Tony Evans Devotional june 17 -

Topic: Jailed but Not Bound [Tony Evans Devotional june 17 2019]

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In His Presence “Peter was sleeping between two soldiers, bound with two chains, and guards in front of the door were watching over the prison” (Acts 12:6).

Has there ever been a time when you felt so bound by your circumstances that you thought you would never be released? Without a doubt, Peter’s situation, from a human standpoint, seemed impossible. However, from God’s perspective nothing was further from the truth. It was an opportunity for Him to display His awesome power through Peter’s life.

While the church was praying for his release, Peter was resting. In fact, he was asleep! Most of us would have been awake, anxiously watching the door and wondering what was going to happen next. But not Peter. He was in the center of God’s loving will. Life is not void of trouble and heartache. Sometimes His plan for us includes difficulty.

When trouble strikes and you feel as though your world is falling apart, do you have this same type of faith? Many of us don’t. We may start out thinking, “Now Lord, You know my needs. Please help me.” However, when time drags on and the door to freedom remains closed, we begin to wonder what has happened to God. Has He left the scene? The answer is no. He is right where He always is—beside you, with you, and living His life out through you.

Peter was not worried about tomorrow because his eyes were set on Christ. Being handcuffed to him was probably similar to being chained to the apostle Paul. We can imagine that at every opportunity, those who were guarding him had the opportunity to hear about the unconditional love of Jesus Christ.

“The Lord is not slow about fulfilling His promises” (2 Peter 3:9). What may seem like forever to you is not even a moment to God who is infinite and eternal. Peter’s amazing release came at just the right time—the middle of the night. When life appears the darkest, the light of God’s hope will find you. Your Savior is working on your behalf, and He will answer your prayer.

One Minute Please
If Satan has hemmed you in on all sides, if he has handcuffed you and you see no way out, then you are a good candidate for a miracle!

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