The Profitability Of The Word Of God (3) By Pastor Paul Enenche -

The Profitability Of The Word Of God (3) By Pastor Paul Enenche

Click HERE for Previous MESSAGES by Pastor Paul Enenche


MESSAGE OBJECTIVE: Understanding the profit and the blessing that is loaded in the Word

The Word of God has the capacity to address all the needs of man
God does not save your soul and leave your body or your mind (Matt. 15:32)
All things that pertain to life and godliness are packaged in the knowledge of God (2Pet. 1:2-3)
In the knowledge of God and in the knowledge of God’s Word are the deposits of every necessity of life and godliness (2Pet. 1:2-3)


  1. The Word of God is Fuel for prayer (John 15:7; Acts 6:4; Hos. 14:2)
    The Word of God fuels the prayer life of the child of God
    What fuels does to fire is what the Word of God does to a person’s prayer life
    Revelation in the heart of man is fuel for communication with the Most High God
    The Word will turn a man to God at the place of prayer; there is a connection between prayer and the Word of God
    13a. The Word of God fills the heart with the revelation of the Will of God that is enforceable at the place of prayer (Acts 20:32)
    13b. The Word of God increases spiritual fire and fervency in the heart of the believer which is expressed at the place of prayer (Jer. 23:29)
    13c. The Word of God builds faith in the heart of man and that releases man to make demands of God at the place of prayer (Rom. 10:17)
    13d. The Word of God increases spiritual alertness and awareness and that leads to prayer (Matt. 26:41)
    Where a person is wordless he will be prayerless; bankruptcy of Word is the reason for scarcity of prayer
  2. The Word of God is the Treasure House of man’s inheritance in God (Acts 20:32; 2Pet. 1:2-4)
    What belongs to you is accessible in the Word
    14a. The Word of God unveils the inheritance of covenant people (Ex. 23:25-26)
    14b. The Word of God imparts the faith needed to possess your possession (Heb. 6:12; Rom. 10:17)
    14c. The Word of God reveals your possibilities as well as your responsibilities regarding your heritage in God (Ex. 23:25)
    14d. The Word of God releases the power necessary to take your possession in God (Luke 5:4-5)
  3. The Word of God is Light for direction (Ps. 119:105; Isa. 9:8; Ps. 119:130; Isa. 8:20)
    When you are worded, ‘missing of road’ is hard
    People of the Word are people of light; you cannot be lighted by the Book and be a victim of continuous mistakes
    15a. The Word of God reveals God’s blueprint and plan for the different aspects of human life
    15b. The Word of God reveals God’s decision-making process and that facilitates man’s decision-making process
    Those who don’t live their lives by the revelation of the Word are left to the assumptions of their heart and assumption is key to frustration in life
    15c. The Word of God reveals the positive choices of Kingdom people that produced positive outcomes
    15d. The Word of God reveals the negative steps of people in Scripture days and their disastrous consequences so we can be guided
  4. The Word of God releases the impartation of the Divine nature into man (2Pet. 1:4; 2Cor. 3:18; John 6:63; Ezek. 2:2; John 10:34-35)
    The Word of God changes nature of man
    16a. The Word of God transmits the supernatural nature of God into man
    16b. The Word of God transmits into man the compassionate nature of God (1John 4:8)
    16c. The Word of God transmits into man the character and integrity of God
    Distance from the Word equals deficiency in character
    16d. The Word of God transmits the dominion of God into man
  5. The Word of God is our Equipment for Kingdom service (2Tim. 3:16-17; Eph. 4:11-12)
    17a. The Word of God reveals to us our service obligation to our Creator (Ex. 23:25; Matt. 4:10)
    17b. The Word of God reveals our rewards in Kingdom service and that serves as a motivation for Kingdom service (Ex. 23:25-26)
    17c. The Word of God reveals to us the secrets of effective, profitable and productive service
    17d. The Word of God releases spiritual tools for Kingdom service, especially in the area of the ministry of the Word
  6. The Word of God is our Roadmap through time into eternity (Ps. 119:105; Deut. 4:1-2; 5:31-32)
    18a. The Word of God lights our path and guides our steps
    18b. The Word of God reveals how to live and pitfalls to avoid in order to end with God
    You can be sure that you will make it in life and in eternity if you follow the Book (The Bible)


Father, for the privilege of Your Word I am grateful and I am in appreciation. Thank You Lord, in Jesus’ Name.

Father, I receive the grace to live in accordance with Your Word, help me Lord to value and cherish Your Word and do with Your Word what I need to do with Your Word in order to see the results I need to see.

Father, for arresting the pandemic to this level and for opening Church to worship, we are grateful, in Jesus’ Name.

Father, we ask that You will perfect all that You have started, in Jesus’ Name.

Father, we demand for restoration of all the years of loss, restoration of what the cankerworm stole, O Lord, in Jesus’ Name. (Joel 2:25)


  • The same anointing that broke the frustration in the life of Peter at the lake Gennesaret, is breaking every frustration in your life in Jesus’ Name.
  • Fresh power, grace, and oil are released upon you and what is in your hands. Before this week is over, what is in your hands will produce a testimony!
  • Every limitation on your life, family, children, career, certificates and destiny, today, by the Word of God and the anointing with which I stand to preach, that limitation is broken!
  • I decree today, the full potential of what is in your hands is hereby released!
  • Before the week is out, you shall have a testimony!
  • Any affliction in your body is uprooted and returned back to hell!
  • Your supplies shall look for you from the north, south, east and west
  • I prophesy for everyone the plague of scarcity, shortage in this season shall never be your portion.


  • Every pressure you came here with is arrested now!
  • Receive a change of story
  • Everything you left as a pressure at home you shall return and find it as a treasure in Jesus’ Name.

Receive the grace to fulfil your fatherhood assignment. May you be a role model to your sons, an inspiration to your daughters and a pride to your wife.

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