Topic: Are You Another Lemming? – Love Worth Finding Devotional [Adrian Rogers Ministry 29 March 2020]

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“For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?” (Mark 8:36)


Do you know what a lemming is? It’s a little animal who somehow gets in his mind a weird compulsion. And then all of them get it. They go headlong on a journey toward the sea. Over the mountains they go. Across the rivers they go. Through the woods they go. Over the marshes and the moors they go—on and on until they get to the sea. Then they jump in and drown. They’re doing everything to get there—then that’s it.

There are a lot of lemmings these days. They’re working, striving, and building, but all to end in a Christless existence.


You know, the chief religion in America is the cult of conformity. The theme is “everybody’s doing it,” But God saved us out of that—for a purpose! He redeemed us from meaninglessness. It’s so great to be a Christian and to have a purpose in life!

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