The Daily Fountain Daily Devotional of the Church Of Nigeria (Anglican Communion) 24 December 2019 – TOPIC: WHAT WILL THIS LITTLE CHILD BE?

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(Christmas Eve)
READ: LUKE 1:57-58(NKJV)

57. Now Elizabeth’s full time came for her to be delivered, and she brought forth a son.
58. When her neighbors and relatives heard how the Lord had shown great mercy to her, they rejoiced with her.


John was a child of prophecy and was given birth to, at the fulfilment of this prophecy. On the 8th, the day for circumcision and naming, the neighbours wanted to give him the name of his father. They did not see in John anything beyond his father, after all Zachariah was a priest. What else could one ask for? But his mother (thank God for the gift of a spiritual mother, Luke 1:5-8), chose the name given to them by the Angel Gabriel.

At that instance, the neighbours gave the father a slate to write his son’s name. Zachariah wrote and spoke for the first time in a year to confirm this unique name for a unique son. It left everyone wondering what this ‘little child’ would become since it was obvious God was with him.
Zachariah prophesied at that hour by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.

He, in his prophecy, tied the destiny of his son to the fulfilment of God’s promise and covenant to Israel: redemption, horn of salvation, mercy, deliverance and service to the Lord. What would have been our prophecy on our own unique children if we were the one given the opportunity? We could have prophesied, ‘Being head and not the tail’; ‘money’; ‘death of the enemy’; etc.

But Zachariah was thinking and seeing ‘25th December.’ His son would have to usher in the long-awaited Messiah. Abraham, David, and the prophets had waited for this Messiah! ‘What can we do to work God’s work’ and to expand His kingdom?

PRAYER: May the Lord show us mercy to speak of the propagation of His kingdom and salvation for our generation, Amen.

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