TOPIC: YOU WILL MANIFEST AT THE APPOINTED TIME – TREM Daily Devotional july 6 2019 By Bishop Mike Okonkwo [The RedeemedEvangelical Mission]
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“And Joseph was thirty years old when he stood before Pharaoh king of Egypt. And Joseph went out from the presence of Pharaoh, and went throughout all the land of Egypt.”
Genes 42:46 KJV
If you are conversant with the aviation industry, you will understand that in the control tower, the man there understands all the airplanes in operation. He can see from the screen where each airplane is. Pilots in each plane only see their own direction; they do not see the other aircrafts. So, when the officer in the control tower tells a pilot to hold on, it is because he already knows which plane is close to land. If that pilot doesn’t understand aerodynamics and all the dynamics of flying and insists on landing before the recommended time, he will crash.
In the same way, God, knows why you should wait one month, three months or six months. He does not want you to land and crash. The blessing of the Lord makes rich and does not add sorrow with it. Why do you want to be blessed and not live to enjoy it? While Joseph was in Egypt, God was at work in his life. Eventually, when the work was perfected, God showcased him to the world. He became the Prime Minister of Egypt!
In Genesis chapter 45, Joseph asked his brothers to go and tell his father, Jacob, that he was still alive. When Jacob heard that Joseph was alive, his spirit revived. Beloved, the God you serve is alive. He is not in the grave. Death could not hold Him. He is not like any other religious ruler. He said that no one can take His life from Him. He gave it up and picked it up again. He died and was buried. On the third day, He rose up triumphant over death, hell and grave. His name is Jesus! All power in heaven and earth has been given unto Him. Your God is alive. If any man touches you, He has touched God. He rose up in order to give you a place. He rose up in order to position you. You cannot be destroyed. You cannot be defeated. Nothing can change the testimony in your life. At the appointed time, you will manifest
Further Reading: Ecclesiastes 3:1-11; Genesis 45:1-28
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Job 32-33; Evening- Acts 14
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