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Teachers should:

  • Revise the previous lessons with the children.
  • Ask them questions to ensure lessons have been well understood.
  • Tell your class to review the previous lesson during the week before the revision.


BIBLE TEXT: Mark 10:46-52

MEMORY VERSE: Psalm 136:1 “Oh I give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever”

LESSON AIM: God is merciful.

CHILD RELATED TRUTH: With a grateful heart cry to God to show you His mercy Introduction: Lamentation 3:22-23 says through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed, because His compassion fails not. They are new every morning. Great is thy faithfulness”. God is ever merciful and His love endures Psalm 136:1 Remain with grateful Heart to Him to continue to enjoy the mercies of God.

A. Jesus and His disciples came through Jericho on their way to Jerusalem. Vs 46
B. As Jesus. His disciples and a large crowd were leaving the city, they saw blind Bartimaeus begging beside the road Vs 46 (blindness is a very bad situation, but there is something worse than and that is sin. What is sin? Whatever you do, think or say that makes God unhappy. Romans 3:23. Allow the children to give examples of sin. The punishment of sin is separation from God Romans 6:23. God does not want you to die or be separated from Him, so He gave His only son Jesus Christ to die for your sin John 3:16. Jesus went to the cross, gave His blood, died, buried and rose the third day. He did these so that you can have your sin forgiven Hebrew 9: 13-14,226).
C. Hearing that Jesus was passing by Bartimaeus cried out “Jesus, son of David, Have mercy on me”. Vs 47 (Through Bartimaeus was physically blind he had spiritual insight hence He called Jesus son of David, He recognized Jesus as the promised Messiah of Israel so he worshipped and referenced Him. Do you also recognize Jesus as your Saviour and declares it with your mouth?).
D. Although the crowd tried to make Bartimaeous be quiet, he cried out louder than ever to jesus “Have mercy on me”. Vs 48
E. Jesus, hearing the call of Bartimaeus knew he needed help Vs 49. (Jesus loved Bartimeaus and know that he needed help. He loves you and I too, he know about our state of sin and that we need Him to take us out. God the Father sent Him and He came and died for you and I)
F Now the crowd encouraged Bartirriaeus telling him to be brave and get up, because Jesus is calling him Vs 49.
G. Throwing his outer garment on side Bartimaeus jumped up and came to Jesus Vs 50
H. Jesus asked him “What do you want me to do for you? Vs 51. (Jesus is the only one that has the power to give him his eyes sight and also take away the darkness of sin from his heart. The same Jesus is the only one that can take away your sin and mine, if we cry to Him to have mercy on us too as Bartimaeus did.)
I. Anxiously Bartimaeus replied, “Rabbi that I may receive my sight”, (Bartimaeus had genuine faith he was confident in Jesus’s ability. Are you confident in Jesus ability to save and bess you too? If yes, always approach Him with a grateful heart).
J. Seeing Bartimaeus faith, Jesus said “Go your way, your faith has made you well Vs. 52

CLIMAX: Instantly, believing Bartimaeus was saved from blindness and darkness of sin.

CONCLUSION: Bartimaeus followed jesus along the road and praised God with all the people Luke 18:43.

CHALLENGE: Bartimaeus with grateful heart even in blind state cry out to jesus as the son of David to have mercy on Him and he got his request answered. If you too will do the same by calling on Jesus with a grateful heart. He will show you mercy always.

INVITATION: The greatest mercy you need is to be saved from your sins, call on Jesus today to save your soul. Romans 10:13.


BIBLE TEXT: Esther 2:1-18

MEMORY VERSE: Proverb 12:2a “A good man obtains favour from the Lord”

LESSON AIM: God rewards a grateful heart with favour. CHILD RELATED TRUTH: Always seek for favour from God.

INTRODUCTION: Proverb 22:1 says A good name is to be chosen rather that silver and gold. God’s favour opens great doors and it over rules protocols. If God favour you no man can stop or limit you. If you are a child of God, you will enjoy His favour as long as you have a grateful heart.

