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  • Revise the previous lesson with the children.
  • Ask them question to ensure lessons have been well understood.
  • Tell your class to review the previous lessons during the week.

BIBLE TEXT: Luke 10:25-37

MEMORY VERSE: Philippians 2:5 “Let this mind be in you that is in Christ Jesus”. LESSON AIM: Have a Pure Heart.

CHILD RELEATED TRUTH: God want you to have a pure heat.

INTRODUCTION: For great folks never stoop, to answer petty things; the unkind word, the bitter cut that rankles, “deep and stings they are too big to notice them, they simply pass them by, and even with a smile sometimes or twinkle in your eyes. For they have found that after all it was better in the end to meet it with a smile and then just let it pass, my friend have a pure heart.

A. A lawyer trying to trick Jesus asked “How can I inherit eternal life?” v 25 (Although the lawyer called Jesus “Teacher” he did not believe Jesus was really the son of God, He thought he could earn eternal life by all his good works But God’s word says that is impossible James 2:10 you cannot inherit eternal life by doing enough good thing to make up for the sin in your life (discuss good work children might think they could do to earn eternal life) because we are sinner even the good things we do don’t make us right in the sight of the Holy God Isaiah 64:6. Only Jesus, God’s perfect son could pay for our sin, Because Jesus loved you, He gave His blood on the cross to take the punishment for all your sin Revelation 1:56 until you receive Jesus, you can’t please God with good works. Jesus known about you and loves you He knew the lawyer did not believe on Him but He loved him.
B. Jesus answered with a question, what does the law say?” v 26
C. Quoting from the law, the lawyer replied “A person must love God with all his being and his neighbour as himself” v27 (No one in his own strength could ever love God or his neighbour like that, But if you are part of God’s family, Jesus lives in you, giving you power to love other with God’s special love from a pure heart. God’s love is not just feeling, it is a decision to care about other people and put them before yourself. offering them help when they are in trouble-even when it’s inconvenient.)
D. When Jesus told him his answer was right, the lawyer tried to get Jesus to make him feel better by defining the term neighbour v20
E. Jesus used a story to show the lawyer what God’s love with a pure heart is like. v30
F. A priest glanced at an injured man and passed by v31 (surely a priest, who second God by offering sacrifices in the temple and leading worship services would care about his neighbour But he didn’t choosing not to defile himself (Leviticus 21:1)
G. A Levite stopped and looked at the victim, and then passed by. v32 (the Levite assisted the priests in God’s work. This Levite would have known the law, but, too refused to help his neighbour)
H. A despised Samaritan had compassion, took care of the man’s wound and took him to an inn (hospital) to be cared for v 33-34 (The Jews hated the Samaritans. The lawyer would never have considered them his neighbour. Yet a Samaritan, who usually would not help a Jews showed himself “neighbour” to the wounded Jews because he has a pure heart. Someone with a pure heart loves unconditionally do not hate do not keep grudges do not backbite do not gang up against other, do not discriminate or spiteful God want you to have a pure heart)
I. The Samaritan paid all costs, left money and promised more v35
J. Jesus led the lawyer to a painful admission the Samaritan was obeying God’s law by being a neighbour with the mind of Christ (pure heart) while the neighbour Jews are not v36-37 (do you have a pure heart the mind of Christ? God want you to do. The Samaritans was a wonderful example of some with a pure heart. He showed kindness says to a man who probably hated him. The bible says we should “Love our enemies” Mathew 5:44 sometimes it’s hard to show love to our friends but it takes God’s love to reach out to our enemies. How can you show that you have a pure heart? By showing love to someone in need of may require some sacrifice-money time sharing going and so on, above all living a holy and righteous life do good to all.

CLIMAX: Jesus instructed the lawyer that if he truly love God He will have a pure heart and would show love to other vs 37.

CONCLUSION: God is love pure (holy) so He want all His children to have a pure heart the mind of Christ.

