The Silence of God By Pastor D.K Olukoya -

The Silence of God By Pastor D.K Olukoya

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Anchored Scriptures: Psalm 28:1, Psalm 83:1, 1 Samuel 28:6-7


We are looking for a few minutes, on what I call ‘the silence of God’. Please listen very carefully.
From some of our teachings here, plenty of questions have come out: ‘I’m talking to God but He’s not talking to me’, let’s look at what will be responsible for this; the silence of God.
And that will take us into three scriptures:
Psalm 28:1, meaning that there is a possibility that God can be silent to a person.

If God is not talking to you, the person is as good as dead.

===> I’m praying for somebody here: whatsoever will block your spiritual ears from God, shall be removed this morning in the name of Jesus!

Listen carefully beloved, here in this passage; Saul had gone beyond his limit.
God had given him instructions, he had disobeyed that instruction.
After he had disobeyed the Almighty, He now comes to consult God; and God became silent.

There are plenty of us here this morning, and like I said before: witchcraft, you don’t have; familiar spirit, you don’t know about it; juju, you don’t have; incantations, you don’t know any; magic, you’ve never tried it before.
The only thing you to do, is to trust God, read your bible and to pray. If you are now disobeying that God, the only power you have; if you’re now disobeying that God, the only defense you have; then where do you go?

This is why sin is a tragedy, tragedy. The only power you have, the only person who can help you; you are offending Him and you are smelling in His nostrils, so He can’t help.
Saul had gone beyond his limits. He had bracingly, openly disobeyed God. He understood the instruction of God, yet he disobeyed. Now he now came back to start praying, God did not answer.
He now began to consult God, but his enquiry was in vain. God was very silent, no answer of any kind. No dream at night to reveal what will happen. No voice to reveal secrets of the future. No prophet received anything to talk. No voice from heaven again, all was now silent.

Silence, when Saul desperately needed to hear from God. Saul was knocking at the gate of heaven, and the gate of heaven bared him. There was no response, it was a terrible silence.
You must have heard about the silence of the desert, the desert is a silent place. You must have heard or you know about the silence of the midnight. You must have heard about the silence of the graveyard.

But there is something more terrible than the silence of those ones, there is something more scary than those ones, there is a silence that man cannot tolerate than those ones; and that is the silence from heaven.

Can you raise up your right hands to the heavens and declare this louder than anyone around you:

  • Spiritual deafness, spiritual blindness in my life, die in the name of Jesus!

When there is silence from heaven: it’s not that heaven cannot hear, it’s not that heaven is too weak to know what you are saying. The Bible says ‘His hands are not short, his ears are not deaf’. Heaven is alive to the case, it can hear. Heaven is able to deliver. God knows how to meet the case, yet; He decides to be silent, terrible silence.
To cry and to get no answer, to search and to find no light is painful.


When God is silent, you and I need to question that silence; we need to ask questions:

  • Is this silence temporary?
  • Is this silence for real?
  • Am I doing something wrong?
  • Or am I spiritually deaf?

Silence from heaven can result in great disaster!

===> I’m praying for somebody here, that is making heaven not to talk to you; may heaven drag it out of your life in the name of Jesus!

Once there is God’s silence, then there is God’s absence. And that silence is dangerous.

Daddy G.O shares an experience in 1988:

1988, I was in Paris. We just finished a service at a church called ‘primitive pentecostal church’. Immediately we closed, some Nigerian sisters who were in the service located me; so they came to me after the service.

They said ‘Doctor Olukoya you are here. Please could you follow us to somewhere in the evening to pray for a woman who is sick’. A Nigerian woman, I said ‘yes’, so I followed them.
By 11pm, they came to me; then we drove and drove to somewhere at the outskirts of Paris. It was a 14 story building and we were going to the 14th floor.

So the Nigerian woman taking me there, when we got to the place and got to the lift. As we were about to enter the lift; the woman said ‘Doctor Olukoya, let us pray’.
I said ‘okay’. She said ‘Father, in the name of Jesus; as I’m taking your son Doctor Olukoya to this place today, please Lord, what happened to the former pastor I took there, don’t let it happen to him in Jesus name, Amen’.
I said ‘haha, what kind of prayer is this’? ‘What happened to the pastor you brought here last’.

She said ‘don’t worry sir, let us go’. When we got there, the 14th floor; we entered into this beautiful furnished flat.
I saw this beautiful Nigerian lady, very light in complexion; sitting on the floor. I could see that her face was swollen, as if somebody has been beating her.the husband was there. This woman did not greet us.

We greeted her, she did not answer as she was just starring at the dealing and she was not winking.
I asked the husband ‘what is the matter’? The husband said ‘ehhh, sir, every 12’o clock; she runs mad’.
And when she runs mad, she begins to throw things out. She has thrown the television to the floor. He said ‘sir, anytime she gets violent, the only thing I could do is give her is blows to soften her down’. So the swollen face were blows by her husband, who wanted to calm her down.

Anyway, I now went to her and knelt down before her.
I said madam, say ‘I love Jesus’; she didn’t answer.
I said madam, say ‘I plead the blood of Jesus’. She now look at me and said ‘point of correction, we do not plead the blood of Jesus; we sprinkle the blood of Jesus’.
I said okay then, ‘madam; say I sprinkle the Blood of Jesus’. I did not know that it was already 12’o clock midnight.

All of a sudden, she jumped up and grabbed the neck of the woman who brought me there and who was praying for me downstairs.

