Topic: A Divine Picture of God's Abundant Supply [Church of God Mission International] Above Only Daily Devotional 17 September 2021 -

Topic: A Divine Picture of God’s Abundant Supply  [Church of God Mission International] Above Only Daily Devotional 17 September 2021

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Above Only Daily Devotional

By: Archbishop M E Benson Idahosa


A Divine Picture of God’s Abundant Supply

Genesis 2:10-15(LB)

A river from the land of Eden flowed through the garden to water it; afterwards the river divided into four branches. One…. was named the Pishon; it winds across the entire length of the land of Havilah, where nuggets of pure gold are found , also bdellium and even lapis lazuli. The second…. is called the Gihon, crossing the entire length of the land of Cush. The third …is the Tigris, which flows to the east of the city of Asher. And the fourth is the Euphrates. The Lord God placed the man in the Garden… to tend and care for it.

When God made the Garden of Eden, in His great wisdom, He errected the right structures in place to ensure that there was no lack in the Garden. God has also put the right structures in place to ensure that there is no lack in your life. In that position where God has placed you, He has made adequate and abundant provisions for you. I declare over you that you shall see every single one of them and you shall enjoy them abundantly. You will not lack.

The river that God made to water the Garden of Eden did not come from outside the Garden. It came from inside and was split into four different parts. God abundant supply always start from within you. It starts with things like His word, divine hope, joy wisdom, creative ideas , and strength. It then flows out from you and attracts God’s glory, favour and miraculous provisions and manifestations. God’s supply is dynamic. It can flow in various ways and it can meet various needs and serve various purposes.

I believe that the names of the four branches of the river that flowed in the Garden of Eden are a picture or description of the nature of God’s abundant grace and supply in our lives. The first river was called Pishon , meaning ‘flows freely unhindered’. The second river was called Gishon, meaning ‘gush forth with great force’. The third river was Hiddekel or Tigris, meaning ‘rapid and very fast’. And the fourth river was named Euphrates, meaning ‘bringing life and fruitfulness’. Nothing will hinder God’s abundant supply in your life. God’s grace and supply in your life are unstoppable. They will always exceed your challenges and push forth with great force to bring about God’s abundant life and fruitfulness in every area of your life.

Prayer Focus:
Rejoice and thank God for how His abundant supply in your life consistently gushes forth to produce life and fruitfulness for you and those around you.

Bible In One Year Reading Plan

Isaiah 25:1-28:13, Galatians 3:10-22, Psalm 61:1-8 & Proverbs 23:17-18

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