BIBLE TEXT: Ruth 1:1-4:22, Ruth 2

MEMORY VERSE: Revelation 2:10 “Be faithful until death and i will give you a crown of life

LESSON AIM: Be Dedicated

CHILD RELATED TRUTH: God rewards dedication

INTRODUCTION: Make sure you are doing good work consistently for the Lord and humanity. Be faithful unto the end. Then you can rejoice and be exceedingly glad for great is your reward in heaven!

A. During the time of the judges, the land of Judah from a famine but not the land of Moab. vs 1
B. in search of food, Elimelech, his wife Naomi, and their two sons chose to leave Bethlehem and go to Moab vs 2
C. when Elimelech died, Naomi had to face life single mother vs 3
D. Naomi’s sons Nahlon and Chilion, grew up and married Moabite girls vs 4 (Maobites did not know the true God Naomi worshiped, they worshiped many false Gods.

The Bible talks about one true living God 1 John 6:10. He is the creator or heaven and earth, He is Holy, He lives in heaven, He made you and i and He loves you very much. Naomi knows him and worshiped him but the Maobite worshiped many false Gods)

E. some years later both Nahlon and Chilon died, leaving Ruth and Orphah widowed just like Naomi vs 5
F. hearing that the famine in Judah had ended, Naomi decided to return home vs 6-7
G. Naorni urged Ruth and Orphah to stay in Maob vs 8-9 (Maob is a place of idolatory which is a sin) what is sin?.
H. Naomi prayed God would give Orpah and Ruth each another husbands, she kissed then good-bye, Ruth refused to stay back in Maob but Orpah chose to go back to her father’s house in Maob; but Ruth chose to remain with Naomi vs 10-14. (Ruth would have to decide herself what she would believe about the true God, God’s word says you and i also have to chose what we will believe about Him and His son Jesus Christ.

Jesus is the Perfect son of God who came to the World to die for our Sin Heb:9:22b

  1. Ruth firmly declared her dedication and chose to follow Naomi and her God, she said, “entreat me not to leave you or turn back from following after you. for wherever you go, I will go, and wherever you lodge, i will lodge. your God, my God. A where you die, I will die, and there i will be buried. the lord do so to me and more also, if anything but death parts you and me” (Ruth was dedicated to Naomi and her God. God also expect you to be dedicated to Him, good people and Godly things).
    J. Many years later as Ruth return with Naomi when she returned to Bethlehem, they were received warmly and Ruth offered to work as a gleaner (harvester) to support her mother-in-law vs 2:2
    K. The farm she worked belong to Boaz, she works so hard that Boaz noticed her and promised her protection and instructed his men to leave extra grain for her to gather 2:14-18.
    L. Ruth told Naomi the favour she received from Boaz and Naomi excitedly told Ruth that boaz was her relative 2.19-22

CLIMAX: Boaz finally married Ruth, Ruth no longer the stranger, became the wife of Boaz 4:13

CONCLUSION: God blessed boaz and Ruth with a son, Naomi joyfully cared for her grand child. 4:14-16. God honored Ruth, placing her in king David’s line 4:17-22

BIBLE TEXT: Genesis 37:1-11; 39:1-5

MEMORY VERSE: 1 John 3:12 “Whoever has the sun has life, whosoever does not have the son of God does not have life”.

LESSON AIM: Live an Excellent Life.

CHILD RELATED TRUTH: God Promises you an Excellent life.

INTRODUCTION: An Excellent Life is a Godly and successful life. Proverb 21:21 he that follows righteousness and mercy finds life, righteousness and honor. To have excellent life you must do right things show love and mercy then you will live an excellent life. There are many examples of excellent life in the bible, Abraham, Joseph, Daniel, Deborah, Elijah, etc.

