The Breeding Ground Of Evil Arrows By Dr. D.K Olukoya -

The Breeding Ground Of Evil Arrows By Dr. D.K Olukoya

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As I speak to you now, where ever every arrow the enemy has planted within you shall depart in the name of Jesus!

When you say ‘incubator’, what does it mean to incubate?

  • It means to sit on eggs and keep the eggs warm until the young birds come out.
  • It means to be holding in one’s body an infection which is going to develop into a disease. It is already in the body; it’s about to develop into a disease.

So, an incubator keeps eggs very warm until they hatch. The tragedy is that there are so many people incubating evil arrows. An arrow is a dangerous spiritual weapon.

The first time I would see a dead elephant, using a tiny arrow; that arrow brought down the big elephant.

Beloveth, there are spiritual arrows operating day and night and causing spiritual havoc day by day. A lot of people land in the hospital after receiving spiritual arrows of darkness. Let me read quite a few scriptures to let you know what I am talking about.

Beloved, whether we like it or not, evil arrows fly about day and night. We cannot stop them from flying about until Jesus comes. But we can protect ourselves. We can send back evil arrows. We can pray for spiritual surgery to take them out.

There are plenty of reasons the enemy fires arrows at people.

  • to kill
  • to destroy
  • to slow down progress
  • to steal
  • to hide the identity of the enemy who does not want you to know who he or she is
  • to confuse
  • to introduce slow poison.

When an arrow is fired against a believer, 4 things can take place:

  1. It can bounce back and go back to the sender,
  2. It can enter in and begin to stay there to carry out evil activity,
  3. It can pass through the body, leaving a hole or an injury, creating a spiritual injury in the person,
  4. It can keep following the person until the opportunity comes when the arrow will now enter into the person.

There is no physical medicine that can remove spiritual arrows. But the joy of the matter is this, the position of the Bible for the believer is very clear. In Isaiah 54:17, let’s see our position as believers. We are going to spend sometime on that one. So, you know you have a right to command evil arrows to go back to where they came from. The position of the Bible is very clear. That scripture says “no weapon formed against you shall prosper”.

Anyone here today, and the enemy is firing arrows against you, as you shout 7 Amen, the arrow shall go back to the senders in the name of Jesus.

In Psalm 105:15, that is the position of scriptures for us as believers. In Psalm 125:3, that is the position. In Psalm 37:6, see what the Bible is saying about us. Then in Psalm 34:7, that’s what the Bible says. And in Proverbs 3.24, look at what it says. But it is sad to note that inspite of our position in Christ, inspite of the position the Almighty has put us in, it is sad to know that the arrows of wicked hunters prosper in many lives today.

A lot of people are unconsciously incubating arrows. The devil is using this opportunity to pump spiritual arrows into a lot of people. You know the hunter might fire an arrow from a long distance, so arrows can come from far countries, from anywhere. The hunter may be expecting the effect of that arrow. The enemy may be monitoring the person to see what happens to the arrows. They may ordain arrows for a particular person in which case the arrows keep following the person until there is space to attack the person. This is why you have to listen carefully now.

There are signs to recognise the presence of wicked arrows in a life:

  1. Sudden physical weakness and sickness. Command the arrows to go back to the senders.
  2. Sudden love for sinful things you had once rejected. Something you had rejected you just started falling in love with it again.
  3. Trouble starting in a life after you have had a particular dream. It is an arrow.
  4. Sudden lack of interest in spiritual things. You used to be on fire for God, now you find that you are no longer on fire: an arrow has entered into the liver.
  5. Things running around the body. This is a strange problem these days. Things just moving about in the body.
  6. Heat in the head, heat in organs of the body like the womb and the chest.
  7. Feeling suddenly lifeless. The person was full of life before. All of a sudden, he begins to feel lifeless.
    I am praying for anyone here now that is going through any of these symptoms mentioned, receive your deliverance now in the name of Jesus.
  8. Friendly and helpful people to you just become instant enemies.
  9. Diseases that defy medical diagnosis. They can’t understand what it is. All tests show nothing.
  10. Stubborn disobedience to good advice. Somebody is advising you but you are stubbornly disobedient. It is an area of darkness to destroy that person.
  11. Feeling that you have arrived spiritually and you don’t need any help anymore. It’s an arrow.
  12. Unteachable attitude. When they say “don’t do this” or “don’t do that”, you now become totally unteachable.
  13. Obedient children suddenly becoming disobedient. It is an arrow of darkness.
    I stand as a prophet of the Most High God and I decree that every arrow of disobedience that has entered into the child of anyone here must go back to the senders in the name of Jesus!
  14. Sudden big loss in your business that has not suffered any loss before. It is an arrow into that business.
  15. Your customers or those who patronise you running away to other people.
  16. Making sudden and constant costly mistakes.