A. After these things, when the wrath of King Ahasuerus subsided, he remembered Vashti “what she had done and what had been decreed against her. Vs 1.

B. The king’s servant who attended to him said “Let beautiful young virgins be sought for the king. Then let the young woman who pleases the king be Queen instead of Vashti”. This thing pleases the king and he did so. Vs.2-4.

C. In Shushan the citadel there was a certain Jew whose name was Mordecai who captured and brought into captivity from Judah. He had niece, who is an orphan that he had raised Hadassah that is Esther, Mordecai took her as his own child, and the young woman was lovely and beautiful. Vs 5-7.

D. Esther also was taken to the king’s palace into care of Hegal the Custodian and she obtained his favour.

E. The maders were prepared for sometimes for them to be presented to the king, but Esther made very little request and she appeared moderately Vs8-13

F. Now when the turn came for Esther to go to the king. Esther obtained favour in the sigfit of all who saw her. Vs 15 (God made Esther to be favoured by people around her, God can also made you to be favoured by all but you must be sure your heart always give God gratitude)

CLIMAX: So Esther was taken to King Ahasuerus into his royal, the King loved Esther more than all the other women and she obtained grace and favour in his sight mare than all the virgin, so he set the royal crown upon her head and made her queen instead of Vashti. (Esther also found favour with the King and she became the Queen). Vs 16,17

CONCLUSION: Then the King made a great feast, the feast of Esther for all official and servants and proclaim a holiday in the province and gave gift according to the generosity of a King Vs 18.

CHALLENGE: What a great favour received by Esther. Am sure you too will love to receive such favour by honoring God with your life and body give gratitude to God by your living.

INVITATION: To receive favour from God, you must first be a child of God. Receive Jesus as your Saviour now John 1:12.


BIBLE TEXT: 1 Kings 3:3-28

MEMORY VERSE: Ecc. 9:16a “Wisdom is better that strength”.

LESSON AIM: God is the giver of wisdom.

CHILD RELATED TRUTH: Ask God to give you wisdom and always give Him gratitude.

INTRODUCTION: James 1:5 if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all literally and without reproach and it will be given to Him. God is the giver of wisdom. Solomon asked God for wisdom to judge God people (Israel) and God gave Him and even exceeded His expectation. Honour God with your grateful heart and He will give you unprecedented wisdom.

A. And King Solomon loved the Lord walking in the statue of his father except that he sacrifices and burnt incenses in high places Vs 3. Burning incense in high places is sin, what is sin?
B. Now King Solomon went to Gibeon to sacrifice there, for that was the great high place. Solomon offered a thousand burnt offering on that alter. Vs 4.
C. At Gibeon, the Lord appeared to Solomon in a dream by night and said, ‘Ask what shall I give you’. Vs 5
D. Solomon started by appreciating God for wonderful things He has done for his father, David and how He has made him King instead of his father, though he is a little boy and do not know how to go out or come in Vs.7-8.
E. “And your servant is in the midst of your people whom you have chosen, a great people too numerous to be numbered or counted, therefore give to your servant an understanding heart to judge your people that I may discern between good or evil, for who is able to judge this great people of yours”. Vs8-9.
F. His speech pleased the Lord that Solomon had asked this thing (Wisdom). Vs 10.
G. Then God said to Him, because you have asked for this things and have not asked long life, for yourself nor riches nor asked for the life of your enemies but have asked for understanding to discern justice, behold I have done according to your words, see I have given you a wise and understanding heart, so that there has not been anyone like you before you nor shall any like you arise after you. And I have also given you what you have not asked, both riches and honour so that there shall not be any one like you among the King all your days. Vs 11-13 (what a wonderful blessings and even more because Solomon acknowledge God when he became King by sacrificing one thousand burnt offering! What a grateful heart. How have you shown a grateful heart to God for the wonderful things He has done for you? David received wisdom, riches and honour for showing the Lord a grateful heart).
H. God promised to lengthen his days if he walks in His ways and keep His statue and His commandment like his father David. Vs 14

CLIMAX: Then Solomon awoke and indeed it had been a dream. And he came to Jerusalem and stood before the ark of the covenant of the Lord, offered up burnt offerings, offered peace offering and made a feast for all his servants. Vs 15.

