The Blessing Of God And The Destiny Of Man (1-3) By Dr. Paul Enenche

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  1. Understanding the relationship between the blessing of God and the destiny of man
  2. Understanding the way to the blessing

The Blessing of God is a very strong force in the building of the destiny of people

The Blessing of God is a very strong foundation for the destiny of man


  1. The Blessing of God laid the foundation for the destiny of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden (Gen. 1:28)
    The Blessing of God literally guarantees the future of man on the earth
    Anywhere the blessing is in place, the future is a guarantee
  2. The Blessing of God upon Isaac laid the foundation for his life and destiny (Gen. 25:11; 26:12-14, 16-21)
    Isaac did not depend on the wealth of his father, he laboured and saw the same results his father saw
  3. The Blessing of God on Noah and his family gave them a new beginning and a future on the earth after the flood had destroyed everything (Gen. 9:1-3)
    The Blessing of God can make a man or woman survive where others have perished
  4. The Blessing of God on the life of Jacob caused such a solid foundation on his life so that nothing he faced along his journey of destiny could strip him of the blessing of God on his life (Gen. 27:27)
  5. The Blessing of God clearly set Abraham apart from the rest of his family and gave him a strong, solid and enviable future after many years of failure. (Gen. 12:1-5)
  6. The Blessing of God impacted the life of Job until the devil gave testimony that there was a man that had the hand of God upon his life. (Job 1:10)


  1. The Blessing preserves the life, destiny and Divine purpose in the life of the blessed (Isa. 65:8)
    You need to be alive before you can fulfil destiny
    The blessing of God is what ensures that you are not killed before your time so that the purpose of God can be fulfilled in your life
    The blessing of God in your life is what guarantees the prosperity of Divine purpose
    The blessing of God is like a Divine insurance policy for life, destiny and Divine purpose
    When the blessing of God is on your life the devil cannot easily access you to destroy you
  2. The Blessing empowers and compels both the earth and the environment of the blessed to yield their best (Gen. 4:11-12; 30:27, 30)
    When the Blessing of God is upon you, the earth where you are standing is compelled to yield its best to you
    When the Blessing of God is upon you, the environment where you are is mandated to release its best to you
    The atmosphere of a blessed person is under the mandate of cooperation
    It is not a matter of where you are, it is a matter of what is on you
  3. The blessing connects the blessed with their God-ordained allocation and inheritance in the earth (Ps. 5:12; 68:19; Matt. 6:11; Prov. 10:22; Isa. 14:27)
    It is the blessing of God that channels to you what is rightfully yours
    The reason why what belongs to you cannot be diverted or denied is the blessing
  4. The blessing empowers the blessed to make progress, surmount obstacles and overcome resistance. (Gen. 12:1; 11:31-32; 12:5; 26:12-16)
    When you stop moving, you start dying
    When you are blessed you are wired for motion, progress, and unstoppability
    You are wired irresistible, unstoppable, and indefatigable by the blessing of God
    If God blesses you, you must go forward and keep on going
  5. The blessing fertilizes and releases the potentials of the blessed for maximum impact on earth (Gen. 1:28; 23:2; 25:1)
    When the blessing is on you everything loaded in you is downloaded to your generation
    You may not look like anything now, but there is greatness inside you!
  6. The blessing of God comes with the direction of the Lord; the blessing travels in the company of Divine direction (Gen. 12:1-3; 25:11; 26:12-23; 26:1-3)
    Those who are connected to His blessing are also connected to His direction
    God cannot bless you and leave you confused
    The Voice of the Lord travels in the company of the Blessing of the Lord
    Isaac did not rely on the wealth of his father but on the secret of his father which was the Blessing of God


  1. Going all the way with God (Deut. 28:1)
    This refers to obedience
    You are not half-hearted with God or stopping halfway
  2. Being a blessing to both the Kingdom and others (Gen. 12:2-3; Heb. 7:8; Prov. 11:25; Isa. 55:10; Mal. 3:10)
    God cannot release to a man who cannot release
    God blesses blessers and gives givers; he waters them that water
    This watering starts with the tithing
    If you are going to be a blessing to the Kingdom and to humanity, the witch or wizard that can dry up your resources does not exist
  3. Being in Kingdom service (Ex. 23:25; Job 36:11; Isa. 1:19)
    Serve God in soul-winning, in the sanctuary, with your talents and giftings
    Serve the Lord where you are and you will be shocked at the blessing of God that will come on you
    When you work for government they pay you salary, when you work for God He pays you blessings
  4. Connecting with the blessed (Heb. 7:7; Gen. 12:3; Prov. 19:17)
    Connecting with anyone who carries the blessing will irrigate your life
    Anywhere you see the blessed, connect with them and celebrate them


Father, thank You for Your Word to us today. To You be all the glory Lord, in Jesus’ Name.

Father, I come before You today and I receive the grace to go all the way with You, the grace to be a blessing to the Kingdom of God and to be of service to the Kingdom, I receive that grace Lord, in Jesus’ Name.


  • The blessing coming upon you today, preserves your life, destiny and the purpose of God on your life
  • In this season where there is a lot of wastage and destruction in all the nations of the earth, you cannot be wasted and you cannot be destroyed!
  • You shall fulfil your days, fulfil your purpose and fulfil your assignment in the land of the living, in Jesus’ Name!
  • By this blessing, I declare that the earth around you be empowered! Your environment is compelled to yield their best to you, to favour you and surrender to you what is yours in Jesus’ Name!
  • By this blessing, I declare your connection with your inheritance
  • The Blessing of Jesus preserve your life, destiny and the purpose of God in your life in the month of May.
  • You will not be cut short by banditry attack, terrorist attack, road accident or the like
  • Everywhere they are holding what is yours, they lose their peace sleep and rest until what is yours is released into your hands!
  • I decree power through the blessing to make progress
  • By the blessing, I declare your potentials are coming alive
  • A new season is coming upon you in Jesus’ Name!


Communion of the blessing

  • By this communion receive a closer walk with God


  • We declare your preservation – no weapon of the enemy shall come near you!
  • An ancient transaction just got cancelled
  • An ancestral generational curse just broke
  • Someone whose destiny was tied like that donkey has just been untied!
  • A battle just ended for somebody!
  • The devil that could not kill you before you knew God, that devil came too late now!
  • The purpose of God for your life, destiny and future shall come to pass!
  • No ancestral or generational curse, group of witches or wizards can kill a man whose life has the blessing of God
  • Every curse on your life is reversed, every force of darkness is dissolved!
  • What belongs to you in the land of the living, no devil shall deny or divert it!
  • In case there is anyone sitting on what is yours, they lose their peace, sleep or rest until what is yours enters into your hands!
  • What stopped your father can never stop you!
  • What your father could not achieve you are going to achieve it!
  • You are blessed! Your life, family and destiny are blessed!
  • For anyone experiencing any type of dryness, I decree that season of dryness, empty-handedness and barrenness is over forever
  • On this blessing Sunday, every area of confusion in your life is about to be cleared
  • Direction is coming your way
  • Whatever direction is needed right now is released in Jesus’ Name!

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