Topic: A Consecrated Life [Joyce Meyer Devotional 30 March 2020]

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Unto You, O Lord, do I bring my life.— Psalm 25:1 (AMPC)

I love to lift up my hands in the morning and pray the prayer found in today’s verse, “Unto You, O Lord, do I bring my life.” This really defines consecration—complete, voluntary surrender to the Lord. In a prayer of consecration, you’re saying to Him:

“Here I am, God. I give myself to You. Not just my money, but myself. Not just one hour on Sunday morning, but myself. Not just a portion of my day, but myself. Unto You, God, do I bring my entire life. I lay it before You. Do what You want to do with me. Speak to me and through me today. Touch people through me today. Make a difference through me today. I am not the owner of anything You’ve given me; I’m a steward. Everything I am and everything I have has come from You and is available to You today.”

When we consecrate something, we set it apart for God’s use. Therefore, when we consecrate our lives, we turn our backs on our fleshly desires, the world’s way of thinking, undisciplined living, bad habits, and everything else that doesn’t agree with God’s Word. We close our ears to the noise of the world and open them to the voice of God. We intentionally put distance between ourselves and ungodly things, so we can be prepared and available for God to use us. Consecration is not easy, but it’s so worth the discipline and sacrifice it requires!

Prayer Starter: Father, I give you myself today. Please teach me how to live my life set apart for You; give me the strength to leave the world’s way of thinking and living behind. Thank You in advance for helping me live in a way that honors You! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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