Topic: Touch of God [The Winning Walk – Rev. Dr. Ed Young Devotional june 30 2019]

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“Bless the LORD, O my soul, And forget none of His benefits; Who pardons all your iniquities, Who heals all your diseases…” – PSALM 103:2-3

I once made a list of my healings for which I needed to be grateful. “Father, I thank You when I didn’t get sick from the zillion germs, viruses and bacteria to which I have been exposed throughout my life. Thank You for healing me from diseases I did contract, and for creating me with a body designed to throw off sicknesses.”

All healing is a miracle, whether manifest here or in Heaven, through the direct touch of God, or the touch of the Lord through medicine. The promise of God is to heal us, whenever, however, wherever is according to His sovereign plan.

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