A. The life of Joseph is an example of an excellent life. At seventeen years, he was feeding his fathers flock with other step brothers and he brought bad report of his brothers to their father Gen 37:2
B. He was loved by his father Israel than his brother and he made him a tunic (coat) of many colour’s his brother hated him because he was loved more 37:3-4
C. He had a dream and told his brothers and they hated him more (He dreamt that his brothers shaves bowed to his sheep) he dreamt again that the sun the moon and the eleven stars bowed down to him, he told his father and his brothers and his father rebuked him 37:5-11
D. His brother envied him and sold him to slavery where he got to potiphar’s house he was successful in potiphar’s house and his masters trusted him and committed everything to his hand except his wife Gen 39:1-4.
E. Potiphar’s wife thought Joseph was good looking and wanted him to love her in a sinful way Gen 39:7.
F. Joseph refused to do this great wickedness and sin against God 39:3-9 (What is sin? Whatever you do that displeases God. Joseph knew God is holy and hates sin. He hates your sin (but he loves you and gave His son Jesus Christ to the world Jesus came and took the punishment of sin, He gave His blood, died on the cross buried and he rose again you can believe in Him as your Saviour from sin and he will forgive your sin and give you power to live an excellent life.) Joseph knew God is holy and refused to sin. Joseph resisted potiphar’s wife and so she lied against him to her husband potipher who stripped Joseph of his position and put Joseph in prison. V10-20 (have you been commit before? Joseph was punished even though he did not sin. He refused to sin against God. You too God can give you power to say No to sin, when you live holy, God will be happy with you and he will give you power to live an excellent life. God was with Joseph even in prison and honour him for saying no to sin). One day two prisoner had a dream and Joseph interpreted their dream, one was killed the other was saved and returned to palace to serve king pharaoh Gen 41:1 Then King Pharaoh had a dream that no one could interpret then they brought Joseph from the prison, Joseph interpreted the dream and the king honoured him by putting in charge as the prime minister in Egypt.

CLIMAX: Joseph was thirty years old when he stood before Pharoah King of Egypt and rule throughout the land of Egypt Gen 41:40.

CONCLUSION: Joseph was successful in Egypt, he had an excellent life, he brought his family to Egypt.” And Joseph situated his father and his brothers and gave them a possession in the land of Egypt in the best of the land, in the land of ramesses as Pharoah had commanded.

BIBLE TEXT: Acts 13:1-13

MEMORY VERSE: Proverb 3:6 “in all your ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct your paths”.

LESSON AIM: You have a God given ability for a career choice.

CHILD RELATED TRUTH: Ask God to direct you in choosing what work you should do.

INTRODUCTION: There are many kinds of things you can do to be a happy helper and show my love to other! Do you know what type of job you have interest to do when you grow up? If you don’t, the best thing to do is to is to ask God to show you what is best for you, God can do this by giving you interest and ability for a particular job. So, when you face a decision like career choice ask God your best friend, about it. He see everything and He always know what is best for you.

A. Now in the church that was at Antioch there were certain prophets and teacher as they ministered to the Lord and fasted the Holy Spirit said “Now separate to me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them (you too God created you for a purpose there is a reason God made you and kept you alive. He want you to be useful to Him and to the people around you, so He has assignment for your life. So to know the assignment He has for you have to ask Him in prayer. These people pray and fasted and God spoke to them; God will speak to you to if you ask Him what job he has for you too (your career)

B. So being sent out by the Holy Spirit they preached the word of God in Synagogues of the Jesus. They also had John as their assistant vs 4-5.

C. Now when they had gone through the island to Paphos they found a certain sorcerer a false prophet, a Jews whose name was Bar-Jesus turning the proconsul away from faith (to be a Sorcerer; a false prophet is a sin. You too may have sin in your life, like lying, stealing, fighting etc. Romans 3 vs 23, God loves you and wants you save from the punishment of your sin so He gave you Jesus Christ who died and gave His life to save you from your sin John 3:16. His love take away your sin Hebrew 9:22.