These are evidences that a wicked arrow has been fired and that that arrow is carrying out its evil assignment.

It is time for you beloveth to resign from the post of an arrow incubator. Your life is supposed to incubate good things and not arrows. But the big truth is that many of us really need to repent.

What are the qualifications of arrow incubators? What makes you a breeding ground for the arrows of darkness?

  1. Lukewarmness. The Bible says in Rev 3:15-16 that He would spew a person out. And once God spits a person out, the person becomes an easy target to arrows; to all the weapons of the enemy. The person becomes an object to be trampled upon by the serpents and scorpions of darkness. So the first group of arrow incubators who have arrows incubating their bodies is those who are lukewarm.
  2. Carelessness with opposite sex. It incubates arrows. (See 1st Corin 6:18-20). The Bible also tells us to flee from all appearance of evil. Show me a man who is careless with the opposite sex and I will show you a man who is a ready incubator for the arrows of darkness.
  3. Anger, that makes people incubate arrows (Eccl 7:9). The Bible describes people who lose their temper, who get angry as fools because they endanger their own lives.
  4. The fearful. Job in the Bible could not be penetrated by the devil until he created an opening through fear (Job 3:25). So fear opened the room for the arrows that plagued Job.
  5. Prayerlessness. The Bible says “watch and pray that ye enter not into temptation”. Prayerlessness will lead to temptation.
  6. Lacking the fire of the Holy Ghost. The Bible says “you shall receive power after the Holy Ghost has come upon you”. That power comes upon you; the fire of God comes upon you. An insect cannot put his bed in the fireplace because it is too hot.
  7. Keeping malice. The Bible says “let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamour and evil speaking be put away from you”.
  8. Doubters (James 1:5-6). A doubter receives nothing.
  9. Those who engage in worry and anxiety (John 14:1). Those who always get worried and anxious are easy targets for the arrows of darkness.
  10. Refusal or being too shy or being cowardly to use your talents and gifts for God. It will expose you to arrows of darkness.
  11. Any clear disobedience to God’s word. You are clearly disobeying God. It will expose you to arrows of darkness.
  12. Incomplete deliverance. Once your deliverance is not complete, the enemy keeps using that open door you have left to keep attacking your life.

All these things that I have enumerated to you are fertilizers for evil arrows. They are characters for arrow incubators.

I want to plead with you seriously: do not leave this meeting without chasing out every arrow of oppression that has entered into your life. And if the arrows have already entered, it is just like they fire physical bullet into somebody and it is still in the person’s body. A surgical operation is needed to get it out. You must request for that heavenly surgery today.

This morning is a morning for five things:

  • a morning for repentance,
  • a morning for pulling out the enemy’s arrows,
  • a morning for nullifying and healing the effects of these arrows,
  • a morning for sending evil arrows back to the senders,
  • a morning for making a covenant with the Lord.

A lot of people have suffered from these evil arrows and they need to aggressively send them back to the senders. The Bible says violence is the key.(Matt 11:12).


  1. I fire back every arrow of witchcraft now in the name of Jesus!
  2. Arrows of reproach, arrows of embarrassment, arrows of limitations, backfire in the name of Jesus!
  3. Tongues soaked in charms against me, catch fire in the name of Jesus.
  4. Powers assigned to multiply my problems, you are liars, die in the name of Jesus.
  5. Every gathering of my mockers, scatter in the name of Jesus.
  6. Witchcraft projections into my dreams, what are you waiting for? Die in the name of Jesus!
  7. Where is the God of Isaac? Arise, make me laugh in the name of Jesus.
  8. Where is the God of Isaac? Arise, multiply my laughter in the name of Jesus.
  9. Coffin of darkness, assigned against me, swallow your senders, in the name of Jesus!
  10. Arrows fired against my staff of bread, backfire in the name of Jesus.
  11. Any satanic anointing speaking against me, dry up in the name of Jesus!
  12. (Lay your right hand upon your head) Garment of disgrace, catch fire in the name of Jesus!
  13. Powers circulating my name for evil, your time is up, die in the name of Jesus.
  14. Arrows insulting my faith, backfire in the name of Jesus.
  15. Arrows of envious enemies, backfire in the name of Jesus!
  16. Covenants behind the battles fighting me, break by the blood of Jesus!
  17. Arrows of pestilence, arrows of pandemic, I am not your candidate, die in the name of Jesus.
  18. Thou power of this pandemic, depart from our nation in the name of Jesus!

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