Topic: 31 Happiness Affirmations [David Jeremiah Ministry 2019 | Turning Point Ministries]

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The 31 Happiness Affirmations listed below are provided to support and encourage you in your daily walk with God. Claim one affirmation for each day of the month by saying the affirmation out loud—acknowledging the truth found in each day’s declaration as you renew your focus on the things that matter in life. Claim the purpose God has planned for your life and find true happiness! It will be an amazing 31-day journey.

1I will center my life on the things that are eternal—the Word of God and people—and live in view of eternity.

2I will pursue a relationship with the Lord as a priority above my job, my family, my church, and any other pursuit.

3I will not define myself by the quality of my possessions because I have an eternal, imperishable inheritance waiting for me in heaven.

4I will work as unto the Lord but not make work my Lord—only God can satisfy the longing of my soul.

5I will greet every difficulty and joy today with the conviction that God has purposed it and ordained it for this specific time.  

6I will walk today with faith in God’s good and perfect plan, knowing my understanding is finite and my feelings are fleeting.

7I will claim the power and freedom of God’s love for me.

8I will reject bitterness for harm done to me and will forgive and fight for joy at any cost, knowing God will serve justice.  

9I will be content with the work God has given me to do and will look for ways to enjoy the fruit of my labor.

10I will make decisions according to what pleases the Lord and live detached from the changing opinions and judgments of other people.

I will listen to God and continue forward with faith in Him even during difficult times.

12I will submit to the governing authorities God has placed over me, both in action and in conversation.

13I will steward my money and possessions in a way that honors the Lord who enables me to earn it and enjoy it.  

14I will trust my future in the God who blesses me with every good gift, not in material possessions.

15I will entrust my dreams for the future to the Lord and stay grounded in the reality of the present.  

16I will trust and serve the God who holds my future.  

17I will stay strong in seasons of sorrow and difficulty, knowing they are preparing me for richer seasons of happiness.

18I will be open to constructive criticism and surround myself with wise counsel.

19I will be patient, not pushing headstrong through the day but quietly seeking God’s counsel.

20I will seize today in the name of the Lord and rejoice in it, knowing today can be better than my greatest memories.

21I will seek a holy, righteous life before God without parading my righteousness before other people.

22I will search for the wisdom of God as if for hidden treasure.

23I will use the knowledge God has given me in humility and offer it as a praise to Him.  

24I will work with all my might, love with all my heart, and rejoice in everything knowing my life is a gift.

25I will claim the victory of Jesus and stand in His unseen love and grace rather than react to unfair circumstances.

26I will choose what is wise and holy, even in the little things, knowing it will disperse the darkness and give me clarity of vision in Christ.

27I will lead the people under my care as Jesus guides and directs me.

28I will guard my tongue and only speak words of love and edification.  

29I will embrace uncertainty, with God’s help, and keep moving forward.

30I will live my life to the fullest today because God wants me to have fun!

31I will ask questions and diligently seek answers from God’s Word.

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