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  • Revise the previous lessons with the children
  • Ask the questions to ensure the lessons have been well understood
  • Tell your class to review the previous lessons during the week before the revision day.


BIBLE TEXT: 2 Timothy 3:14; 4:5

MEMORY VERSE: 2 TIMOTHY 2:15 “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

LESSON AIM: The children will understand that the Word of God is the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and comes from Him

CHILD-RELATED TRUTH: The Bible is the Word of God.

INTRODUCTION: Hello, young boys and girls! Today, we are going to talk about a special book. It is the Bible and it contains the word of God. The Bible is the word of GOD and is given to us by Him. God used people throughout history to share His message, but the words are truly God’s words. He communicated to people and told them what to say, so people took the paper and wrote things. But the ideas and meaning all came from God. And the Holy Spirit inspired the Word of God.

PROGRESSION OF EVENT: 2TIMOTHY 3:14, 4:5 (You need to study the Word of God)

  1. To instruct you to understand God’s Word (2 Timothy 3:14-15, John 16:13)
    2.To nourish and mature you (2Timothy 3:16-17, 1 Peter 2:2)
  2. To feed your spirit and to mature you in your understanding of God and His Word.
  3. To stand strong (2Timothy 4: 1-2, Ephesians 6:10,14)
  4. To stand firm against spiritual attacks.
  5. To recognize truth from lies (2 Timothy 4:3-4, Matthew 24:4-5)
  6. To know God’s truth and recognize the Devil’s lies.

GOSPEL CONNECTION: There is so much to discover in the Bible. It is a huge blessing that we have it and that we can be confident of its truth and meaning for us. God wants to communicate His heart and how much He cares for us and loves us. When we read the Bible, we can be confident it contains the words of God. The Word of God is Jesus who became flesh and died, was buried and rose again from the dead so that you can have your sins forgiven when you confess them.

CLIMAX: To the word of the Lord helps you to fulfill all God wants you to do (2Timothy 4:5).

CONCLUSION: Well, that’s what happens with the Word of God. God breathed out those words and gave the scriptures life.

CHALLENGE: As you have put your trust in Jesus, the Bible will help bring inspiration into your life. There are a lot of amazing things in the Word of God. You can read stories of people in the past, and you can read messages from God to His people. You can also find beautiful Scripture with poetry. You can read the story of the life of Jesus and how He came to earth. And you can find messages that help us know how to live our lives and be followers of Jesus.

INVITATION: It is the Word of God that can set you free from sin if you believe in Jesus and be saved (John 3:16).


BIBLE TEXT: 2 Kings 20:1-11

MEMORY VERSE: 1 CHRONICLES 4:10 “And Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, Oh that thou wouldest bless me indeed, and enlarge my coast, and that thine hand might be with me, and that thou wouldest keep me from evil, that it may not grieve me! And God granted him that which he requested.

LESSON AIM: The children will depend on the Holy Spirit to communicate with God in prayers.

CHILD-RELATED TRUTH: Pray to God through Jesus with the help of the Holy Spirit.

INTRODUCTION: Have you ever thought about being a news reporter? Did you know that the people who write those stories have a special way of deciding how to write their stories? Well, here is what the reporter does. To make sure that the facts of the story are complete, a reporter makes sure that the article answers five important questions. Those five questions are: Who, What, When, Where, and Why. When we read a story, it is good for us to ask ourselves those same questions to help us fully understand the story.
Today, we are going to talk about a passage from the Bible about prayer and try to answer the who, what, when, where. and why questions about prayer.


  1. King Hezekiah wasa very good king. He prayed to God often, and he always obeyed God.
  2. One time King Hezekiah became very ill and almost died and he just continued to pray and ask God to help him.
  3. While he was sick, the prophet Isaiah came to visit him with bad news
  4. The prophet told Hezekiah, The Lord says you are going to die. So you should give your last orders to everyone, you will not get well.
  5. As soon as Isaiah left, Hezekiah began to pray to God telling Him to please remember that he had always obeyed Him, and the country still needed him because many of the people still did not follow God.
  6. Hezekiah wanted to teach them some more so that they would learn to love and obey God. If he died now, he could not do that. Hezekiah cried and he kept on praying and begging the Lord to make him well.
  7. Even though Isaiah had gone, he had not gotten very far. He was still in the palace courtyard. God spoke to him and told him to go back to Hezekiah that He had a special message for King Hezekiah and he wanted Isaiah to give the king the message.
  8. The Lord said to Isaiah to tell Hezekiah that he had heard his prayer, and will heal him, and add more years to his life.
  9. In three days Hezekiah should go to the temple, and He will add fifteen years to his life. Isaiah did just as the Lord commanded.
  10. Then, Isaiah had Hezekiah’s servants boil some figs and make a paste. The servants spread the paste on the king’s skin and he got better.