CONCLUSION: King Solomon demonstrated the wisdom when he judged two women claiming ownership to one male child Vs. 16-27. And all Israel heard the judgement which the king had rendered and they feared the King, for they saw that the wisdom of God was in him to administer justice. Vs 28.
Do you also want to receive the wisdom of God, give Him a sacrifice from a grateful heart?
Your sacrifice does not have to be a burnt offering only
You can give Him praise
You can give Him soul by witnessing
You can give to the needy
You can clean the church
You can give to mission etc.

CHALLENGE: This week give your own sacrifice of grateful heart and come and share with us next Sunday.

INVITATION: To receive wisdom from God. Receive Jesus as your Saviour first. Act 16:31.


BIBLE TEXT: Daniel 6:1-28

MEMORY VERSE: Daniel 11:32b “But the people who know their God shall be strong and carry out exploit”.

LESSON AIM: God wants you to be strong and do great things.

CHILD RELATED TRUTH: You are made to do exploits.

INTRODUCTION: Have you been tempted to stop doing what is right like reading your Bible, being honest, obeying your parents or teachers because others pressured you? God wants you to be faithful, that is to do what is right always even when doing right might may get you into trouble Daniel determined to be faithful to God and God used him greatly to make unbelievers to turn to Him.

A. King Darius gave Daniels a high position for his outstanding work Vs 1-3 (Perhaps he talks to God “Dear God, I need your strength to be faithful today” Psalm 27:1)
B. The other leaders spied on Daniels, hoping to catch him doing wrong; instead they found him faithful in work and in worship of God Vs.4. (Others may feel threatened when you do what the Bible says, Don’t be unkind to them, but keep doing right. God will help you.)
C. Frustrated, they plotted to use Daniel’s faithfulness against him Vs. 5-7. (These men were jealous of Daniel. Jealousy is a sin. It put murder in your heart. You may never have been jealous, but the Bible says you and I have sinned Romans 3:23. Sin is anything you think, say or do that does not please God e.g lying, cheating, and quitting a game because you are angry. God loves you even though you are a sinner, that is why He sent His Son Jesus to die on the cross to pay for your sins and do rise again. If you will ask Him to save you, He will give you eternal life and free you from sin like jealousy that these leaders were feeling).
D. The wicked leaders used flattery to trick the King into signing a decree which stated that all prayer should be addressed to the King Vs8-9,
E. Daniels chose to continue his daily worship in spite of the decree Vs 10 (knowing that it was God who enable him to be faithful, he choose to keep praying as he always had even though it could mean death. If you are in Daniels situation what will you do? If you know the Lord Jesus as your Saviour, God will help you to be steadfast and faithful to Him even if no one else is just as He helped Daniel. Being steadfast means to be determined in your heart and mind to please God and be faithful doing it).
F. Daniels enemies accused him before Daniels Vs 11-13.
G. The grieved King struggled unsuccessfully to execute Daniel Vs 14-15 (He was powerless to change the law of Medes and Persians).
H. Darius reluctantly command that Daniel be thrown into the Lions encouraging Daniel to trust his God Vs 16-17.
I. As Daniel faced the lions the worried King Darius could not sleep Vs. 18-19.

CLIMAX: God honoured Daniel’s faithfulness, protecting him from the lions Vs 20-22. (The people hated him, the King could not save him. But God kept him for he is steadfast and he did many more exploit).

CONCLUSION: Daniel was lifted from lion’s den totally unharmed and the accusers were cast into the lions who devoured them. God order the people to worship the God of Daniel while He remain a leader and was worshipped. (If you honour God by pleasing Him and with grateful heart keep to His words you too will perform great exploit and also be preserved even in the present of your haters).

CHALLENGE: Honour God with your life and show God gratitude by obeying and keeping to His words no matter the situations and He will help you to do perform exploit.

