Topic: What Burden Weighs on Your Heart Today? – Love Worth Finding Devotional [Adrian Rogers Ministry 25 February 2020]

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February 25, 2020


“Casting all your care upon Him; for He cares for you” (1 Peter 5:7)


I read about a man whose dog was swimming. The man called to the dog because it was time to go home. The dog was having such a great time, he wouldn’t come. So the man picked up a stick and threw it in the water. When the dog saw the stick, he instinctively swam to the stick, put it in his mouth, came back, and laid it at his master’s feet.

I wonder if the burden you have has been given to you by God to cause you to come to His feet. Maybe He’s called you other ways, but you wouldn’t come. Maybe the burden is what God is using to bring you to your Master’s feet. But thank God we can cast all our cares upon Him, for He cares for us.


What burden weighs on your heart today? Did you know we have a high priest, the Lord Jesus, who, the Bible says, is not high and mighty and aloof, but one who can relate to our sufferings and understand them? For He Himself knew the greatest pain, suffering, and loss. Read Hebrews 4:15-16, then cast your cares upon Him today.

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