Re-Arranged for Revival by Pastor D.K Olukoya (MFM @ 30)

MFM 30th Anniversary Convention @ Prayer City
Theme: Re-Arranged for Revival
Anchored Scripture: Psalm 138:7
Preacher: Dr D.K Olukoya (G.O, MFM Worldwide)

Click HERE for Previous MESSAGES by Pastor D.K. Olukoya


To rearrange means to change position. To rearrange means to reposition things, to change the things around and arrange it differently. It means to readjust, to reconstruct, to reshuffle or to reset.

Many things have gone wrong in our world now.

If you’re a true member or minister of God and you’re doing your work peacefully, the Lord will bless you in a dumbfounding way.

The best is yet to come here in MFM. No one comes to MFM by chance, those who come here came by divine agenda. Even if what you’re looking for hasn’t arrived yet, by the divine covenant that established this ministry, you will be indeed be blessed.

We (MFM) want to move to our next level, the next level is revival.

Problem of the modern day Church:

What we have now is powerless Christianity, many who are massively drinking from the waters of fornication, summersaulting preachers, they summersault from where they are to the place where the enemy has caught them, we have stingy church members, those who are glued to the world, spiritual laziness.

These are the problems of the modern day church. Biblical illiteracy, prayer allergy. A lot of people gravitate to those places where prayers are not taking place. Why are they going there? It is because they have anti-prayer demon. What did the bible say? It said pray without ceasing. It didn’t say preach without ceasing. Modern day churches have become entertainment freaks. They entertain in church. There is this loss of heavenly focus. You hardly hear messages about heaven again. I know some preachers I’ve been listening to for 40 years now and they don’t preach about heaven again. There is ignorance priesthood and darkened vision. There is lack of discipleship. There is plenty of junk vain Sermon. Sermons that goes out and bring nothing. There are plenty of spiritual bats. The present day modern church hates evangelism and witnessing. Many hate sharing the gospel with anybody. There is an epidemic of baby Christians. They are advanced in age but babies.

There is plenty of shallow Christianity, holiness failure, zero righteousness, zero spiritual growth, Sexual perversion and fake prophets and fake pastors. These are signs of the modern day church. Church fights, then to worsen the situation; there are plenty of undone men in the pulpit. There are plenty of business pastors only interested in money but not in soul. There is a gradual death of intercession, only few people engage in it. Plenty of hell bound workers. Many have converted church to business. The spirit of sacrifice is long gone.

A lot of things that Pentecostal churches do today can also be called penti-rascals. Plenty of prosperity message that has not done anything to people. Plenty of ungodly dress code that cannot be worn to a presidential villa or job interview. If you’re invited for interview, would you wear rugged jeans to banking interview? You will not wear it to face your maker. There is plenty of missionary failure and scarcity of spiritual gift and lack of baptism of fire.

Answer to all these

We need revival. You and I have only one life to live. What will be written about you when you leave this world. Let us get to the level of revival now before they begin to shoot at Christians and burn our bibles. Let us start now before the enemies we refuse to convert now become the ones confronting us.

Revival is a new beginning of obedience to God. Backsliders are going through a deep repentance and spiritual research of their lives. Revival is when Christians are in deep agony and prayers for the lost souls. It is when we begin to move/live in such a way unbelievers stops mocking God. If we don’t get that revival, the world will begin to laugh at the church. We should blame ourselves for not being revived, not the situation of what is happening in our world now. When the wickedness of the wicked grieves and humble the believers is when there is satanic attack indeed. More than at any time before, revival is needed.

Also Read: Invading The Warehouse Of Darkness by Pastor D.K Olukoya

The first key to revival is repentance. Repentance brings deliverance and repentance brings revival. The first message at deliverance ground is repentance. If repentance is not complete, bad spirit will enter. When you drop a sinful activity in the flesh, the spirit attached to it will not have a legal effect in your life. An unrepentant person is a failure in the school of spiritual warfare. Repentance, total sacrifice and repentance of yourself in all situation is necessary.

What is repentance?

  • Repentance is to come to Jesus broken and ask him to change you.
  • Turn around and go in the opposite direction.
  • To want a change of direction.
  • To put off the old man and put on the new man.
  • Repentance is not a thief that was caught and was feeling sorry, it is not the capture of a guilty person and he is begging because he’s been found out.
  • Repentance is not because you stop fornication because of the fear of HIV. This is why in the Bible, every prophet of the most high God talked about repentance.


