The Profit Of Service By Pastor Paul Enenche -

The Profit Of Service By Pastor Paul Enenche

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SERVICE OBJECTIVE: Understanding the profitability of Kingdom service


  1. Seeking and serving God are gainful adventures of life; they are not wasteful endeavours of life (Isa. 45:19)
    God has never called anybody to waste their lives
    It will cost to serve self and serve the devil but it pays to serve God
  2. God is never a user of people; He is a Raiser of people, a Maker of people (Matt. 4:19; Luke 19:37-40)
    God is not trying to see how He can profit from your life but how He can profit your life
    God is not trying to increase His value using man’s help, He only tries to increase our value by His help.
  3. God is a Rewarder of labour; He does not just remember your labour, He rewards it (Heb. 6:10, 11:6; Jer. 22:13; 1Tim. 5:18)


  1. Supernatural supplies (Exo. 23:25; Ps. 35:27; Job 36:11; Luke 22:35)
    1a. The service of God qualifies people for the supplies of God
    1b. To be involved in His work is to be qualified for His wages
  2. Divine health and vitality (Exo. 23:25; Deut. 34:5,7; John 15:2)
    2a. To be involved in His service is to qualified for His servicing
    2b. Divine health is a package of the Kingdom employment benefits
  3. Distinction and worth (Num. 18:6-7; Mal. 3:17-18)
    When you agree to serve, you are established as a generational asset (Mal. 3:17-18)
    3a. To step out for God is to stand out in life
    3b. Divine health is a package of the Kingdom employment benefits
  4. Deliverance and liberty (Exo. 4:23, 7:16, 8:1, 20, 9:1, 13, 10:3, 7; 1Sam. 7:3; Dan. 3:28)
    4a. Kingdom service is a deliverance tool
    4b. To decide to serve is to decide to be free
  5. Divine life and longevity (Exo. 23:25-26; Deut. 34:5, 7; Phil. 1:21; Phile. 1:9)
    If you are determined to live your life in the service of God, no power is powerful enough to shorten your lifespan.
    If you want to live your life for God, no witch, wizard, killer or devil can cut your life short
  6. Honour and dignity (Prov. 27:18; Heb. 5:4)
    If you are determined to serve well, you cannot escape honour
    The honour of the Master naturally falls on the servant
    There is a level of honour that God reserves for the servant
  7. Supernatural fruitfulness (Exo. 23:26; Luke 1:8-13)
    If you are fruitful for God, no devil can deny you your fruit in life
  8. The Anointing (Ps. 89:20; Zech. 4:12-14)
    His assignment attracts His endowment, enduement and equipment
  9. Divine preservation (Mal. 3:17-18; Dan. 3:28; 6:16, 20-22; Acts 27:23-25)
  10. Divine presence (Mark 16:20; Acts 10:38; 1Chron. 28:20)
    Kingdom Service attracts Divine Presence
    Those who go out for God go out with God
    Those who do His bidding never lack His backing
  11. Divine direction (1Sam. 3:9-10; 1Kings 8:26)
    We have a speaking Master who is willing to speak to listening servants
    God wants to speak to you by instruction so that His work in your hands does not suffer frustration
  12. Eternal rewards (1Cor. 15:58; 2Tim. 4:6-8; Rev. 14:13)
    A time will come when the cost of your suit, shoes, car, or size of your house will not matter; a time will come when what matters is how you spent your life.

Also Read: The Profit of Thanksgiving by Pastor Paul Enenche


  1. Determine to live for God and serve God with your life while you have both time and strength (Phil. 1:21)
  2. Avoid the temptations that hinder effective service (Gal. 6:9)


Father, I receive the grace to serve You passionately, effectively and actively, in Jesus’ Name.

In the Name of Jesus, the reign of terror and oppression is over; the rule of killers is over in Nigeria. O Lord, arise and let Your enemies be scattered. (Isa. 42:13-14)


  • Every deposit in your body, everything my Father in Heaven has not planted in your body is uprooted and sent back to hell!
  • The benefits of service are coming your way!
  • All enemy distractions around your life preventing you from serving God the way you should are arrested!
  • Every trace of shame and reproach in your life, today, I declare it is over!
  • Very soon, people will look at your life and will want to serve God. The results of your life will draw people to God!
  • Every arrow sent to your life is returned to hell! You shall fulfil your days! Premature death is arrested!
  • Every dedication that happened on this altar that is desired by you, starting from now, you step into that realm!

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