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  • Revise the Previous lessons with the children
  • Ask them question to ensure lesson have been well understood
  • Tell your class to review the previous lessons during the weeks before the revision day


BIBLE TEXT: Deuteronomy 28:1-5

MEMORY VERSE: And ye shall serve the LORD your God, and he shall bless thy bread, and thy water; and I will take sickness away from the midst of thee. Exodus 23:25

LESSON AIM: At the end of this study, the teens should know how to serve God in an acceptable way.

CENTRAL TRUTH: Serving God attracts divine blessings

INTRODUCTION: As we continue to explore the blessings of God in all areas, we want to look at how serving God can contribute to us experiencing God’s blessing. To serve means to perform duties or services for someone. In this case to God. Serving God is one way we respond to His love, to what He has done, what He is doing and what He will do for us.

Lessons From Our Bible Text:

  1. God’s blessings are conditional. That is seen in the use of the word “if”. Deut. 28:1.
  2. Our obedience must be full, for us to enjoy His complete blessings. Corinthians 10:6
  3. Our obedience is the trigger for His blessings. Matt 6:33.
  4. We must “carefully follow” His command. Deut 28: 1, Exodus 23:22

Make A List Of The Blessings Outlined In Our Text: Duet 28:1-5

  1. ……………………………….
  2. ……………………………….
  3. ……………………………….
  4. ……………………………….
  5. ……………………………….

Why Should We Serve God?

  1. It brings joy to God’s heart and to our hearts. Ps. 100:2
  2. We will receive a reward and commendation. 2 Cor. 5:10, Matthew 25:21.
  3. Our resources are given to us for His good
    pleasure and ours. Luke 12:48.
  4. Our faithful service results in the expansion of God’s kingdom
  5. Serving God allows us to discover and develop our spiritual gifts.
  6. 1 Peter 4:1
  7. Matthew 25:40

How Should We Serve God?

  1. Carefully
  2. Faithfully
  3. Loyally
  4. Serve God by serving others
  5. Teenagers to mention more

Where And When Should We Serve God? We can serve God anywhere, either in the church, in our community, in our homes and nation. 2 Timothy 4:2

LIFE APPLICATION: Do not mistake the blessings of God to the general blessings of rain and sunshine that we receive from God daily. These come upon everybody both saved and unsaved. But there is what we call divine blessing and this is what we are talking about in this study today. They are spiritual blessings that controls the physical blessings.

DISCUSSION: In groups of four or five, let the teenagers to think about ways they can serve God outside church. Groups to present their findings to the class.

CONCLUSION: Serving God brings blessings.

Bible Text: Jeremiah 17:7-8

MEMORY VERSE: ‘As the deer pants for water, so I long for you.O God. I thirst for God, the living God. Where can I find him to come and stand before him?’ Psalm 42:1-2

LESSON AIM: Teenagers will know why they need God’s blessing.

CENTRAL TRUTH: Our desires for God’s blessing shall be granted because God’s delight is for us to experience and enjoy His all-round blessing

INTRODUCTION: God’s blessing is the all-encompassing protection, wisdom, favour, abundance, grace, peace, ability, joy, prosperity, health, freedom, glory of the Lord that rest upon us and on whatever we lay our hands to do to deliver to us a truly blessed life. According to Genesis 49:25, God’s blessing can be categorized into three levels, the blessings of heaven above, the blessings of the earth and the blessings of human being, It is only through God that we can experience these levels of blessings as we live constantly desiring His blessings

A. The three levels of God’s blessing (Gen 49:25)

  1. Blessings of heaven above: Eph. 1:3, Matt.26:64, John 6:32. Our Lord Jesus Christ brought the blessings of heaven to us through His death and resurrection. When you accept Him as your Lord and savior, you will begin to enjoy heavenly blessings.
  2. Blessings of the deep that lies under (the earth: land, waterbodies, etc): Gen. 2:15, Psalm 67:5. When you are diligent to tend the earth and keep it by doing your work, then the earth will yield its increase.
  3. Blessings of human beings: Heb 7:1, Deut 33:1, Prov 3:4. The product of the womb is man (male and female) and God can bestow His blessings upon you through man.