Right there where you are, go on your kneels. Say ‘father I’m sorry, I’ve not being my best for you but I want to live my best for you’. Forgive me in every where I’ve made myself smell in the nostril of heaven. Jesus is here, his power is here. He is here to save, to heal and to revive.

Prayer Rain:

Prayers by Daddy G.O after ministration:

1 Holy Ghost, overshadow my life for revival in the name of Jesus!

Prayer session: Be fruitful and multiply by Pastor Kehinde Adegbolahan (A.G.O)

2 Dark powers fighting against my fruitfulness, you’re a liar, die in the name of Jesus!

3 I shall be fruitful and I will multiply in the name of Jesus!

4 Barrenness, stagnation, get out of my life in the name of Jesus!

Prayer session: revoking evil verdict by Pastor Adetayo (A.G.O)

5 Every evil tongue reporting me at any evil alter, hear the word of the Lord: die in the name of Jesus!

6 Every evil verdict pronounced against my destiny, I nullify you by the blood of Jesus!

7 Every verdict of ‘thou shall not excel’ pronounced over life, backfire in the name of Jesus!

Prayer Session: wickedness must die by Pastor Gbesan (A.G.O)

8 My Father, let the wickedness of wicked come to an end in the name of Jesus!

9 Every evil countdown against my life, scatter in the name of Jesus!

10 Bad news prepared to spoil this celebration for me, die in the name of Jesus!

Prayer session: there must be revival in Nigeria by Pastor Akano (A.G.O)

11 Every alter of unrighteousness in this nation, hear the word of the Lord: catch fire in the name of Jesus!

12 Satanic weapon designed to kill revival in Nigeria, receive total destruction in the name of Jesus!

13 Every anti revival voice in Nigeria, be silenced by fire in the name of Jesus!

Prayer session: setting every evil alter ablaze by Pastor Abiodun Aladejola (A.G.O)

14 Satanic alter contending with the revival of my spirit, soul and body, catch fire in the name of Jesus!

15 Satanic alter that wants me die physically and spiritually, die in the name of Jesus!

16 Alter that kills a shining star, wherever you are, die in the name of Jesus!

Prayer session: prayers to sack occultist leaders in Nigeria

17 Every occultic leader over Nigeria, expire by fire in the name of Jesus.

18 Oh Lord, let the seed of occultic leaders over Nigeria be destroyed by fire

Prayer session: uprooting evil seed, evil monitor and stubborn pursuers (Isaiah 19:2)

19 Serpentine poison in my body, come out by fire in the name of Jesus!

20 Every seed of wicked elders in my life, come out in the name of Jesus!

21 All you evil monitor making me to struggle or making my struggle to amount to nothing, hear the word of the Lord: Oh Lord take your place in my life in the name of Jesus!

22 All evil monitors, hear the word of the Lord: lose your hold in my life in the name of Jesus!

Prayer session: receiving fresh fire

23 Oh Lord my father, ignite fresh fire into my fire in the name of Jesus!

24 Every evil yokes over my life, be broken by the fire of the Holy Ghost, be broken in the name of Jesus.

Prayer session: sacking occultic priest

25 Occultic priest hired to slow me down: wherever you’re, whoever you’re; die in the name of Jesus!

26 Occultic priest operating in my environment: enough is enough, die in the name of Jesus!

Before ministration Prayers by Mummy Shade Olukoya:

27 Oh Lord, visit me afresh, touch me a fresh and work on me afresh in the name of Jesus.

After ministration by Mummy G.O:

28 Holy fire that works great revival, spiritual transformation, come upon me now in the name of Jesus!

Prayer session: redemption of our land

29 Our land Nigeria, hear the word of the Lord: reject bewitchment in the name of Jesus.

30 Thou blood of Jesus, redeem our land Nigeria in the name of Jesus.
Prayer session: rededicating our cities to God

31 Where is the Lord God of Elijah, arise with your sword of fire and execute judgement over the enemies of Nigeria in the name of Jesus!