GOSPEL CONNECTION: Jesus is the one who makes it possible for us to talk to God. You see, God is perfectly perfect. He is so perfect and so good, that He cannot be in the presence of sin. We are all sinners. Without Jesus dying for our sins, we can’t stand before God in prayer. We need the blood of Jesus to wash away our sins so we can stand perfectly forgiven of our sins before God.

CLIMAX: King Hezekiah wanted a sign from the Lord to let the shadow go back ten steps as a sign from God that He will keep His promise.

CONCLUSION: Then Isaiah called to the Lord and God brought the shadow back ten steps and Hezekiah knew that God would make him well. It happened just as the Lord said. King Hezekiah lived fifteen more years and was a good king.

CHALLENGE: What is prayer? Prayer is talking to God the Father, through Jesus Christ the Son, by the power of the Holy Spirit. God gave us the Holy Spirit to show us how to pray. The Holy Spirit helps us in our weaknesses. For example, we don’t know what God wants us to pray for. But the Holy Spirit prays for us with groaning that cannot be expressed in words. God the Father gives us the Holy Spirit so we can pray for hard things even when we don’t know what words to use. we can ask God to help us with all our needs; we can ask God for forgiveness and help in forgiving others, and we can pray that God’s will be done here on earth. This week, plan to follow Jesus’ instructions on how to pray (Matthew.

INVITATION: You need Jesus in your life as Lord and Saviour to be able to sustain in the place of prayers (John 1:12).


BIBLE TEXT: Matthew 25:14-30

MEMORY VERSE: 1 Peter 4:10 “As every man hath received the gift, even so minister the same one to another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.”

LESSON AIM: The children will learn that God is generous and gives them things to watch over and steward well.

CHILD-RELATED TRUTH: God wants you to use the abilities He gave you through Jesus in the right way.

INTRODUCTION: If you were good at something, but you never did the thing you were good at, would that be smart? (No.) You should do the things that you are good at, right? That is why God made you be good at those things. He wants you to do the things that He’s made you be good at. If you don’t do those things, then you are just wasting that talent that God gave you.

PROGRESSION OF EVENT: Matthew 25:14-30
1 Only God knows when He is going to send Jesus back to earth.

  1. It is going to be a surprise for all of us when Jesus comes back. It will be like this story that Jesus told.
  2. A wealthy man went on a trip and left his servants in charge of his money.
  3. Two of the servants used the money wisely and gained a profit for their boss.
  4. The third failed to do so, and he gained nothing.
  5. This servant was punished while the others were rewarded.

GOSPEL CONNECTION: Failing to do what you need to do is a sin. Sin is anything you do that does not please God and the punishment for sin is death (separation from God). God does
not want you to be punished for your sins. God’s own Son came into the world purposely to die for your sins. Jesus did not remain dead after he was crucified and buried, He came alive again so that your sins can be forgiven when you confess them.
The third servant did not confess his sins.

CLIMAX: That’s how it will be when Jesus comes back. Just like how the master gave each of his servants some money, So God has given us each of our talents and abilities.

CONCLUSION: Each of the servants was given talents to look after and use for the master.

CHALLENGE: Just like the master in the story was generous and trusts his servants, so is God generous to us and has given us talents and abilities to help others. When we share what we have with others, ultimately we will end up with more than we started out having. We are blessed in order to pass on good things to others, and we give back to God in thanks and gratitude. When Jesus returns to earth. He will want to know what you did with the talents He had given you.

INVITATION: Put your trust in the Lord with your heart so that He can direct your part (Proverbs 3:5).


BIBLE TEXT: ESTHER 4-5; Esther 4:1-end

MEMORY VERSE: Isaiah 58:6 “Is not this the fast that I have chosen? to loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and that ye break every yoke?”

LESSON AIM: The children will learn to seek God through praying and fasting.

CHILD-RELATED TRUTH: God wants you to seek Him through Jesus.

INTRODUCTION: King Ahasuerus now ruled. Because he had deposed his queen in a drunken feast, a search was made throughout the kingdom for a new queen. Under the direction of her cousin, Mordecai, Esther was put forward and chosen. Not knowing that his beautiful queen was Jewish, Ahasuerus fell in with a plan to destroy the Jewish exiles living in his land. Queen Esther saved her people by revealing her Jewish origins to the king and convincing him to let the Jews defend and protect themselves.


