Topic: The Key to Power [Seeds of Destiny 5 June 2019 Devotional]
Click HERE for Previous MESSAGES by Pastor Paul Enenche
Having faith in God has been confirmed to attract evidential profits to life. Those who have faith in God are candidates for unquantifiable benefits and profits. To exist in faith is to experience positive proofs and practical evidence in one’s life(Hebrews 11:1).
SCRIPTURE: And Stephen, full of faith and power, did great wonders and miracles among the people. Acts 6:8.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: To exercise faith is to walk in power.
Having faith in God has been confirmed to attract evidential profits to life. Those who have faith in God are candidates for unquantifiable benefits and profits. To exist in faith is to experience positive proofs and practical evidence in one’s life (Hebrews 11:1).
Now, one of the profits of faith is POWER. Faith is key to power. From our anchor Scripture, we understand that the presence of faith is the presence of power; the fullness of faith is the fullness of power. Faith cannot be present and power is absent. That is why men of faith are men of power. Anywhere you see a woman of faith, she is also a woman of supernatural power.
The work of faith is accompanied by power (2 Thessalonians 1:17). Those who walk in faith never beg for power (1 Peter 1:5). You cannot be a person of faith and be a powerless entity.
We understand from Physics that power is the ability to do work. So, things work where faith is at work, and work is said to be done when an object is moved through a distance in the direction of the force. Therefore, faith people are movers and shakers; they move things because of the availability of power. Every time you see anything around you that is not working as it ought to be, it is an indication that power is lacking. By faith, the woman with the issue of blood touched the helm of Jesus’ garment and virtue, which is the power of God left Jesus and healed her (Mark 5:28-30). So, faith is the switch of power. To exercise faith is to walk in power.
Beloved, my counsel is, make up your mind to walk in power and silence the devil by exercising your faith.
Remember this: To exercise faith is to walk in power.
- Make up your mind to exercise faith and walk in power in order to avoid being a cheap victim of satanic attack.
- Be addicted to the Word and put the Word to practice in order to experience the practicality of faith.
PRAYER: O LORD, I ask for the grace to walk in faith in order to exercise Your Power, in Jesus’ Name.
DAILY READING: 2 Samuel 23:24-24:25, Acts 3:1-26, Psalm 123: 1-26, Psalm 123: 1-4, Proverbs 16:21-23
AMAZING FACT: Christianity is the fastest growing religion in Iran.
QUOTE: Revelation Word is the food of faith; nothing builds faith like the insight you get out of the Bible. Culled from ‘15 Kingdom Strategies for Survival’ by Dr Paul Enenche.
PROPHETIC DECLARATION/WORD: Receive a fresh baptism of power in this season, in Jesus’ Name.
Today’s devotional was written by Pastor Paul Enenche of the Dunamis International Gospel Centre (DIGC), headquartered at Abuja, Nigeria, with Pastor Paul and Becky Enenche, as the Senior Pastors. It is a power-packed arena where God’s Presence, Principles and Power are at work for the salvation, healing and restoration of human destinies and dignities
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