The Blessedness Of Hopefulness (1&2) By Pastor Paul Enenche

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SERVICE OBJECTIVE(S): Understanding the connection between the Blessing of God and hope in God

Hope refers to expectation, aspiration, a positive outlook to life.

Hope also refers to optimism, positivism, and enthusiasm.

In hope you have confidence, assurance, a high morale.

Hope, especially hope in God, is one of the critical necessities in life.

It is possible to survive for a while without friends, without money or even without a certificate, but it is impossible to survive without hope.

A person without money but with hope can survive better than a person with money and without hope.

A person can live for up to 40days without food, 7 days without water, 4 minutes without oxygen to the brain but it has been said that nobody can survive a second without hope.

We live in a world where everything around wants to communicate hopelessness
In this upside down world, hope, trust and faith in God will bail us out
Hope is so important that life itself is sustained by hope (Job 14:14)
When people begin to give up, they begin to go down – go down physically and go down in death
Hope is tied to life; hope is a connector to the pathway of life. The loss of hope can equal the loss of life. (Eccl. 9:4; Ps. 16:9-11)
There is a blessedness of hopeful


  1. To hope in God is to be planted as a tree (Jer. 17:7-8; Ps. 46:1-3)
    1a. Hope in God is key to stability and immovability in life
    It doesn’t matter a man’s position and wealth today, if it is not tied to God in faith, hope and trust, it cannot last.
    1b. Hope in God is doorway to settlement and establishment in life
  2. To hope in God is to be planted and rooted by the river (Jer. 17:8; Job 22:29)
    2a. Hope in God equals connection to unending refreshing and irrigation; it makes dryness impossible (Job 22:29)
    2b. Hope in God facilitates the ministry of the Spirit (John 7:37-39)
    There is constant supply and provision through the spirit where hope in God is complete
  3. To hope in God is to be free from the heat of life (Jer. 17:8; Mal. 4:1-2)
    3a. Hope in God delivers people from unnecessary stress and sweat in life
    3b. Hope in God delivers the hopeful from the adverse climates of life
  4. To hope in God is to exist with colour in life (Jer. 17:8)
    4a. Hope in God delivers from the loss of colour, honour and glory in life, irrespective of seasonal changes
    4b. Hope in God delivers from unnecessary care and worry about changing climates in the world (Ps. 46:1-3)
  5. To hope in God is to be connected or established in ceaseless fruitfulness (Jer. 17:8)
    5a. Hope in God is exemption from the plague of empty-handedness and barrenness
    5b. Hope in God averts the spell of labour without reward and sowing without reaping (Heb. 11:6)


The way of hopefulness is the way of blessedness and the way of hopelessness is the way of ‘blesslessness’

The Blessing is in place where hope is in place but the Blessing is never in place where hope is out of place


  1. Avoid functioning and existing in hopelessness, rather, keep hope alive by placing your hope in God. (Ps. 42:5, 11)
  2. Uphold other secrets of the Blessing to guarantee the Blessing (Ps. 5:12; Ex. 23:25; Acts 20:35b; Matt. 16:17; Ps. 112:1-2; Prov. 8:13; Gen. 12:2-3)
    The Blessing is a system
    Only the engine of the car cannot move on the road, it has to work with other systems
    No matter how powerful a brain or heart are, they cannot work without the other systems of the body
    Don’t work only the parts, work the whole system so that you give the devil no reason to deny you of your the Blessing


Father, thank You for Your Word to us today. To You be all the glory Lord, in Jesus’ Name.
In the name of Jesus, I cannot lose my hope. Father, my hope and faith is in You. I receive the grace to live for You in uprightness I receive the grace to live for You and do Your Will, in Jesus’ Name.


  1. I prophesy, the thoughts of God for your life and for our land in this month of November shall stand in the name of Jesus. I prophesy He shall bring you to an expected end in 2020, in Jesus’ Name. (Jer. 29:11)
  2. As has been declared, I announce, the Lord shall grant you an 11th hour visitation that will translate into total restoration. In this 11th month, He will visit you and put into your hands everything that is meant for you in the year 2020.
  3. I declare the Blessing of Life and the Blessing of Peace in the month of November, in Jesus’ Name.
  4. I prophesy the opening up of your life and destiny; every life and destiny that has been closed and every door closed before now, I declare them opened right now!
  5. I declare that everything that is loaded into this season for you, the Lord release
    them into your hands, in Jesus’ Name.
  6. Jehovah draw you closer to Himself and make you ready for His second coming.
  7. Every blessing mentioned because of hope today becomes your portion; I declare you planted as a tree, I declare you planted by the river, your refreshing shall be continuous,
    I declare today you are free from the heat and the stress of life, I declare you shall exist in colourfulness in life, and your fruitfulness, no devil shall stop, in Jesus’ Name.

COMMUNION FOCUS (1Cor. 10:16):
Communion of Blessing. The Blessing declared is translated into your system and will flush out every curse.


  • We declare today, you step into the 11th month and we release the 11th hour miracle upon you!
  • Your hope, zeal and faith is intact!
  • No weapon of the enemy against you shall prosper!
  • The work of your hands and fruit of your womb is preserved
  • Whatever pressure you came here with is over!
  • Before this month is over, my God will settle somebody!
  • The 12th month is not allowed to arrive and expire until you have been settled by God!
  • It doesn’t matter the negative climate in your family, your workplace or in our nation, you shall not know such a climate!
  • In a short while to come, people shall look at you as a wonder!
  • That devil that wants to devalue your life and destiny shall never succeed!
  • Every affliction, disfavour or barrenness that has come to reduce your value is flushed out now!
  • As you serve God faithfully and dutifully, He will decorate your life!
  • This week every endeavour of your life shall be successful!

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