The Problem Of Placental Bondage By Dr. D.K Olukoya

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Today is a day of serious prayers. We are delving into the realm of mysterious problems. Very soon, the marathon prayer meeting to break placental bondage will start, but before it starts, right there where you are seated, I want you to listen to a short message so that you can understand why we are praying the prayers and also engage your spirit in that prayer and get testimonies out of it. It is always safe to overpray; underpraying is not good; not keeping quiet and allowing the enemy to overpower you.

Bow down your head on your seat and tell the Lord to open your understanding here today.

Job 40:16 (KJV) says: “Lo now, his strength is in his loins, and his force is in the navel of his belly.”

Our scripture describes almost three things at the same time. Describing:

  • the placenta and the power it carries.
  • the umbilical cord and the power it carries.
  • your belly button and the power it carries.

The placenta is an organ that links the foetus to the mother and transfers oxygen and food to the foetus and waste products to the mother. In the last few years, a lot of things that many people do not understand have caged their destinies. The thing is this: there is no new devil. It is still the same old devil, but he is using our ignorance against us, and this is a great trouble.

What is the placenta? It is an organ that develops in pregnant women. It produces chemicals that maintain pregnancy and help regulate the baby’s development. Minutes after the baby is born, the placenta separates from the womb. It is an organ that joins the baby to its mother. It is an organ that connects the baby to the mother. Although the placenta is a physical organ, many do not recognise its spiritual significance. It is also a spiritual pipeline. It has a spiritual counterpart. The enemy knows this very well, and the enemy has exploited the mystery of the placenta to divert multitudes of destinies.

Also Read: The School Of Winners (4) By Dr. D.K Olukoya

Ignorance is indeed a terrible thing. Giving birth as a whole is a bloody business, and life is inside that blood. The placenta has very serious implications for a man’s life. Blood from placental tissues, too, has very serious implications.

A lady doctor was still a virgin and could not get anybody to marry her at the age of 50 until she came across what I am sharing today, and God revealed to her that she should go and ask her parents what was done with her placenta when she was born.

She went to her parents and asked, “Mummy, what was done to my placenta when I was born?” And they said, “Ah. A witch doctor told us to hang it in the attic”. So, at the age of 50, her placenta was still available but hanging in the attic. And as long as they had it there, her life was hanging. The majority of the people gathered here cannot tell us specifically what was done to their placenta. They cannot tell us what was done with it. The enemy has exploited this mystery to cause a lot of havoc.

I am praying for someone here today that every placental bondage that has kept you in a stagnant position and you do not even know about it, in the name which is above all names, Jesus Christ, the son of the living God, I command that bondage to be broken now! in the name of Jesus.

Some families preserve the placenta for consumption. They eat it. We have had a case like that here in MFM in 1993. And when it got to that situation, I sent that sister back to her grandmother to find out what was going wrong. She would get a good job, and in two months, she would be sacked. She had a first class, had a distinction, and was even getting requests to pursue a PhD. But she could not keep a job for longer than two months. So I asked her to go back to her grandmother to ask questions.

She did, and the grandmother said, “I am inside of you, and you are inside of me. So I control your life”. The lady said, “I reject it in Jesus name!” The woman said, “You can say that. But when you were born, I collected your placenta, I cooked okro soup with it, and I ate everything. So I am inside of you, and you are inside of me.”

Can you raise your right hand and shout:
Every unconscious bondage troubling my destiny, die! in the name of Jesus.

The Bible says “His strength is in his loins, his force is in the navel of his belly”. There are situations where someone’s placenta is converted into a waist band. There are cases where somebody’s placenta was buried in a cursed land, and so the person became cursed. There are cases where some people’s placentas were fed to crocodiles. There are cases where a placenta was poorly buried, and pigs dug it up and ate it. It affects people. It seriously affects people’s lives.

There are cases where a person’s placenta is buried and a tree is planted on it. What happens is this: whatever happens to that tree that is on top of that placenta is what happens to the person in real life. When the wind blows the tree, the person is blown. When leaves drop, the person drops in glory. There are 100s of people here tonight whose trees are planted on their placentas, and those trees determine the course of their destinies. What we are saying tonight may be very strange, which is why I need to explain it very well to you before we start praying.

Many years ago, a 72-year-old man came here for deliverance. That is why it is good to pray: “My Father, visit me in the morning of my life, not when it is setting. At the age of 72, I have never seen anybody like that old man with his photographic memory. At that age, if this man sat down in a meeting of about 40 people as a secretary and everybody talked, all he did was look at the face of each person while they talked and take note. Then, after the meeting, he would pick up his pen and begin to write down, word for word, what each person said. He would never forget. But in spite of that, he was as poor as a church rat with all that intelligence.

