Righteousness (Uprightness) and the Glory by Pastor Paul Enenche

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  1. Understanding the relationship between righteousness or uprightness and the glory
  2. Understanding righteousness and its connection with the Oil

Where the righteousness of God is declared, His glory is seen.
You cannot see righteousness and not see the glory (Isa. 58:8b).
The Scriptures establish a very strong connection between righteousness and the Glory


  1. When your righteousness is visible, the Glory is visible (Isa. 2:2)
  2. The habitation of holiness is also the habitation of Glory (Isa. 63:15)
    Anywhere holiness can be found, Glory can be found
  3. The availability of holiness is the establishment of gloriousness (Ex. 15:11)
    Whatever is holy must experience glory
  4. The availability of sin/iniquity will result in the bankruptcy of the Glory (Rom. 3:23)


  1. The Glory flourishes in the climate of righteousness and holiness (Ex. 15:11)
    The Glory disappears in the climate of unrighteousness or sin (Rom. 3:23)
    The climate of righteousness is the fertile ground for the germination of the Glory
  2. Righteousness or holiness is the essential nature of God and where the nature of God is found, the Glory abounds (Ps. 99:5; Ex. 15:11)
    If you can uphold the nature of God in character, you won’t beg for the Glory
  3. Righteousness or holiness guarantees existence in God’s Presence and God’s Presence is the depot of Glory (Ps. 24:3-4; Isa. 63:15)
    You live with God if you uphold righteousness and living with God ensures you are soaked in Glory


  1. Righteousness is loving what God loves and hating what God hates (Ps.45:6-7)
    It is complete alignment with God in all things
    Ungodliness is liking what God hates and hating what God likes; it is taking pleasure out of what gives God pain
  2. Righteousness is taking a stand for right irrespective of who is taking the opposite stand (Ex. 32:26)
    It is standing for what is right even if it means standing alone
  3. Righteousness is living with a pure, clear and lively conscience (Acts 24:16; 1Tim. 4:2)
    Always have a conscience that is awake
  4. Righteousness is living by the principles of God rather than the principles or standards of the world (Eccl. 12:13)
    It is living by the rules of the Kingdom of God and not by the rules of the systems of the earth
  5. Righteousness is living for God instead of living for self (Phil. 1:21)
    It is making God the centre of your life and not making yourself the centre of your life
  6. Righteousness is living with the consciousness of the end (Eccl. 12:13-14)
    It is living with the end in mind; living with eternity in view
    It is living as a stranger and pilgrim on the earth
  7. Righteousness is living in the fear and reverence of God (Eccl. 12:13)
    You allow the fear of God to guide your steps or actions
    If people have the fear of God, they will be cautious with action
  8. Righteousness is living to give God pleasure with your life (Matt. 3:17)
    There are people who give God pleasure with their lives while there are others who give God pain with their lives
    God is looking forward to bringing us to the point where He is happy with us
  9. Righteousness is living with the God-first mindset (Matt. 6:33)
    It is allowing God to have the first place and the final say on all issues pertaining to your life on the earth


  1. Anointing and lifting above your contemporaries (Ps. 45:6-8; Gen. 37:2,5-7, 41:39-44; Dan. 1:8, 2:48;
    Ex. 32:26; Gen. 49:5-7; Num. 25:7, 10-13)
    a. Joseph and Daniel (Gen. 37:2,5-7, 41:39-44; Dan. 1:8)
    b. Levi (Gen. 49:5-7; Ex. 32:26)
    c. Phinehas (Num. 25:7, 10-13)
    When you are passionate for God and have decided to live for God, don’t let the success of any unbeliever intimidate you, because God is too faithful to forget your labour of love
  2. Satisfaction and fulfilment in life (Ps. 45:7, 51:10-12; Luke 10:17; Ps. 35:27)
    You cannot be on the path of righteousness and escape joy and gladness
  3. The fragrance of Divine favour and acceptance (Ps. 45:7-8; 5:12; Dan. 1:8-9; Esth. 2:15; Prov. 14:9)
    You don’t have to compromise to get favour; there is favour you get by character and integrity


Father, help me to love what You love, to hate what You hate and be in complete alignment with You Lord in Jesus’ Name

Father, I receive the grace to take a stand for right irrespective of who is taking the opposite stand Lord in Jesus’ Name

Father, I receive the grace to live with a pure, undefiled and lively conscience. I receive that grace Lord, in Jesus’ Name

Father, I receive the anointing and the lifting above my fellows today Lord, in Jesus’ Name

Father, I reject the spell of depression and I receive the Oil of gladness today, Lord in Jesus’ Name

Father, I make demands for the fragrance of Divine favour by reason of the Anointing today, Lord in Jesus’ Name

Oh God to Whom vengeance belongeth, show Yourself in Nigeria NOW!

Father, I come before You today; as I receive Your grace to live in righteousness and uprightness, help me to live by Your standards and not by the standards of the world, help me to live for You and not for myself, and help me to live with eternity in view, in Jesus’ Name.

Father, I connect with the Oil of lifting above my contemporaries, I connect with joy and fulfilment, and I connect with Divine favour and acceptance. I reject rejection and disfavour by the anointing this morning, in Jesus’ Name

Father, I thank You for Your Word to my life today. I receive the grace to live in the fear and reverence of my God, I receive the grace to give you pleasure with my life, I receive the grace to live with the God-first mindset. I receive that grace now, in Jesus’ Name.


  • It is the Oil of lifting above your fellows
  • The destruction of depression and release of joy
  • The unction for satisfaction and fulfilment
  • The fragrance of favour
  • Grace to live in uprightness, and to be lifted above your contemporaries. By this Anointing this morning, any unjust stagnation, limitation or frustration is arrested by fire!


  • Brace up for a shift in all dimensions
  • It is the dawning of a new season; it is the opening of a new page and of a new chapter.
  • It is the rain of glory, wiping out the climate of shame, reproach, infirmity and disgrace in your life
  • You are being singled out for honour
  • Finally your faith in God is stepping you into the glory realm, the realm of settlement all round, increase and explosion.


  • Every satanic arrow fired into your life, today they are retrieved and refired back to sender
  • Every arrow sent to you or your loved ones or your brother is returned back to sender!
  • You have stepped into a season of revolution in your life, family, finances and destiny
  • The things you have been expecting of God, I am anointed to announce, you have just stepped into prophecy manifestation and fulfilment
  • The delay is over! The visitation is here! The revival promised is here!
  • Everything closed in your life is open right now!
  • Everything that is strange in your body is walking out right now!
  • God shall prove to you and to all who know you that it pays to serve the Lord
  • Joy and gladness will never leave your house
  • Everyone today who is a victim of disfavour, today, by the anointing, it is deleted
  • Today is the beginning of something global; a higher dimension for Dunamis Commission

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