The Profit Of Joy (1) By Pastor Paul Enenche

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SERVICE OBJECTIVE(S): Understanding the place of joy in the life of the child of God.


  1. Joy is a non-negotiable, irreplaceable asset of immeasurable value in the life of the child of God
  2. The devil can only keep your goods if he can steal your joy.
    The loss of joy will make the loss of other things effortless
    If the devil has not touched your joy, he has not touched your portion
  3. The joy of the Lord is the antidote for the dark climate of gloominess on the earth. (Isa. 60:2)
    The joy of the Lord is our survival strategy in a world of negativity, pessimism and sadism.
  4. Joy gives you access to what money, education or connection can’t give you.
  5. Joy is a major identity of Kingdom people
    Joy is a major seal of Christianity
  6. Joy positions the child of God for the best of God and the best of life (Isa. 12:3)
  7. Christianity is robbed of its life and essence where joy is absent
  8. Joyfulness is gainfulness and joylessness is gainlessness


  1. Joy establishes the Presence of God around the life of the saint (Ps. 16:11; 1Chron. 16:27)
    Anywhere joy is found, God is found
    There is an easy way to get the attention of God, you get it with the climate of celebration (acts 16:25-26)
  2. Joy triggers the release of strength in the life of the child of God (Neh. 8:10b; Hab. 3:17-19)
    When you rejoice in God, you refuel your strength
    All round weakness is established when joy is absent
  3. Joy opens the channels of insight and inspiration (Isa. 12:3; 2Kings 3:15-16; Esth. 8:16; Isa. 60:1)
    The atmosphere of celebration is the climate of inspiration; where depression is allowed the doors of inspiration are closed
  4. Joy is a tonic for health and vitality (Prov. 17:22; Ps. 42:11; 43:5)
    Joyfulness equals healthfulness
    There is a connection between your joy and your health; Joylessness is foundation for sickness
  5. Joy is doorway to potentials release (1Sam. 10:5-6; Isa. 12:3)
    Joy brings out content, depression locks in content
    You deliver at your best in the climate of excitement, and you deliver at your worst in the atmosphere of depression.
    Never go out for any presentation in the climate of sadness; it is better not to do it at all than to do it shabbily
    Confidence affects competence
  6. Joy facilitates answered prayer (Eccl. 5:20; 1Sam. 1:18-19)
    Sadness of countenance equals delay of expectation
  7. Joy facilitates progress and speed in life (Isa. 55:11-12; Ps. 42:11)
    Without joy, you remain where you are
    Joy is a life and destiny accelerator; to feel high is to fly high
    Whatever weighs you down ties you down
    Everything weighing you down is slowing you down; it is when you drop your weight that you gain your speed
  8. Joy facilitates victory in battle (Josh. 6:20; 2Chron. 20:22-23; Jam. 5:13)
    The availability of joy is literally the guarantee of victory in battle
    Your joy will cause your enemies to fight themselves; it will make them turn their weapons on each other.
    The absence of joy is the inevitability of defeat
    If you don’t want to be a victim of defeat, you must resist depression like you resist transgression


  1. The Holy Spirit is a major Channel of Joy so you must determine to flow in the Spirit (Rom. 14:17; Acts 2:13)
    It is a luxury to be filled with the Holy Ghost – Smith Wigglesworth
    Flowing in the Spirit is not just a language of the Spirit, it is a tonic of joy
    To follow feelings is to end in failure!
    There are things you have to force to happen (Matt. 11:12)
    If you wait for the world to make you happy, you will die of depression; everything is conspiring to keep you down, you must determine to keep them off.
    Vibrancy in the Holy Ghost equals vibrancy of life
    The Holy Ghost filled child of God is the wildest kind of enthusiastic optimist – John G. Lake


  1. The past is the enemy of joy so you must release the past. (Phil. 3:13-14; 2Cor. 5:17; Prov. 4:18; Ps. 150:6; Heb. 12:2)
    Release past errors, failures, betrayals and disappointments
    i. It is not wisdom to lament what you can’t amend
    ii. What lies behind is history, what lies ahead is destiny; the pains of history must never be allowed to swallow up the joys of destiny (Prov. 4:18; Ps. 150:6)
    Don’t let yesterday cage you otherwise, tomorrow will have no place for you.
    Your history does not define you, it is your Maker that defines you; what people say about you does not define you, it is Jehovah that defines you.
    iii. It is not wisdom to worry over a fact, it is wisdom to accept the fact and solve the problem
    iv. Not to forget the past is to forego the future because you cannot walk backwards into tomorrow.
    In life, you are in a class alone with God and God is the one that determines your promotion per time.
    Human verdict is NOT Divine Judgment
    It is not over until God says it is over, and He will never say it is over until you have won the victory!
    It doesn’t matter what you have lost, if you haven’t lost Jesus, you haven’t lost anything


Holy Spirit welcome, take Your place in my life now. Spirit of the Living God, take Your place NOW!

Thank You Lord for Your Word to us today. To You Lord ne all the glory Lord, in Jesus’ Name.

Lord this morning, I let go of the failures, errors and disappointments of yesterday. I know there is a new beginning for me, in Jesus’ Name.

Father, I release everything of the past that is tying me down and fighting my future, in Jesus’ Name.


  • Anything that is a cause of depression in your life, I command it broken right now!
  • The Lord is giving you victory over setbacks from the past!
  • Receive help from above!
  • Your past will not kill your future
  • Receive a disconnection from anything that makes you sad or depressed
  • Your harvest will look for you! What is yours will look for you!
  • Systems are put under pressure, they shall lose their peace, sleep and rest until all that is yours is released into your hands!
  • That garment of sorrow and depression is set on fire! A new garment is set upon you now!

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