Myself and the husband, we dragged her but we could not. It was as if she has acquired the strength of 10 men, pulling her was like pulling a trailer. Both of us were helpless. So she began to strangulate this woman, the woman who brought us; and I could see that the woman was losing breath and the black eye ball in her eyes were going inside and she was beginning to foam in the mouth.

I said ‘eh, I’m in trouble today, trouble’. Because I knew that when she finished with the woman who brought me, that I am the next person. So what do I do, quickly I left her strangulating the woman and I ran to a corner.

I said ‘Father, I am in trouble here today; what should I do’? I heard the voice of the Holy Spirit saying ‘son, bind the spirit of Olumba Olumba’!
I said ‘eh, Olumba olumba in Paris’! The Lord said ‘you are arguing, you have no time’!

So, by the time I was going there; the woman she was strangulating was already on the floor and unconscious. I now looked at her, and said ‘I bind the spirit of what I said just now’.
Immediately I said that, all of a sudden; the lion-like look on her face cleared. The woman said ‘haha, my husband; who is this woman on the floor’? And she pointed at me and said ‘who is this man and what are they doing in our flat’?

That was how God delivered me that day! Now listen, if there was silence from heaven that day, may be I will not be here talking to you this morning; that woman would have finished me off.

===> I’m praying for somebody here, that any power that wants you not to hear from heaven; I bind them and I cast them out in the name of Jesus!

You know even ordinary human beings, there are many reasons a human being can be quiet:

  • Somebody may get quiet because he’s very angry.
  • Somebody may become silent because they disagree with something you have said or you have done.
  • Others may become silent because they are taking time to think about you are saying in order to know how to respond.
  • Others may be silent because they don’t like what you are saying.
    God has reasons too why He may be silent, and that He does not want to respond to anybody.

So, once you are praying and you find out that heaven is not talking to you; it is silent. This is what to do:

  1. You need to examine your life. Is there any unconfessed sin in my life? If there is, repent. The Bible says ‘he that covereth his sins shall not prosper’.
  2. Recognize that God is sovereign and may decide to be silent if there is an issue. If you have examine that your life, and you find that by the grace of God your life is clean; then recognize that God is His sovereign power may decide to be silent. Then, let God be God and He will speak later.
  3. Be an aggressive listener. There was wind, the Bible says; God was not in the wind. There was earthquake but God was not in the earthquake, there was fire but God was not in the fire. But then, there was a still small voice; it was then Elijah came out. Sometimes what looks like silence, is God just saying ‘son, daughter; listen very well, be more attentive’. Be an aggressive listener, don’t be in a hurry to jump away from the presence of the Lord.
  4. Hold on to what you already know. What God has already told you before, hold on that one and don’t drop it. That is, the last thing God spoke to you about.
  5. Never compare yourself to other people. Your life is different from the life of that other person, don’t compare yourself.
  6. Understand that hearing God involves waiting and listening. The Bible says ‘be still and know that I am God’.
  7. Incorporate silence into your life regularly. May be for just 10 mins a day, stay quiet before the Lord. May be after your meditation, may be after your quiet time, may be before you go to bed; incorporate silence into your life.
  8. Keep talking to God, don’t stop praying. Don’t give up.
  9. Carry out regular spiritual check up. Carry out spiritual self analysis regularly. Confirm whether you are still a Christian or you are a counterfeit.

These days, a lot of people come to the house of God who are not born again. These days, there are plenty who actually profess Christ who are actually born against instead of born again. These days, there are those who just comes to church to solve problems; they are not ready to connect to God.

These days, there are plenty of those who just come to Jesus because He gives bread. They don’t want the salvation, they don’t want the discipline but to follow the miracle. These days, that’s the trend we are finding. These days, the average Christian reads the Bible for just 5 mins a day. These days, the average christians prays about 10 minutes a day.

Thank God for the prayer book, somebody who prays with prayer rain, pray your way to breakthroughs; by the time you pray through three sections, you will have prayed for 20-30 minutes.

These days, there are those who come to church, who are still in fornication, adultery, drinking and smoking. There are even men who come to the house of God with strange women these days. No wonder the voice of heaven is becoming scarce, scarce and scarce. It’s not talking to so many people.

How can heaven talk to you when you’re living in fornication, you are living in sin, you are living in lying, gossip and adultery?
The Bible says ‘a sinner destroyeth much good’ and that those who are sinning against God; they are going into the place of death!

Rise up to your feet.


After Ministration prayers by Daddy G.O:

The Psalmist says ‘open thou my eyes that I may behold wonderful things’. The psalmist was not a blind man, but the eyes that he was talking about is the eye of the inside:

  1. My Father, open my ears, open my eyes in the name of Jesus!
  2. Document of darkness carrying my name, catch fire in the name of Jesus!
  3. Anger of God, judgement of God; visit every coven assigned to trouble my Israel in the name of Jesus!
  4. Tormentors, I’m not your candidate; die in the name of Jesus!
  5. Any problem in my life caused by placenta manipulation; you are a liar, die in the name of Jesus!
  6. By fire, by force; I release my blessings from the jaw of the enemy in the name of Jesus!

The Bible says ‘associate yourselves o ye people and you shall be scattered; take counsel to gather, it shall come to nought; speak the word, it shall not stand’. Three things: an association must scatter, evil counsel must become nothing, and their words will not stand! Three things, can you now shout this loud and clear after me:

  1. Association, counsel, words of the enemy; fail in the name of Jesus!
  2. (Mention your name), whether the devil likes it or not; arise and shine in the name of Jesus!

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