The Message Of Zion By Pastor D.K Olukoya -

The Message Of Zion By Pastor D.K Olukoya

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Anchored Scriptures: Psalm 125:1, Psalm 84:7, Romans 11:26, Hebrews 12:22-24, Psalm 9:11

Today, is of course a prayer meeting. Like I have told you before, that those prayers we are not able to pray at the crossover; we have to now start praying them.

But listen to this short message, which I am going to try to compress for you. It is called ‘the message of Zion’.

What I’m trying to explain to you as a servant of God, is that this lockdown has created a fatal ground for many dark spirits to sneak into people’s lives.

As a matter of fact, the reason some people are alive is because of the prayer they come for in the church and they receive the aroma and fire of prayer in their body and they go home; the enemy can not touch them. But that went away, so fire went down; then the enemy started to move in.

Many of these spirits have sneaked into people’s lives.
Some are open troubles, some are unconscious enemies hiding inside. Some are cryptic, they are there hiding and waiting for the unguarded hour or waiting for their period to catch. So, some are hiding, some will manifest gradually, some are already manifesting. The cases of mental disturbances are going up, hospitals for insanities are being overfilled.
Some of those dark spirits that sneaked in, they are incubating now and they are intending to catch. Some will not manifest now, until much more later. This is why the Lord said, the message for the hour, the message for this period, the message for this year; is the message of Zion.

I want to pray a prayer now, as many as love their destinies; let your 7 fold Amen be the most aggressive here:

Every demonic power that has gained entrance into anyone’s life in this pandemic season, get out now in the name of Jesus!

  • I’m going to pray a second prayer, let your Amen roar like fire and like thunder:

Strangers in hiding, inside any one’s life during this pandemic, I command them to get out in the name of Jesus!

So, the Message of the hour is the message of Zion. The Bible says ‘upon mount Zion, there shall be deliverance and holiness; and the children of Jacob shall possess their possession’.
But, what are these dark powers that have crept into so many lives? There are 25 major ones. As I go through this list very quickly, if any has affected you; when the time comes for aggressive prayers, pray like a mad prophet.

I am praying for you that every troubler of your Israel; the God of Elijah shall trouble them today in the name of Jesus!

  1. Spirit of heaviness: heaviness of the spirit, a major demon at this hour.
  2. Mental confusion: some people think up, think down, think forward, think back; they don’t even know what to think again. It’s a serious matter.
  3. Despondency: just low activity in the heart, low motivation.
  4. Un-wholeness: lot of hidden sicknesses.
  5. Poverty
  6. The spirit of death, and you can’t contest that. It’s so terrible now.
  7. Sorrow and melancholy
  8. Grief
  9. Heart failure
  10. Discouragement
  11. The rage of eaters of flesh and drinkers of blood: they are now raging hard. The witchcraft coven are having large parties.
  12. Depression
  13. Rejection
  14. Deep seated anger: many are so angry.
  15. Self hatred.
  16. Suicidal spirit
  17. Fear
  18. Hunger
  19. Intra family violence: husband and wife fighting it out. For the first, the husband and wife are being locked up in a place for a long time, so they could now see weaknesses of each other and they begin to fight.
  20. Anti marriage spirit: that last year, it dropped the rate of marriages by almost 80%.
  21. The rage of dream criminals, terrible nightmares, horrible dreams. These are what we hear from people in this period. Some wake up from the dream in the night and they cannot go back to sleep.
    This is where I am going to pray another prayer now, let your seven fold Amen be the loudest here: I decree that any witchcraft projection into your dream life, every projection of the spirit of the grave into your dream life; I command them to go back to the senders in the name of Jesus!
  22. Aggressive demonic invasion: because of the absence of prayer heat.
  23. Spiritual slumber
  24. The rage of the vulture spirit.
  25. Stagnancy.

Those are the main demonic powers, that this pandemic opened a large door for.

This is why the message needed for this hour, the message of Zion.