B. How do we receive God’s blessing?

  1. Accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, be born again. Eph. 2:6, John 3:3
  2. By putting your trust and hope in the Lord. Jer. 17:7-8
  3. By living a life of holiness free of sin. Psalm 24:4-5
  4. By not placing anything or anyone above God in your life (Idol worship)
  5. By making God’s word our delight. Psalm 1:2
  6. By keeping the right association. Psalm 1:1; Psalm 1:3
  7. By being diligent and hardworking. Gen. 2:15, Prov. 22:29. Psalm 1:3
  8. By persistently desiring God’s blessing. Matt 11:12, Col. 3:1

C. Why should we desire God’s blessing?

  1. It makes our lives desirable to us and others. Gen 39:5
  2. It makes witnessing about our Lord Jesus to others effective,
  3. It makes us to come into our possession. Deut. 33:23
  4. There is no sorrow in the Lord’s blessing. Prov. 10:22
  5. In His blessing, we receive His presence, peace, protection and prosperity. Num.6:24-26

DISCUSSION: If God’s plan is for us to enjoy God’s blessing, why does it feel like some are not enjoying this blessing? Let them discuss it.

INVITATION/APPLICATION: The desires of the righteous shall be granted Prov. 10:24. Your desires for God’s blessings are legitimate; but the question is ‘are you in right standing with the Lord’?

CONCLUSION: The truth is that God whose desire is to bless us has made provision for any kind of blessing we may desire of Him, all we need to do is to match our desire with our decision for Jesus Christ and His righteousness.

Prayer Point: Father, help me to persistently desire God’s blessing and live a righteous life.

BIBLE TEXT: Zechariah 8:11-12

MEMORY VERSE: ‘……..and who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this’ Esther 4:14

LESSON AIM: At the end of this study, we will understand the reasons why God blesses us to be a blessing to others.

CENTRAL TRUTH: Our blessings are given to us to serve God and man.

INTRODUCTION: One major reason why God blesses His children is so that they can in turn be a blessing to others around them. It is totally unacceptable to receive God’s blessings and use it only for oneself. We have been saved to save others. If we are able in anything, we owe it all to Jesus. God teaches us in His word that as His children, we are not to live for ourselves, but instead for the glory of God and for the good of others.

For everything God does, there is a purpose. Let us look at these examples;
a. Esther became a queen to save her people. Esther 4:13-14.
b. Joseph was sent ahead to Egypt to save his father’s house. Genesis 45:7.
c. Moses was raised to save the Israelites. Exodus 3:10.
d. Paul was saved to save others. 1 Corinthians 9:16-17.
e. Acts of the apostle is a reference point to show that when God blesses us, we must bless others.
f. In Matthew 25:14-30, why did God say more will be given to the servant that multiplied his money?

How to be a blessing?

  1. Spiritually: Preaching the word to others so they can be saved and using our gifts to minister to other. 2 Timothy 2:1-2.
  2. Materially & financially: Sharing with others and giving to the work of God. Matthew 6:1-4.
  3. Mentally: Using our knowledge, skills and wisdom to innovate great things & ideas to help others and propagate the work of others. Also, using our talents to serve God and others. Eccl 12:1

LIFE APPLICATION: Let’s look around us and become a channel of God’s blessings to others.

CONCLUSION: Silver, gold and all the wealth of the Earth belong to God and He gives generously to us. He knows also that how we use our money reveals what is most important to us. That is why is not simply calling us to generosity, but He is calling us to be growing and abounding in generosity. Do you ever wonder why God seems to bless some people with extra blessings? Those are people that have proved to God that they will use their blessings for His glory.

BIBLE TEXT: Gen. 49:1-28

MEMORY VERSE: “Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you”. Exodus 20:12

LESSON AIM: At the end of this study, teens would know the need and importance of parental blessings.

CENTRAL TRUTH: Parental blessings is vital for fulfillment of our days and purpose.

INTRODUCTION: The fifth commandment says “honor thy father and thy mother that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee”. From our Bible text we see how the behavior and character of the twelve sons played an important role in their blessings. Those who behaved honorably throughout their father’s years were blessed, meanwhile because of the dishonorable things done by Reuben, Simon and Levi, they weren’t blessed and the opposite was done to them. Also, in the life of Samson we could see acts of disobedience to his parents. Samson’s purpose came from God, but he still went out of his way to disrespect his parents, his family, and his heritage. But Jesus gave a good example for teenagers to follow as He always did the right thing (John 8:29; Hebrews 5:8) The right thing for teens to do is to obey their parents. When we are asked to do work around the house, we should not complain, make only a poor attempt, or promise to do it
later (Matthew 23:3).