So he started deliverance at 72. When he was born, he was the only child of his parents, and the native doctor who was there said, “Ah! This boy. This boy. His glory is not in this country. His glory is outside this country. I see this boy controlling white men. That is where his destiny is”. His parents were sad. Then they asked the native doctor, “Are you saying he will not live in Nigeria?” The native doctor replied, “Yes, because his destiny is not here. His destiny is with the white people. He is a great man who is going to have honour and respect.” Then the parents said, “Native doctor, what do we do so that he does not leave Nigeria?”

The native doctor said, “Oh, you do not want him to leave? Okay, bring his placenta”, and the parents handed the placenta over to the man who went to the lagoon somewhere in Lagos, tied a big stone to the placenta, and issued some incantations on the placenta, saying that as stone does not float in water and as the placenta sinks to the bottom, the man would never ever leave Nigeria. That is how his woes started. It was when he started deliverance that a letter that had invited him to Sweden ten years prior arrived. No one knew at what post office that letter had been. He received this letter at the age of 72. Now let me ask you a question: Do you want to be like this old man?

Then, in that case, when I say begin to pray, get ready to pray. The wrong handling of placentas is being used by the enemy to cause havoc. Beloveth, do you know that a placenta is the next best thing to a living person? It almost behaves like a human being. It is the only easily obtainable piece of human tissue that is not dead or diseased. It can actually be kept alive for 5 hours by scientists. This has a serious spiritual implication. When there is life, there is spirit.

You may say, “Mine was buried” or “Mine was thrown into the water, so what do I do?” If it was buried and you already have an enemy targeting you, the land demons are waiting for you there. If it was thrown into the water, the water spirits are waiting for you there. A tree was planted on top of it? Your destiny will be tied to that tree. It was thrown into the bush? The forest demons will be waiting for you there. It was flushed? The land and water spirits are waiting for you there.

The enemy has something called placental manipulation or placental witchcraft. Once your placenta is in the bank of the enemy, the legal backing for your harassment is already created. But thank God that the Bible says “Even the lawful captives shall be delivered and set free”. Some throw the placenta into a dustbin, but it has not escaped from their hands. Some throw it into the gutter, but it has not escaped from their hands. Some forget it in the hospitals, and sometimes the hospitals later sell it off, but it is still not free.

Some grind it and use it for cosmetics, but it is still not free from their hands. Some eat it up, but it is still not free from their hands. Some throw it into the river, but it is still not free from their hands. Some surrender it to idols, and that one is even more terrible. Some feed it to animals. Some put cracks in the wall and put it in there. Some sundry it and keep it, but it is still not free from their hands. Some mix it with herbs for soup, but it is still not free from their hands. Some burn it to ashes and mix it with the mother’s food, but it is still not free from their hands.

Some keep it in a bottle and then label it. Then, the day they are offended, they take the bottle containing the placenta and begin to issue curses on it. Some wrap it around sacred trees, but it is still not free from their hands. Some offer it as a sacrifice at crossroads, but it is still not free from their hands. Some use it directly as charm and fetish power, a kind of alternative to grinding babies, but it is still not free from their hands. Some cut it into pieces, cook it, and unconsciously serve it to their visitors, but it is still not free from their hands.

Some put it in a cauldron—a pot with salt and water—but it is still not free from their hands. Some bury it in a pot facing a specific direction, but it is still not free from their hands. Some plant coconut trees on top of it or palm trees, but it is still not free from their hands. These are ways in which the enemy gets at the foundation of people’s lives and then causes plenty of confusion in their lives.

Evidence of Placental Bondage.
When there is placental bondage in operation, you will be dreaming of going back to where you were born, going back to the land of your birth, or going back to a location you are very familiar with in the spirit realm but physically are not familiar with.

  • When someone is under this kind of bondage, there will be closed heavens. Things will not be working at all. If you are a lady, you begin to notice that you are living an identical life with your mother, but only the negative aspects of her life are manifesting in your life. It is evidence of placental bondage.

If everything you want to do is something your mother must always find out about, even if you do not tell her, there is a bondage.

  • when somebody is using your glory to prosper.
  • when it looks as if you are tied to a post like a goat and you have limitations. Making headway becomes very difficult.
  • when you notice that your glory has been cleared away, you have lost your beauty and your glory. You are just staying alive, but you do not know what you are doing with your life. You do not have what they call “spiritual decorations”
  • the enemy is gradually reducing you to a shameful skeleton of your glorious past and converting you to wood and stone.
  • finances seize and then start. Storms will come, finances will seize, and things will start again. All of these are evidence of placental bondage.
  • when the enemy converts the beauty of someone to ashes, it is evidence of placental bondage.

