Topic: You Can’t Spoil a Baby – Love Worth Finding Devotional [Adrian Rogers Ministry 5 February 2020] -

Topic: You Can’t Spoil a Baby – Love Worth Finding Devotional [Adrian Rogers Ministry 5 February 2020]

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February 5, 2020


“But Barnabas took him and brought him to the apostles. And he declared unto them how he had seen the Lord on the road…” (Acts 9:27)


I’ve heard that in the first year, it’s virtually impossible to spoil a baby. You can’t give that little one too much love.

Now, you can spoil kids, and we’ve all seen the results of that, but it’s virtually impossible to spoil a newborn. All the love, the attention, the hugging, the kissing and coddling you want to do—just do it.

And I want to say, correspondingly, it’s virtually impossible to spoil a newborn Christian. He needs to be loved. Barnabas took new born-again convert Saul to the apostles and told them how he had seen the Lord. While the apostles were scared of Saul, Barnabas introduced him, made him feel a part, and encouraged him in his new way of life. Thank God for Barnabas!


Some of us have known firsthand what it’s like to have a Barnabas in our lives. Others, new believers, may be wishing they had one—or not even realize how much they need one. Keep your eyes and ears open. Let the Holy Spirit show you if there is someone you can befriend and help to grow, as Barnabas did Saul/Paul.

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