The Profitability Of The Word Of God (Part 1) By Pastor Paul Enenche

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MESSAGE OBJECTIVE: Understanding the profit and the blessing that is loaded in the Word.

The Word of God is loaded with profit for man (Isa. 48:17).
Many carry the Bible but fail to understand what the Bible carries.
It is not possible to know and fully comprehend what the Bible carries and remain an ordinary person.

The Word of God is the richest treasure on the face of the earth, the richest treasure that a man can access (Col. 2:3; John 1:1)

The Scripture is not the same as earthly literature, it is spiritual adventure.
Scripture does not come to give you information, it comes to impart you revelation (1Sam. 3:21).


  1. The Word of God is the building block of faith (Acts 6:7; Rom. 10:17; Heb. 11:3; Hab. 2:4; Rom. 10:8; 1Thess. 1:8; Heb. 13:7)
    The availability of the Word is the vibrancy and buoyancy of faith; it is not possible to be faith-filled and be wordless
    Faith grows where the spirit of man is fed by the Word; when you lay hold on the Word, you are laying hold on faith
    The saint shall live by the Word (Hab. 2:4; Rom. 10:8)
    When the Word of God is sounded, faith spreads (1Thess. 1:8)
    If anybody genuinely has the Word, He has faith that can be followed (Heb. 13:7)
    1a. The Word instils boldness and confidence to confront and collapse the diverse challenges of life (Eph. 6:12)
    1b. The Word arrests the spell of fear and cowardice which are open doors for calamity (Job 3:25)
    1c. The Word of God instils the boldness and confidence to face the future without fear
    1d. The Word of God destroys the plague of worry and anxiety that ruins both the present and the future (1Pet. 5:7)
    Worry and anxiety destroy today and ruin tomorrow but as a person of the Word you destroy that plague of worry
  2. The Word of God is the sustainer of hope (Ps. 119:49; 119:114; 130:5; 119:81, 116; Col. 1:5)
    You cannot be Word-full and be hopeless
    You can’t have Word and lack hope
    When you have the Word of God, you will never have a hope to be ashamed of
    When you have the Word of God, you never come to the point where your enemies will finally laugh at you
    There is a communication of hope that comes from the word
    2a. The Word of God provides you a concrete basis for expectation
    2b. The Word of God destroys the climate of hopelessness and despair
    2c. The Word of God gives you the power of persistence (Job 14:14)
    2d. The Word of God destroys the tendency for surrender to defeat
  3. The Word of God is a tonic for joy (Jer. 15:16; 1Thess. 1:6; John 1:1; Esth. 8:16; Ps. 119:162; Prov. 29:18; Eccl. 11:7)
    You can’t be in touch with Word and be out of touch with joy
    Anytime you see light from the Word, it turns on your joy; if you don’t want to run out of joy don’t run out of light
    If you run out of joy, locate fresh light
    Inside the Word, there is a tonic for joy; the people of the Book are a happy people (Prov. 29:18)
    When you connect light you connect insight (Eccl. 11:7)
    3a. The Word of God is your trigger for excitement and exuberance
    3b. The Word of God is the therapy for depression and discouragement
    3c. The Word of God is a trigger for enthusiasm and momentum (1Sam. 30:6)
    3d. The Word of God is cure for downcastedness and heaviness
  4. The Word of God is the Depot of wisdom (Jer. 8:9; Matt. 7:24; 2Tim. 3:15; Prov. 1:1-3; Dan. 5:11; Col. 3:16; Luke 11:49)
    Connection with the Word makes a person wise
    Revelation births discretion
    Revelation brings instruction; light makes wise
    4a. The Word of God assists in mental sharpening
    4b. The Word of God assists quality decision-making
    4c. The Word of God helps you to deal wisely with the affairs of life
    4d. The Word of God helps you to avoid the way of foolishness, indiscretion and regrets
  5. The Word of God is both life and world transformer (John 1:1-5; Isa. 60:1; Rom. 12:1-2; Gal. 2:2)
    Most 3rd world countries are 3rd world because of the bankruptcy of light
    Christianity (The Bible) is the basis of western civilisation
    For ages, the Church has been a catalyst for the transformation of society
    The first book to be printed in the world is the Bible
    The mechanical revolution in Europe was sparked off by the teachings of Martin Luther
    The first authorised Bible in the English language translated from the Latin Vulgate is the Great Bible of 1539 authorised by King Henry VIII
    5a. The Word of God upgrades life’s quality
    5b. The Word of God changes configurations and situations
    5c. The Word of God never leaves people or places the way it met them (Luke 5:4-5)
    5d. The Word of God initiates a change of order
  6. The Word of God is a cleanser and purifier of character and life (John 15:3; Ps. 12:6, 119:9, 11; Eph. 5:26)
    When the Word of God arrives in your life, it comes to purify your life
    6a. The Word of God reveals the path of guilt and error that must be avoided
    6b. The Word of God erases and blots out stains and spots of sin and guilt
    6c. The Word of God reveals the way out of iniquity and transgression
    6d. The Word of God empowers the spirit and will of man for victory over evil


  1. Allow the Word of God to take a central place in your life (Matt. 6:33)
  2. Determine to build your life, principles, choices and action steps around the Word (Matt. 7:24)
    When you are a person of principles, 99% of your choices are already made.

Father, thank You for Your Word to me this morning. Father, help me to build my life around Your Word, in Jesus’ Name.
Father, I come before You today. Help me Lord to give Your Word the place it deserves, in Jesus’ Name.

Oil for the fire – fire that will cause you to have passion for God and His Word, that will open the Scriptures for you like never before, that will roast every disease and affliction from your body, and roast any ancestral, generational and family curse. As we pour it on the streets of the city, anything not planted by God shall be roasted by fire!


  • I prophesy a new day and a new season around your life!
  • Complete restoration for someone, a family, a nation, a business and a ministry. What you never believed can be regained is regained, restored and recovered!
  • Anything you lost in the past 2 or 3 months is returned back to you!
  • Don’t be afraid, the wicked will never laugh at you
  • Whatever has put your joy under pressure, it is arrested right now!
  • I see a change of order coming upon

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