Are you here tonight, and:

  • you are pressed down always in your sleep? You need to pray mercilessly tonight.
  • You hear strange voices giving you evil commands? You need to aggressively pray tonight.
  • you are always encountering dead persons in your dream? It is evidence of placental bondage.
  • no matter the prayers you pray, eating in the dream or having sex in the dream do not stop? Placental bondage.
  • you dream of being lost?
  • You see yourself in strange meetings?
  • animals pursue you?
  • strange persons pursue you? You pray and pray and pray, but they do not want to let you go?
  • you always see blood, and your pregnancy disappears, or you experience unexplainable powerlessness and backwardness? Placental bondage.
  • you are always being injected with poison when you sleep? Placental bondage. I want you to understand that ignorance of this is not an excuse. The fact that you do not know is not an excuse. The enemy will still trouble you.
  • you are always striving? You work hard to get to the position you want, but you never get there?
  • you know that you are not a sick person, you know you do not like being sick, but there is this array of frequent sicknesses? You have a bondage to break.
  • something is trying to kill you? You always have one accident after another, and you have dreams of death? You need to pray.
  • you have this deep sense of shame, nervousness, fear, jumpiness, always feeling guilty, people always loading the sins of others on you, and severe anxiety? All these happen when you are under placental bondage.

So the way your placenta was disposed of speaks a lot about the cause of your destiny.

What To Do!

  1. Surrender your life to Jesus.
  2. Bring quality repentance to the Lord. You cannot pray the kind of prayers we want to pray if you are still living in known sin.
  3. Locate the placenta by the Holy Spirit.
  4. Bind and cast out every inherited spirit of bondage.
  5. Withdraw and destroy the placenta.
  6. Recover your lost blessings.

The safest way to dispose a placenta is to collect it, dry it up, anoint it, burn it completely to ashes, and throw it away where the enemy cannot gather it again to torment you. Any other method you use, the enemy will be waiting for you there. Tonight is a night of great deliverance.


[Before Message]
As I shout the blood of Jesus seven times, every pollution in my blood must disappear!

[After Message]
(Lay one hand on your head and the other on your belly button.) I fire back, every arrow of placental bondage! in the name of Jesus.


(Power Against Evil Conception)

  1. Sorrow in my life, as a result of my birth, expire! in the name of Jesus.
  2. Every good thing that died in my life the day I was born, hear the Word of the Lord, come alive! in the name of Jesus.
  3. Every problem in my life that followed me from my mother’s womb, your time is up; disappear! in the name of Jesus.

(Power Against Womb Contamination)

  1. Every contamination from my mother’s womb be cleansed by the blood of Jesus!
  2. Every bewitchment in my blood, die! in the name of Jesus.
  3. (Raise up your two hands to the Lord.) Blood of Jesus, sanitise my blood! Sanitise my womb! in the name of Jesus.

(Power Against Antenatal Care)

  1. Bondage in my life, problem in my life, that came from the womb of my mother, die! in the name of Jesus.
  2. Occultic men and women, using the destiny of unborn children to prolong their lives, die! in the name of Jesus.
  3. All wombs that have been tied down or under any witchcraft control, right now: receive deliverance! in the name of Jesus.

(Power Against Destiny Stagnancy) Isaiah 58:6

  1. Where is that power that is not looking at my age but is now stagnating my destiny? Wherever you are, whoever you are, die! in the name of Jesus.
  2. Boasting powers that have vowed they will meet me where they left me, wherever you are, whoever you are, die! in the name of Jesus.
  3. Right hand of the Lord, move me from the back and take me to the front! in the name of Jesus.

(Power Against Evil Protection)

  1. Yoke of satanic fortification, upon my life, die! in the name of Jesus.
  2. Every investment of darkness in my life be wasted by fire! in the name of Jesus.
  3. Thou power of the name of the Lord, overshadow my life now! in the name of Jesus.

(Prayer Against Destiny Aborters and Polluters) Isaiah 7:7

  1. My head, reject the covenant of failure! in the name of Jesus.
  2. Destiny aborters, destiny polluters, assigned against my life, as I clap my hands, die! in the name of Jesus.
  3. Finger of God, arise, disgrace every magician working my destiny! in the name of Jesus.

(Prayer Against Destiny Transfer) Hosea 9:11

  1. (Lift up your two hands.) Wherever my glory has been hidden, hear the Word of the Lord, appear! in the name of Jesus.
  2. Powers that empty destinies, your time is up, die! in the name of Jesus.
  3. (Lift up your two hands.) My original, in the hand of the wicked, I recover you back.

(Power Against Vagabond Arrows) 2 Kings 4:18–19

  1. Arrow of sudden death, fired against my life, backfire! in the name of Jesus.
  2. Arrows fired into my body, waiting for a particular time to manifest, you shall not manifest: die! in the name of Jesus.
  3. Arrow of the wicked, programmed to afflict me any time I am about to succeed, die! in the name of Jesus.

(Power Against Spiritual Twin Substitutes)

  1. Every carved image or picture representing me in any coven or altar, catch fire! in the name of Jesus.
  2. (Stamp your feet while praying.) Every monster or evil personality impersonating me, what are you waiting for? Die! in the name of Jesus.
  3. Lord Jesus, intervene in my case before the enemies succeed over my life! in the name of Jesus.

(Power Against Evil Spiritual Parents)

  1. (Pray this 3 hot times) The dominion of evil spiritual parents over my life, scatter! in the name of Jesus.


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