INVITATION: You need the saving grace of the Lord Jesus to be able to perform exploit. So accept Him as your Saviour today Act 16:31.



MEMORY VERSE: Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the thought that I think soward you says the Lord, thought of peace and not of evil to give you a future and a hope”.

LESSON AIM: God has a good plan for you and He want you to fulfil it.

CHILD RELATED TRUTH: Work with God to fulfil your destiny.

INTRODUCTION: Jeremiah 1:5 says “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I sanctified you, I ordained you a prophet to the nation. There is a purpose for which God made you and keep you alive. You have to align with God to allow that purpose to be fulfill by obeying His word and live right with grateful heart daily.”

A. Then it came to pass at the end of two full year that Pharaoh had a dream that he could not interpret and no one could also interpret.

B. Then the Chief Butler spoke to Pharaoh, saying “I remember when I was put to jaill there was a young man who interpret my dream and it came to pass just as he interpreted for us Vs 9-13. (The Butler offended and was put to prison, it separates you from God and His blessings. Romans 8:23, 6:23. But God does not want you to remain in the prison of sin because He loves you John 3:16, so He gave you Jesus who died, gave His blood for you and rose the third day Hebrew 9:13-14, if you receive Him as your Saviour you will be released from the punishment of your sin).

C. Pharaoh sent and called Joseph quickly out of the prison, He was cleaned up to appear before the King (Joseph was not in prison because he sinned, he was there because he refused to sin. If time allows teacher should briefly tell the story of Joseph and Potiphar’s wife).

D. Pharaoh told Joseph the dream, Joseph said “it is not me, God will give Pharaoh an answer of peace and Joseph interpreted the dream and gave the solution to the dream by advising the King as regarding Seven years of abundance of food and seven years of famine (Teaches should read and understand the dream) Vs 15-36.

E. So the advice was good in the eyes of Pharaoh and in the eyes of all his servants. And Pharaoh said to his servants “Can we find such a one as this, a man in whom is the Spirit of God? Vs 37-38 (Pharaoh Attest to the fact that the Spirit of God is in Joseph. Do you have the Spirit of God in you to help you fulfil your destiny? Close your eyes and pray that God should please put His Spirit in you).

F. Then Pharaoh said to Joseph “In as much as God has shown you all this there is no one as discerning and as wife as you. You shall be over my house and all my people shall be ruled according to your word; only in regard to the throne will I be greater than you. Vs 39-40.

CLIMAX: And Pharaoh said to Joseph “See I have set you over all the land of Egypt. Then he took his signet ring and put it on Joseph hand, cloth him in garment of fine linen and put a gold chain around his neck and had him ride in second chariot he had and they cried out before him, bow the knee, so he set Joseph over all the land of Egypt”. Vs 41-43.

CONCLUSION: and Pharaoh said to Joseph, I am Pharaoh, and without your consent no man may lift his hand or foot in the land of Egypt. And he gave Joseph a name Zaphnatt-Paaneah, and he gave him Asnath as wife. So Joseph went out over all the land of Egypt. (What a great fulfilment of destiny. You too as you give God your grateful heart you will fulfill your destiny in Jesus name. Amen).

CHALLENGE: As God children God want you to fulfil your destiny but you have to live your life in pleasing the Lord. Look at Joseph what are the Godly things you can say about him that you can emulate? (Let the teacher’s guide the children).

INVITATION: for you to fulfil your destiny you must have Jesus as your Saviour and walk in His ways John 1:12.

Sunday: Psalms 78:33-36
Monday: Psalms 78:37-40
Tuesday: Psalms 78:41-44
Wednesday: Psalms 78:45-48
Thursday: Psalms 78:49-52
Friday: Psalms 78:53-56
Saturday: Psalms 78:57-60

Open Heavens 2024 Daily Devotional guide was written by Pastor E.A. Adeboye, the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, one of the largest evangelical church in the world and also the President of Christ the Redeemer’s Ministries. The Open Heavens devotional application is available across all mobile platforms and operating systems: iOS, Android, Blackberry, Nokia, Windows Mobile and PC.


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