Rhapsody of Realities 14 February 2020 By Pastor Chris Oyakhilome — God’s Power is Directional 

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Rhapsody of Realities 14 February 2020 Devotional By Pastor Chris Oyakhilome – God’s Power is Directional 

TOPIC: God’s Power is Directional

But lift thou up thy rod, and stretch out thine hand over the sea, and divide it: and the children of Israel shall go on dry ground through the midst of the sea (Exodus 14:16).

MESSAGE: Once, while still a young secondary school student, I was ministering at another school to some 500 young people. Standing in front of them, I said, “How many of you want to receive the Holy Spirit?” Everybody’s hand went up. So, I said, “Alright, in the Name of Jesus, receive the Holy Spirit!” I waited, but nothing happened. I prayed again and I waited; yet, nothing happened. At this time, I needed to know from the Lord, what exactly I was supposed to do. So, I asked everyone to talk to the Lord in prayer, and while they were at it, I too was consulting with the Lord.

I said, “Lord, I just prayed that they receive the Holy Spirit, and nothing has happened. What am I supposed to do?” Then, very quickly, He said to me, “Pray again, and touch the person closest to you”; and I said, “Thank you, Lord!” Then I calmed the congregation, and said, “Receive the Holy Ghost!” and went ahead to touch the person closest to me. Straightaway, the entire hall of young people went under the power, and were filled with the Holy Spirit, speaking in tongues everywhere!

Here’s the lesson from that experience: God’s power is directional. As read in our theme verse, God said to Moses, “…stretch out thine hand over the sea….” Why? It’s because the power of God can be directed. Also, when Peter and John ministered to the man at the gate of the temple called Beautiful, the Bible says Peter set his gaze on the man (Acts 3:4); he directed the power of God at him, and a miracle ensued.

Rhapsody of Realities 14 February 2020 – God’s Power is Directional

Whenever you’re required to stretch your hands in a certain direction or God’s people stretch their hands towards you in prayer, never take it lightly. There’s something about our hands. When we stretch our hands towards nations, cities, people or even situations and circumstances, there’s a profuse effusion of divine power, emitting from us like missiles. If it’s towards an individual, there’s an impartation of special grace, healing or whatever blessing we’re imparting at the time. Praise God!

Dear heavenly Father, I thank you for your power that’s working tremendously in and through me. I pray for your children around the world who are in distress and pain, that they’re relieved by the power of your Spirit. Your power is transmitted to them even now, to strengthen their faith for the miraculous, in Jesus’ Name. Amen

Exodus 7:19; Acts 3:3-6; Exodus 17:10-13

Mark 1:1-20; Leviticus 6-7

Acts 18:1-11; Psalm 19-20

Excel in the Grace of Giving

Rhapsody of Realities 14 February 2020 Devotional was written by Pastor Chris Oyakhilome (D.Sc., D.D.). President of Loveworld Inc. aka Christ Embassy Int’l.

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