The Opposite Visitation by Pastor D.K Olukoya -

The Opposite Visitation by Pastor D.K Olukoya

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MFM International Headquarters Manna Water Service
DATE: 06-November-2019
Theme: The Opposite Visitation
Ministering: Dr. D.K Olukoya (G.O, MFM Worldwide)
Anchored Scriptures: John 5:1-9, Acts 13:6-10


There is plenty of prayers to pray tonight. But before we go into the prayers tonight, we discuss on one of the prayers tonight.

The opposite visitation. John 5:1-9; A man had an infirmity for 38 years meaning the enemy tormented him for 38 years. This drives us into the first Prayers we need to pray here, pray it seven hot times:

– (Raise up your right) Long time problem, hear the word of the Lord: die in the name of Jesus!

This is the sad story of many people today (John 5:1-9), ‘I have no man’. No support, nobody to help. It is important to pray that any power assigned to cage your helpers shall die violently in the name of Jesus!

You can only have two types of spiritual visitations in your life:

1 Divine visitation: If God appears in your home, there will be peace. If God appears in your business, there will be prosperity. If God appears in that sickness, there will be healing. If God pays you a special visit which is my prayer this evening, it is more than the gathering of all the prophets in the world appearing in your sitting room. If God appears to you for five minutes, it is more than any prophet prophesying to you for five hours. Divine visitations will give rise to unforgettable experience, it will make you receive priceless information, it gives you directions for your life. God has no time to waste. Jacob received divine visitation, his life was totally changed. Isaiah received divine visitation and saw himself as a man of unclean lips. Jeremiah received divine visitation and got the message of the great commission. Zechariah received divine visitation before giving birth to John. It is a wonderful time and experience to be cherished.

Also Read: The Mystery of Problems By Pastor D.K Olukoya

One way to receive divine visitation is to be holy consecrated. One great prophesy hanging on every MFM member is the prophesy of greatness, uncommon favor but it is unfortunate and very sad that many are not connecting to that prophesy because of the terrible state of their heart. Wicked heart, stony heart, gossip heart, fighting heart, coming to God to seek for positions, fighting in church. Those kind of things will not allow in you to connect to these prophesies bestowed on you. The few of us that have learnt the principles will punch themselves, they shun politics, they face divine encounter so that they can be a partakers of that great prophesy. Many are keying into it, some that are not full members of this ministry key into it and work on their heart and lives. The MFM is not listed among poor churches. It is not listed there for low decree. They (MFM) are not listed among those who don’t have eyes. Last convention had over 300 first class student. Many were members of this ministry because it is the covenant bestowed upon it. If you shine your eyes, the anointing is there and you need to connect to it. Many people who come to MFM don’t have love in their heart and this is why a lot of people that are suppose to be prosperous and helping others, though they see it in their dream, it does not come to pass. How can it happen when you come to church without the love of God in your heart? The small breakthrough you have, instead of you to use it to give honour back to God; you’re using it to be sleeping with the young girls here and there. They think heaven does not see them.

There are many people here, if they can kill masturbation, their live will change drastically but they are still battling it. That anointing of greatness assigned to us, unfortunately many aren’t able to key to it.

Forget about your background, or where you are coming from, there are many people that have come from worse background and God has blessed them.

There was a woman who started a business with 2000 hairs and she keyed to that covenant and started little, she’s now coming to church with millions.

Moses met God, his life never remain the same.

Divine visitation is the divine appearance of God made known to you, it is simply a visit from God. They took the ark to obediodom house. When obediodom took the ark, and not caring what will happen, and God visited him.

God visited Daniel in the lion’s den and his enemies died.

The first visitation, divine visitation is a wonderful thing.

We are not talking about you being a pastor or a bishop. There are so many pastors and bishops turning the Bible upside down. They begin to dilute the word of God to attract and invite sinners. No hell fire, your sins are forgiven. Many enjoy those sermons but not knowing that they are recipe for destruction. More than ever before, we need divine visitation.

2. The Unprofitable Visitation. The truth is this, there is no one the devil doesn’t not try to visit. His aim is to kill, steal and destroy. The prayer is that those kind of visitation does not prosper in our lives. The unfortunate thing is this, many of those kind of visitation has prospered in the lives of many. Many are terribly wounded in the spiritual realm.

When someone has a visitation

  1. You would feel a cold chill, sometimes a wind blows to you, sometimes the head just starts to swell. Sometimes the person is suffocated or oppressed on the bed, it’s a visitation of darkness.
  2. Sudden feeling of harp object everywhere, it’s an unprofitable visitation.
    I’ve seen someone rushed from the airport and asked me to pray for her. I asked here what happened. She says she sees someone pouring stands on her.
  3. When you find your self among strange people in black uniforms, it’s an unprofitable visitation.
  4. Sometimes they plant invincible materials of people’s body.

Bottomline: Are you listening to me now, instead of going forward, you are going backward, that is an unprofitable visitation. You suddenly became poor, problems are multiplying everyday, trials refuse to come to an end, this is unprofitable visitation.

You must bind, you must resist and you must pull down.

This scripture (Acts 13:6-10) tells us how to deal with the enemy. He (Paul) quickly addressed the enemy and exercised the power bestowed upon him from heaven. We need the same power of God this days to be demonstrated in our lives.

To be astonished means to make somebody thunder struck. We need to speak with such power and demonstration of the spirit of God that the enemies will run away from us because of the fiery power. We will have to spit that power so that we can have divine visitation and reject unprofitable visitation.

Prayer Rain:

During ministration Prayers by Daddy G.O

1 (To be prayed 7 hot times) Long time problem, hear the word of the Lord: die in the name of Jesus!

2 Long term battles, what are you waiting for, die in the name of Jesus!

3 Long time oppression, your time is up, die in the name of Jesus!

4 Long time yokes, break in the name of Jesus!

5 Long time attacks, backfire in the name of Jesus!

6 Any problem that stayed long in my life, your time is up, die in the name of Jesus!

7 Oh God arise and let my life advertise your power in the name of Jesus!

After sermon, prayers by Daddy G.O:

8 Powers using my name to collect my blessings, your time is up, die in the name of Jesus!

9 Battles assigned to amputate my life, scatter in the name of Jesus!

10 Battles assigned to make me fall before my enemies, die in the name of Jesus!

11 My enemies shall mock and disgrace themselves in the name of Jesus!

12 Powers raging to terminate my testimonies, be terminated by fire in the name of Jesus!

13 Every valley hiding my glory, scatter in the name of Jesus!

14 Powers assigned to send me to the bottom of the ladder, your time is up, die in the name of Jesus!

15 Every witchcraft animal chasing away my helper, die in the name of Jesus!

16 Any evil shrine that knows my name, catch fire in the name of Jesus!

17 Arrows of untimely death, go back to your sender in the name of Jesus!

18 My Father, my life is available, appear in the name of Jesus

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