The Daily Fountain Daily Devotional of the Church Of Nigeria (Anglican Communion) 3 January 2020 – TOPIC: SHOW APPRECIATION

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1. A Song of Ascents. Behold, bless the LORD, All [you] servants of the LORD, Who by night stand in the house of the LORD!
2. Lift up your hands [in] the sanctuary, And bless the LORD.
3. The LORD who made heaven and earth Bless you from Zion!


Our debt of appreciation to God is beyond measure, so a call to bless Him can be likened to a call to praise and express appreciation to Him. The striking point of this Psalm is that it makes us to understand that right worship is an ancient practice. Lifting up one’s hands in worship is also a welcome activity in worship. Observe equally that the Psalm ended with a statement on God’s blessing to His people (verse 3).

Think for a moment about all that God did to bring you where you are today. Are you not moved by the fact that God still counts you among those that received His grace to be in the land of the living? God deserves your praise. Let your lifestyle this year and henceforth bring glory to His name; dissociate yourself from any act that will dishonour Him. As you honour Him, He promises to honour you (1 Sam. 2:30). One sure way of getting promotion in life is to live a life that promotes the will of God – let God be happy for your life this year and always!

PRAYER: To You oh Lord, be all the glory for the great things You have done for me and my family. Help me to remain faithful.

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