D. Then Saul, who is also called Paul filled with the Holy Spirit rebuked him and said “you son of the devil you enemy of all righteousness you will not cease perverting the straightway of the Lord? (When God give you a career, he will give you the power, ability and interest to do the job no matter how hard or difficult or the challenge. He will help you to succeed in it)

CLIMAX: And now, indeed the hand of the Lord is upon you, and you shall be blind, not seeing sun for a time and immediately a dark must fell on him and he went around seeking someone to lead him by the hands (God will always remove all obstacle to your success when he gives you a career choice).

CONCLUSION: Then the proconsul believed when he saw what had been done being astonished at the teaching of the Lord. (God made Paul and Barnabas to succeed in their work, the same God will make you succeed in career choice if you ask Him to choice for you.)


MEMORY VERSE: “Train up a child in the way he, should go; and when he old he will not depart from it”. 5: 15 Proverb 22:6

LESSON AIM: God Want You To Grow In All Aspect Of Your Life

CHILD RELATED TRUTH: Be a Total Child With Noble Character.

INTRODUCTION: There is a wise saying that “Charities begins at home that means your good upcoming will deter mine how you will behave outside and how far you will go in life. And another adage says “if a child washes his/her hand clean he will dine with king this means when a child know how to do things well he/she will be among the great. Wise intelligent and well behaved children are loved and assign position of leadership in church or school. How can also learn from the life of Jesus Christ our prefect example.

A. Jesus Christ grew up in special ways he grew strong physically, he was filled with wisdom through the Holy Spirit. He grew in favour with God-in spiritual relationship with His father and with man – He relates well with people Luke 2:40 this is the pattern God had down for all of His children that has received Jesus Christ as their saviour. God want you to grow in every aspect of your life, as you need and study the word of God the Bible everyday you will grow more like Jesus Luke 9:10B. Every year Jesus follows.

B. His earthly parents Mary and Joseph to the temple for the feast pass- over Luke 2:41hem with plague.

C. (The feast of the pass over is celebration remembrance of how God delivered the children of Israel from Egypt by visiting them with plague of the death of their first born but God asked the children of Israel to put the blood of the Lamb on their door. Jesus later became the Passover lamb for the world, His blood on the cross delivers us from the punishment of sin by death of the cross Revelation 1:5. Mary said to Him “Son why have you treated us like this, your father and I have been anxiously looking for you” His answer surprised them the more He said “why are you searching for me? Didn’t you know I had to be on my Father’s house?” Jesus knew He is a son of God and He came to save the world from sin. [Did you always remember you are a child of God? and what God wants you to be and what He expected of you and how He wants you to behaved?] His parent did not understand what He was saying to them Vs.50.

D. His parent took Him along to Jerusalem and went to the feast that was over and they were returning home they suddenly discovered that Jesus then twelve years old was not with them. Vs. 42-44.

E. They went three days journey back to Jerusalem to look for Him. He was found in the temple court sitting among teachers listening to them and asking questions Vs. 45-60 Jesus knew who He was growing up, He was conscious He is “Son of God” He knew He has a mission and was focused and prepared to achieve God’s plan and purpose for His life. He did not wander away to play with friends, He agreed willingly to follow His parent to the temple and at the temple He settled to learn and to ask questions He has wisdom and understanding. [Do you settle down and listen to your teachers learn and ask questions in the church or school? Or you are making noise, running around and disturbing other children. As a child of God, God wants you to grow in every aspect of your life like Jesus.

F. Mary and Joseph were amazed to find their twelve years old son in the temple with talking to teachers and bold enough to ask them qustions.

CLIMAX He lovingly followed His parent back home Vs. 51

CONCLUSION: Jesus continue to be obedient to His parents, His mother treasured all these in her mind Vs. 516

Open Heavens 2025 Daily Devotional guide was written by Pastor E.A. Adeboye, the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, one of the largest evangelical church in the world and also the President of Christ the Redeemer’s Ministries. The Open Heavens devotional application is available across all mobile platforms and operating systems: iOS, Android, Blackberry, Nokia, Windows Mobile and PC.


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