Topmost Brains!

Twenty Percent (20%) of those nine hundred (900) People – With the Topmost Brain are Jews.

Why? – They obey certain Laws of the Almighty God, including Tithe, First Fruit.

So all of a sudden the devil began to say to the Churches – You shouldn’t Pay your Tithe.

Why? – Because it is the Law. And the Law was given to the Jews not the Christians.

The Law came through Moses but Abraham paid Tithe long before Moses was born.

Tithe had been there long before there was anyone called Moses.

But don’t argue – Just agree!

Because you will be amazed the kind of People the devil is using – Highly Intelligent People.

They tell you “don’t bother, that is Old Testament; tear away Old Testament from your Bible.”

But then I ask them a question: “The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want”, is that in the New Testament?

“No weapon fashioned against you shall Prosper.” Is that in the Book of Colossians?

“I shall be the Head, I shall not be the Tail”. Is that in the Book of Philippians?

And then when he noticed that there are some of us who are not Stupid, he said: well, Jesus didn’t say anything about Tithe.

Oh, He said! – Matthew 23:23.

Woe unto you, Scribes and Pharisees, Hypocrites! for ye Pay Tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone.

Okay! Well, whatever Jesus Christ said before He got to the Cross doesn’t matter – As soon as He got to the Cross He said: “IT IS FINISHED.”

Everything He said before, up the the Old Testament – That is over!

Really? It was before Jesus went to the Cross that He said: “In my Father’s House are many Mansions; I go to Prepare a Place for you.”

It was before He went to the Cross that He said: “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.”

It was before He went to the Cross that He said: “You must be Born Again.”

And in any case it is written: If you belong to Christ, you are the Seed of Abraham; and the Blessings of Abraham are for you.

I have heard People say to me, “Sir, the fact that the Jews are among the Richest in the world is an accident (Just coincidental).

Praise God! – Almighty God, let that kind of accident happen to me.

I Decree to Someone here or wherever you are reading this Message now on the Label of DMC: A day is coming (very soon); when they are listing those who are first one hundred (100) Billionaires in the world, they will mention your name – ÀMEN!

I. Have Faith in God, that will Please Him. If He is Pleased, nothing else matters.

II. Face His work, do His own and He do your own.

He said so: “If you honour Me, I will honour you.”

“Seek ye first His Kingdom, and every other things will be added to you.” – Matthew 6:33.

Today, in the Name of the One Who sent me: THE SIEGE OVER YOUR RESOURCES IS OVER – Amen!


The next thing now is to ask those of you who have not surrendered your life to Jesus Christ to come forward and give your life to Him.

If you want to obtain Mercy you must confess your sins, you must forsake them; then you will obtain Mercy.

If you want to give your life to Jesus Chris, Stand on your feet now and show Him that you mean business.

Alright! Cry to the Almighty God and Say: Just have Mercy on me; save my Soul, forgive my sin Lord, I will serve You and I will do Your Will for the rest of my Life.

Go ahead, talk to the Almighty God!

And the rest of us, let’s stretch our hands and Pray to God for them.

Ask the Almighty God: To be Merciful unto them, to forgive all their sins; save their Souls, receive them into the Family of God.

Let’s Pray for them Brethren!

Those of you reading now on the Label of DMC, Intercede for your New Brothers and Sisters – Pray that the One Who saved your Soul would save their own Souls also.

Thank You Father!

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.


My Father and my God, I want to Thank You because You have Proved Yourself once again – “You can lay Your Hands on an Ass and an Ass will speak the Voice of man.”

Thank You for laying Your hands on me this Night, Thank You Lord God Almighty for speaking Your Words the way You want it spoken.

Please, accept our Thanks in Jesus’ Name!

Father these Your Children have come to surrender their lives to You; Please, receive them in Jesus’ Name. Save their Souls, forgive their sins, let Your Blood wash away their sin, receive them into the Family of God.

And Lord from now on, anytime they cry unto You, answer them by Fire.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we have Prayed – Amen.

Well, those of you who have just given your Life to Jesus Christ, let me hear you shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!

… If I can’t hear you, at least God can!

I want to rejoice with those of you who have just surrendered your Life to Jesus Christ today – Congratulations!

Because from now on (by God’s Grace); I would be Praying for you.

So I would need your name, address and Prayer Request. And I Promise you, I will be Praying for you.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name – Amen.

God bless you!

Now the rest of us – How many of you, are you sure God is going to answer you tonight?

Let me hear you shout Hallelujah – Hallelujah!


You may want to write down the Following Prayer Points:

  1. You may want to Thank God for His Mercies on you; up till this moment.
  2. In Praising God, remind Him – That Father, You had Mercy on the Blind Beggar and he never begged again.

Please, don’t let me ever beg again.

  1. In Worshipping God, tell Him – I know that You are Rich in Mercy; Please have Mercy on me.
  2. You say: Daddy, it is written – You have Pleasure(s) in the Prosperity of Your Servant.

Fulfill Your Pleasure(s) in my Life – Let me Prosper tremendously.

  1. You say: Father, I am of the Seed of Abraham; Please give me Abraham’s Blessings.
  2. You say: Father, I will constantly Honour You with my First Fruit.

Please, make me a Vessel Unto Honour.

  1. You say: Father, I will never rob You of Your Tithe again.

Open the Windows of Heaven wide over me.

  1. You say: Father, help me to seek Your Kingdom First, all the days of my Life and everything I need to Succeed Abundantly make available unto me.
  2. Cry unto God to have Mercy on your Nation (Mention the Name of your Nation).
  3. This is your own Personal Prayer Request.

Again the Altar is Open if you want to come and seek His Face at the Altar.

I will Pray with you for a while and then leave you to talk to God alone on your own.

Open Heavens 2021 Daily Devotional guide was written by Pastor E.A. Adeboye, the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, one of the largest evangelical church in the world and also the President of Christ the Redeemer’s Ministries. The Open Heavens devotional application is available across all mobile platforms and operating systems: iOS, Android, Blackberry, Nokia, Windows Mobile and PC.

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