What are the Importance of parental blessings?
A. Prosperity; the blessings of a parent often empower one with continuous prosperity [Gen 25:5, Gen. 26:12-13]
B. Marriage; Parental blessings are important in marriage. It is not advisable to marry without the blessings of the parent.
C. Life outcome; Parental blessings often time determine the outcome of an individual, some children are blessed by their parents while some are given bad names, curses, negative words that affect the outcome of their life (1 Cor 4:9-10]
D. Mantle; Parental blessings also involve continuing and passing on of mantles and anointing in carrying out duties given by God from one generation to the other, growing stronger by each passing generation e.g Aaron and his descendants.

What ways can we honor our parents?
a. Through obedience [Eph 6:1]
b. Through hard work Prov 22:29
c. By helping at home/performing our duties at home
d. Through humility and respect
e. By behaving well at all times, at home or in public [Prov 28:7]
f. By appreciating them/ courtesy

Obstacles to parental blessings:
a. Rudeness 2 Samuel 15-18
b. Infidelity (Gen 49:3-4)
c. Marrying without their consent Judges 14:8-9
d. Lack of support to parents
e. Disobedience
f. Maltreatment of parents
g. Misbehavior

DISCUSSION: Is it right for a parent to curse a child who dishonors them?
Explain the reason for your answer?

LIFE APPLICATION: From today, start to make conscious effort to honor your parents, think of ways you can make them proud e.g your academics.

CONCLUSION: Our society today, we see how wayward some children have become [2 Timothy 3:2], as children of God we must learn to honor our parents, weather it is a trend or not, dishonorable behavior cannot attract blessings, only an honourable one will.

Bible Text: 2 Kings 2:9-14

MEMORY VERSE: ‘Remember your leaders, those who spoke to you the word of God. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith’ Hebrews 13:7

LESSON AIM: At the end of this study, the teens should know the importance of spiritual parent

CENTRAL TRUTH: You can have many guides in Christ, but you do not need many fathers. 1 Corinthians 4:15

INTRODUCTION: Our spiritual parents are the people God has place over our lives to guide us in our Christian journey. This can be our pastor or our Sunday school teacher. A Spiritual parent must be born again and filled with the Holy Spirit.
Elijah was a spiritual parent to Elisha, and we can see how he thought Elisha a lot about God. Elisha too was patient and ready to learn. At the end he got a double portion of Elijah’s anointing. What a blessing.

Importance of Spiritual Parents’ Blessings:
a. To obtain double portion of what the parent had [2 Kings 2:9-14]
b. To strengthen and equip the son or student in carrying out the assignment God has given him
c. To pass on the mantle from generation to generation, growing stronger and ensuring the will of God is revived in every generation
d. To encourage the son / student [Deut. 31:7]
e. Prosperity

How to Access Spiritual Blessings from our Spiritual Parents:

  1. Be alert in the Spirit when you are with them – 2 Kings 2:10
  2. Honor and respect – Romans 13:7
  3. Through service – Mark 10:35-45
  4. Bless them with resources whether materially or financially – 1 Corinthians 9:11
  5. Praying for them
  6. Believe them – Hebrews 13:7
  7. Obey them – Hebrews 13:17
  8. Always be in touch with them. Elisha could have been somewhere else on the day Elijah was to be taken away.

The Responsibilities of our Spiritual Parents include:

  1. Praying for us.
  2. Guiding us.
  3. Counselling us.
  4. Teaching us God’s words and ways.
  5. Prophesying into our lives. 2 Chronicles 20:20b

Example of Successful Spiritual Fatherhood Relationships in the Bible:
a. Moses and Joshua [Deut 31]
b. Elijah and Elisha (2 Kings 2:9-14]
c Paul and Timothy [1 Tim 1:2]
d. Jesus and his disciples

CONCLUSION: God is higher than our biological fathers, and our spiritual fathers are God’s representatives in our lives. Therefore, spiritual fathers have a measure of authority over us, for example, they can pray and cancel any curse placed upon us by our biological parent. Who are your spiritual parents?

ATTENTION: Next week is Revision Day. Let us read up our past lessons and prepare for the revision with our teens. God bless you

Ask them – What is God saying in today’s lesson?
How can they apply this to their lives?
Let them put their prayer points here:

Open Heavens 2021 Daily Devotional guide was written by Pastor E.A. Adeboye, the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, one of the largest evangelical church in the world and also the President of Christ the Redeemer’s Ministries. The Open Heavens devotional application is available across all mobile platforms and operating systems: iOS, Android, Blackberry, Nokia, Windows Mobile and PC.


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