  1. Haman hated the Jews so much that he persuaded king Ahasuerus to allow the extermination of all the Jews.
  2. It was determined that all the Jews would be annihilated on the 13th day of the month of Adar, which was about 11 months after the decree was issued.
  3. Mordecai immediately put on sackcloth and ashes and wept for the people of God, and he also encouraged Esther to speak to the king on behalf of the Jews.
  4. At this time, the king did not know that Esther was Jewish, and she reminded Mordecai that you can not enter into the king’s throne room unannounced and uninvited, and to do so was risking death.
  5. Mordecai replied back, even if she remained silent, Queen Esther will not be safe from the mayhem, and that relief and deliverance might come for the Jews from another place but she might have attained royalty for such a time as this
  6. Esther decided to follow Mordecai’s advice. She asked Mordecai and all the Jews living in Susa to not eat or drink for 3 days (fast).
  7. She and the young women who attended her were going to do the same. At the end of the 3 days, she would go before the king. Esther was willing to go before the king even if it meant she may die.
  8. At the end of three days, Queen Esther put on her royal robes and stood in the inner court of the king’s palace and when the king saw her, he favored her and held out his golden scepter to her and ask her to make a request.
  9. Esther responded with a simple request. She asked if the king and Haman would come to a feast she had prepared for that day.

GOSPEL CONNECTION: There is the King of kings and Lord of lords you go before and not perish. Jesus is the King of kings and Lord of lords who gave His life for your sins to be forgiven. Jesus was crucified, died, and buried. Jesus came alive again on the third day and you can now have your sins forgiven when you confess them (1 Corinthians 15:3-4). Queen Esther depended on God to speak to the king so that her people will not perish.

CLIMAX: At the second feast the king asked, *Esther, what is your request?” She answered him to protect her life and that of her people because there were going to be destroyed, killed, and annihilated. The king was shocked and asked who would dare to do this? Esther answered that the enemy is this wicked Haman.

CONCLUSION: The King was very angry and ordered Haman to be put to death and gave the Jews the power to defend themselves

CHALLENGE: Queen Esther depended on God through fasting and God solved all the problems of her people. You too as a child who knows Jesus as Lord and Saviour, can depend on Him when you have difficulties, or are being bulled, or even to pass your exams. When you trust Jesus to solve all difficult situations in your life, He will not let you be disappointed. You can depend on Him through fasting, you can fast by giving up the foods or drinks you like for a few days to tell God that you depend on Him for all things.

INVITATION: To depend on God, you need to know Jesus as your personal Lord and Saviour (John 1:12).


BIBLE TEXT: Daniel 1:1-21

MEMORY VERSE: Romans 12:1; I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.

LESSON AIM: The children will know that they have to depend on God to say no to things that are not pure or holy.

CHILD-RELATED TRUTH: God wants you to have purity and be holy through Jesus.

INTRODUCTION: Children! As you get older, every one of you will face tough choices and tough temptations. Sometimes you will face situations where it would be easier to go along with what everyone else is doing. That is the reason you should pay special attention to today’s Bible story. Over 500 years before Jesus was born, God’s people lived in a land called Judah. But because of their continual disobedience against God, God judged them for their sins. A king named Nebuchadnezzar came from the land of Babylon and took control of Judah. God gave Jerusalem and Judah into his hands and this king took items from the Temple back to Babylon. But he also took something else.


  1. King Nebuchadnezzar also took some young men amongst who were Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah.
  2. The king’s goal was to take these young men and educate them to be Babylonian leaders to serve in his court.
  3. But as part of helping them to become Babylonian, they were given Babylonian names. – Daniel became Belteshazzar – Hananiah became Shadrach – Mishael became Meshach – Azariah became Abednego.
  4. Daniel and his companions were determined not to defile themselves and requested vegetables and water.
  5. The Eunuch in charge of them was afraid that they would look less appealing and this could endanger his life with the king.
  6. Daniel gave a great solution for them to be given the vegetables and water for ten days and if no changes, they can be fed the king’s food.

GOSPEL CONNECTION: Daniel and his friends believed in the only true God and they know that when they go against His commandments is a sin against Him. God loves you and doesn’t want you to sin against Him. So He made a way out for your sins to be forgiven by sending His Son Jesus to earth to take the punishment for our sins. 1 Corinthians 15:3-4 tells us that Christ died, buried, and rose again according to the scriptures so that we can be saved. Daniel and his friends knew that and did not what to do anything that will be a sin against God.

CLIMAX: They were ten times better than those who ate the King’s food.

CONCLUSION: When the king tested them in knowledge and wisdom, there were none skilled like them in the kingdom.

CHALLENGE: These four young men continued to obey.God. They could have defiled themselves but they were determined to live pure and right. You too can do the same by
standing up for Jesus if you are asked to do the wrong things e.g lying, stealing, bullying, Jesus will always make a way for you to do what is right and reward you for your purity and holiness.

INVITATION: To be able to have purity, you need to call on the name of the Lord and be saved (Romans 10:13).

Open Heavens 2021 Daily Devotional guide was written by Pastor E.A. Adeboye, the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, one of the largest evangelical church in the world and also the President of Christ the Redeemer’s Ministries. The Open Heavens devotional application is available across all mobile platforms and operating systems: iOS, Android, Blackberry, Nokia, Windows Mobile and PC.


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