Let me go a little bit into Zion, before we start praying then; we may continue another time:

  • According to Psalm 125:1, Zion is a place prepared for those who put their trust in God.
  • In Psalm 84:7, Zion is a place prepared for those who grow in spiritual strength.
  • We all know Obadiah 1:17, Zion is a source of deliverance and salvation
  • In Romans 11:26, Zion is the only place where the deliverer will come from. This is a very serious point.
  • The first mention of Zion in the Bible, was when David took over that city called Zion. The Bible says ‘Zion is a place that God loves.
  • The Bible calls Zion a holy mountain.
  • The Bible calls Zion the center of worship and of God’s presence.
  • The Bible calls Zion another name, it calls it heaven.
  • In Hebrews 12:22-24, you can see the constituents of Zion listed there. Zion is the dwelling place of God.
  • Look at Psalm 9:11, Zion is a place protected by God from every military advance once you get yourself into the place.
  • Zion is a place of daily redemption
  • Zion is a place of holiness and beauty.
  • Zion is a place where God loves to fight for His people.
  • Zion is a place prepared for those who shut their eyes against evil.
  • Zion is a place prepared for those who cry out and shout to God. The Bible says ‘cry out and shout, thou inhabitant of Zion; for great is the Holy One Of Israel in your midst’.
  • Zion represents change for good from bad, from godlessness to godliness.
  • When you climb unto Zion, then you are able to restrain your eyes from seeing evil, you have a culture of revival amongst you.
    So, we must catch that spirit of Zion in this time that we are in.
    When we talk about catching the spirit of Zion, we are talking about:

1. Hope
2. Strength
3. Healing
4. Deliverance
5. Breakthrough
6. Confidence in God
7. The mountain top life
8. Worshipping God and the presence of God.
9. We are talking about being in divine stronghold
10. We are talking about divine rulership

There are so many other factors about Zion, it is the message of the hour. And I like I said during the crossover, the key is three:

  • Divine presence
  • Aggressive holiness
  • Aggressive prayers

Rise to your feet now, and all eyes closed.

Prayer Rain:

After Ministration prayers by Daddy G.O:

Get yourself ready, the hour has come for praying against the evil fruits of this pandemic and to pray the prayers to confront this year. Plenty of prayers to pray in a few minutes. Don’t tarry, don’t delay, and immediately you hear me; begin to pray:

  1. My Father, let your descending and ascending angels assist me this year in the name of Jesus!
  2. Every good thing that has been blocked in my life, be loosed in the name of Jesus!
  3. My season of breakthroughs, arise; locate me by fire in the name of Jesus!
  4. Powers operating against my destiny in the heavenlies, I pull you down in the name of Jesus!
    This prayer will bring uncommon breakthroughs to many:
  5. Angels of my destiny, arise; locate me now in the name of Jesus!
  6. The anointing of ‘mega blessings’, locate me in the name of Jesus!
  7. Every dagger of darkness, assigned to stab my back; backfire in the name of Jesus!
  8. Arrows fire against my moving forward, backfire in the name of Jesus!
  9. Mental infirmity, I’m not candidate; die in the name of Jesus!
  10. Wicked things that has come into my life in my dreams, dry to the root in the name of Jesus!
  11. To be prayed 7 times: I will be a bone in the throat of my enemies in the name of Jesus!
  12. Holy Ghost fire, immunize my body in the name of Jesus!
  13. I draw the circle of the blood of Jesus around my life, against the arrow of infirmity in the name of Jesus!
  14. Powers assigned to make good things to expire in my life, die in the name of Jesus!
  15. Wicked elders dragging me to the back seat of life, die in the name of Jesus!
  16. Where is the Lord God of Elijah, arise; kill my progress killers in the name of Jesus!
    This two next strange prayers, please pray it well. Say:
  17. Angels of God, scatter every satanic vigils assigned against me in the name of Jesus!
  18. Spirit of sickness assigned to battle my health, blood of Jesus; destroy them in the name of Jesus!
  19. Powers that have dug a pit for me, replace me in that pit in the name of Jesus!
  20. Where is the Lord God of Elijah, arise; let my story change in the name of Jesus!
    Can we raise up our voices and pray these prayer aggressive prayer not only for Nigeria but the entire world:
  21. Thou dark power behind this pandemic, die in the name of Jesus!

Announcement by Daddy G.O:

The headquarters will start the Monday bible study from Monday. It’s going to run from 5pm to 7pm.

Don’t forget the quenching the rage prayers. It will start on the 7th of January 2021, 12:00am to 12:15; just 15 minutes. We are praying from 7th January to 7th February 2021. If you don’t have the booklet, you can still buy your own.

The next PMCH will be the first fruit service and it’s on the 6th of February 2021.

Sunday services at the headquarters is still two services, 7am to 9am and 10am to 12pm.
Glory be to the name of the Lord!

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