32 You the land of Nigeria, hear the word of the Lord: arise, shine, out-nourish in the name of Jesus!

Prayer session: raising a new alter to the Lord

33 I raise a new alter of revival and righteousness for my generation in the name of Jesus!

34 Any wicked power assigned to work against the new alter of righteousness, of revival in my generation, wherever you’re and whoever you’re; die in the name of Jesus!

35 Every evil alter erected against my life, I pull you down in the name of Jesus!

Prayer session: Marital turbulence

36 Powers attacking the joy of my marriage, powers attacking the joy of my children marriage, die in the name of Jesus!

37 Powers that want to terminate my life, powers that want to terminate the life of my wife and children; hear the word of the Lord: die in the name of Jesus!

Prayer session: promote me by fire

38 Oh God arise and add value to my destiny today in the name of Jesus.

39 By the spirit of the most high God, I move to my next level by fire in the name of Jesus!

Prayer session: power against profitless hard work

40 I shall not layout in vain by the power in the blood of Jesus! (Shout it 7 times)

41 Ancient strongman, ancient alters of my fathers house pursuing me with hardship: as I clap my hands, die in the name of Jesus.

Prayer session: power against demonic delay by Pastor Audu

42 Powers frustrating my effort to get to the top, die in the name of Jesus.

43 Any curse of slow progress issued on my life, break in the name of Jesus.

Prayer session: power against problem expanders

44 Powers fighting my star everyday, die in the name of Jesus.

45 Any war against my destiny, expire in the name of Jesus.

Prayer session: possessing your possession

46 Every generational power seating on my possession, what do you think you’re doing? Be unseated and die in the name of Jesus.

47 You my possession in the hand of the enemy, come out by fire in the name of Jesus.

Prayer session: prayer against eaters of flesh and drinkers of blood by Pastor Moses Adebowale

48 Powers that vowed to eat my flesh and drink my blood this year, you’re a liar, die in the name of Jesus.

49 Every vulture of death flying to waste my blood, fall and die in the name of Jesus!

Prayer session: National glory restoration

50 Powers of darkness operating against the glory of Nigeria, we pull you down in the name of Jesus!

51 Resurrection power in the blood of Jesus,locate the glory of Nigeria in the name of Jesus!

Prayer session: my children must prosper by Pastor Yilu

52 Powers wasting my children prosperity, hear the word of the Lord: be wasted in the name of Jesus!

53 Whether the enemy likes it or not, my children must prosper by the power in the blood of Jesus!

54 Foundation of evil covenant in my life and destiny, break in the name of Jesus!

55 My Father, my father, my father, arise and replace every covenant with divine covenant in the name of Jesus!

56 Every strongman of delay holding down my destiny, release my destiny and die in the name of Jesus!

57 Cloud of darkness in my heaven, clear away today in the name of Jesus!

58 Every habitation of delay holding down my destiny, be made desolate in the name of Jesus!

Prayer session: breaking stubborn yokes

59 Jesus Christ, yoke breaker, break my yokes in the name of Jesus!

60 You yoke of bad-luck following me about, die by fire in the name of Jesus!

61 Enemies of my open heavens, die die die in the name of Jesus!

62 Every star hunter assigned against my destiny, die in the name of Jesus!

63 Oh God arise and remove the fingers of star hunters from my destiny in the name of Jesus!

Prayers by Pastor Adetayo (A.G.O) after ministration:

64 Oh God my father, anything g in my life that is making me to be lukewarm in the things of the spirit, that is pushing away things that will make God’s name to be glorified, fire of God push them away in the name of Jesus!

Prayers by Daddy G.O:

You have heard different messages on revival today. There are people here who needs to surrender their lives to Jesus and there are also people here who want to rededicate their lives to Jesus.

65 Begin to ask the Lord to touch you mightily, ask that the revival fire of God fall upon you mightily in the name of Jesus!

66 Garment of darkness assigned to suck my blood, catch fire in the name of Jesus!

67 Every witchcraft gathering against my good news, scatter by fire in the name of Jesus!

68 Goliath and Herod of my fathers house, what are you waiting for: die in the name of Jesus!

69 Dark powers assigned to shut down my life, what are you waiting for, die in the name of Jesus!

70 Good news that will make me testify, where are you: appear in the name of Jesus!

71 Powers laboring to spoil my tomorrow, before I leave this place: die in the name of Jesus!

72 Battles inside me, outside me, around me: expire in the name of Jesus!

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