Tony Evans Devotional june 18 -

Topic: Worship the Lord with Your Life
 [Tony Evans Devotional june 18 2019]

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In His Presence: “Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to make you stand in the presence of His glory blameless with great joy” – (Jude 24).

Faith is at the heart of worship. In Streams in the Desert, Mrs. Charles E. Cowman records a story that focuses on giving God praise. The story is of a woman who had very little. She made a “precarious living by hard daily labor; but [she] was a joyous, triumphant Christian.” One day, a gloomy friend said to her, “Ah, it is well enough to be happy now, but I should think the thought of your future would sober you. Only suppose, for instance, you should have a spell of sickness and are unable to work. Or suppose your present employer moves away and no one else gives you anything to do. Suppose . . .”

Nancy knew where the conversation was going and raised her hand to interrupt her friend. “Stop! I never use the word supposeThe Lord is my Shepherd, and I know that I shall not want. And, Honey, it is all your ‘supposing’ that is making you so miserable. You had better give them up and just trust the Lord.”

We worship God with our lives. Not just with the songs we sing on Sunday morning, but with the way we live each day—including the way we greet others and talk about what God is doing in us. Some people may have an abundance of money while others appear to have very little. It does not matter. If they know the Savior, they have a wealth that this world cannot understand.

Fame and riches mean nothing to God. Some of the wealthiest people in the world are also the loneliest. However, if you have a personal relationship with the Savior, you are never alone. Instead of thinking about what could happen, enjoy the goodness of this day, and worship Him for His faithfulness. He stands watch over your life and gives you promises that will hold true for eternity. Therefore, worship the Lord, and He will bless you in ways that are far greater than you can imagine.

One Minute Please
It takes faith to worship God and faith to grow in His love each day.

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