The God That Killeth And Maketh Alive By Dr. D.K Olukoya

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Listen carefully. God and His prophets operate on 2 legs:

  • Blessings
  • Curses

They will use any of it upon you depending on which side you align yourself to. Anointing also has 2 sides: it can make alive and it can kill.

The same vessel that poured out resurrection power can also pour out death. The healing anointing also has a wounding part. The anointing for deliverance also carries the anointing for desolation.

Or did the Bible not say, “Let his habitation be desolate, and let no man dwell therein: and his bishoprick let another take”?

The prayer of judgment uttered by the saint is not wickedness. God Himself will reward the wicked. He says “say ye to the righteous ‘it shall be well with you’ but say ye to the wicked ‘it shall be ill with him’”.

It is God who said it, not me. It is in the Bible. Listen to me very carefully. The God we serve can bless with one hand and with that same hand, can issue a backhand slap.

There are those that the Lord will shoot down, there are those He will lift up. There are those He will erase, there are those God will raise up. There are those God will pull down, there are those He will lift up.

There are those that God will disgrace, there are those that He will celebrate. There are those that God will kill, there are those that God will make alive. There are those that God will heal, there are those that God will wound.

There are those that God will make rich, there are those that God will make poor. There are those that God will eliminate, there are those that God will protect and safeguard.

Also Read: The School Of Mouth Management By Dr. D.K Olukoya

Listen carefully. There is a vengeance side of God which many of us do not understand. God is a God of vengeance.

That is why I am praying for somebody here, I do not know who you are, but any power that will not let you rest, the God that killeth and maketh alive shall bury them tonight in the name of Jesus!

And I prophesy upon your life, that that voice that has been speaking against your elevation, joy, saying you will not marry, have children, have wealth, I command that voice to speak no more in the name of Jesus!

Close your eyes where you are and pray with a voice louder than your neighbour:


  • O God that killeth and maketh alive, arise, fight my battle in the name of Jesus.


  • O God that killeth and maketh alive, bury my Goliath in the name of Jesus.

Herod was making noise. God was looking at him. He took one apostle and killed him, God was looking at him. But by the time we get to Acts 12, God smote him.

Somebody is here, your stubborn enemy shall give up the ghost in the name of Jesus!

There are many wicked things going on in this world which we are, upon which we need to invite the God that killeth and maketh alive.

I am praying for somebody here, any power that is bent on destroying your destiny, the God that killeth and maketh alive shall deal with them today in the name of Jesus.

There are many wicked things going on this world. When we say wickedness, the Bible says “the whole world lieth in wickedness” and we are living in the last days.

The Bible makes us to understand that in the last days, there will be so many signs and these signs are coming to pass. It says there shall be wars and rumours of wars: it is happening.

It said Israel shall be scattered all over and gathered again: it has happened. It said there shall be many false prophets, many will say “I am Christ”: it has happened.

The Bible said there shall be fear and distresses, they are signs of the end. It says there shall be increase in knowledge and you can say that there is a lot of knowledge; it has increased.

The Bible says there shall be lawlessness, corruption. These are signs of the last days. But one neglected sign of the last days is that there shall be satanic revival.

That is, in the realm of the spirit, there shall be am explosion of wickedness because the devil is making his final attack on the human race. It is a desperate final attack. It is a wicked attack.

Wicked powers have now increased their activities these days. Somebody has a dream and something bites the breast; next morning they say it is cancer. Wickedness!

These days they are sending serpents to people. These days, mad people are on the increase. All the psychiatric hospitals are getting filled up. A lot of people are getting padlock to lock up their colleagues.

Some are going to business people to give them strange money and that strange money would lock up their wealth. It is a wicked thing that is happening and we have no other approach.

Unfortunately, there is no gentle way to arrest anything evil. Many are crying day and night “why is my life like this? When will things be okay for me? Am I the only person in this world? Why is it that nothing is working? Who have I offended? Why will these powers not let me go?”

Listen beloveth, all that noise makes no difference. What would make the difference is when you bring the God that killeth and maketh alive into the picture. That is the God I want you to call upon tonight.

There are witches that must die before many here will move forward. There are people that need to be brought down, if you need to be brought up. God operates two sides of the coin.

He said “I put down, I lift up. I make poor, I make rich. I kill, I make alive.” He is doing the two at the same time. So, as we call upon Him today, whatever He needs to kill, He should kill it. Whatever He needs to make alive, He should make it alive.

I am praying for somebody here, all the captivity of the witch doctors that has been stealing from you is buried today in the name of Jesus!

[Before Ministration Prayers By Daddy GO]

  1. Satanic visitors in my dreams, die in the name of Jesus.
  2. Evil shoes of my parents, you will not fit my feet, catch fire in the name of Jesus.

[After Ministration Prayers]

  1. O God that killeth and maketh alive, arise in your anger, bury my Pharaoh in the name of Jesus.
  2. O God that killeth and maketh alive, arise and kill every sickness in my body in the name of Jesus.
  3. Any power that needs to be wounded for my life to move forward, receive the wound now in the name of Jesus.
  4. Power of enchantment and sorcery working against my life, die in the name of Jesus.
  5. O God arise and let my enemies be scattered in the name of Jesus.
  6. Every assembly of witchcraft, gathered against me, scatter in the name of Jesus.
  7. Every witchcraft coven assigned against me, I blot you out of the land of the living in the name of Jesus.
  8. Shame and confusion arise, locate my oppressors in the name of Jesus.
  9. My Father, by your power as of old, embarrass my enemies in the name of Jesus.
  10. Every surrounding enemy, your time is up, scatter by fire in the name of Jesus.
  11. Every conspiracy against my next level, die in the name of Jesus.
  12. Terrifying noises from heaven, what are you waiting for? Pursue my pursuers in the name of Jesus.

God bless you in Jesus name.

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