Rhapsody of Realities 21 December 2020 By Pastor Chris Oyakhilome (Christ Embassy) — Never Ashamed Of Him - Faithwheel.com

Rhapsody of Realities 21 December 2020 By Pastor Chris Oyakhilome (Christ Embassy) — Never Ashamed Of Him

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Topic: Never Ashamed Of Him

Scripture: Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation; of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he cometh in the glory of his Father with the holy angels (Mark 8:38).

Also See: Open Heaven 21 December 2020 – True Worship

If you’re ashamed to let the world—your friends, family members, colleagues, etc.—know that you belong to Jesus Christ and are a member of the household of faith, the Master also will be ashamed to acknowledge you before the Father and the angels.

Irrespective of anyone’s perception of Christ and of Christianity, you’re in the most dignified, honourable and transcendent union there is. You’re an associate of the God-kind, a God-carrying vessel, a bearer of the divine order and conveyor of eternal verities.

Be unapologetic in declaring your oneness with Jesus Christ and your unalloyed commitment to Him, His Kingdom, and the Church. Nothing, and no one, should ever make you distance yourself from Christ or repudiate your faith in Him. Even the fiercest threats or persecution from the adversary shouldn’t get you to cower. Hallelujah!


I glorify Christ and celebrate my identity with Him. I proudly confess and acknowledge the Lord before men and rejoice in my association with God’s saints. My inextricable oneness with the Lord is the greatest blessing of my life; and I declare my unwavering allegiance to Christ, His Church and the spread of the Gospel, forever. Hallelujah!


Luke 12:8-9 AMPC; And I tell you, Whoever declares openly [speaking out freely] and confesses that he is My worshiper and acknowledges Me before men, the Son of Man also will declare and confess and acknowledge him before the angels of God. 9 But he who disowns and denies and rejects and refuses to acknowledge Me before men will be disowned and denied and rejected and refused acknowledgement in the presence of the angels of God.

2 Timothy 1:7-8; For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord, nor of me his prisoner: but be thou partaker of the afflictions of the gospel according to the power of God;

Revelation 13:1-10 & Nahum 1-3

Revelation 17:1-10 & Haggai 1

Rhapsody of Realities 21st December 2020 Devotional was written by Pastor Pastor Chris Oyakhilome (D.Sc., D.D.). President of Loveworld Inc. aka Christ Embassy Int’l

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