Topic: A God of Grace [Charles Stanley Daily Devotional 6 July 2020]

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A God of Grace

John 1:14-18

Imagine receiving a beautifully wrapped gift when there is no special occasion. Inside the package is something very special. Eagerly, you read the card to discover who could have been so generous. To your amazement, you learn that the giver is someone you’ve been unkind to and have even avoided! What do you do?

This scenario is a picture of the Father’s grace in sending His Son Jesus to earth. There was no special occasion; God was determined to save us, despite the fact that we ignore or rebel against Him. This is grace—God’s goodness extended to those who do not deserve it and have no way to earn it.

We see the fullness of God’s grace in His Son. First, Jesus met the requirements of divine law by living perfectly. Second, His sinless life allowed Him to pay the cost of our rebellious ways. Third, Christ sacrificed His life on the cross to pay for our sins— past, present, and future. Fourth, God counts Jesus’ death as payment for every wrong we have done or will do. Fifth, Christ’s righteousness becomes our own righteousness through faith (Rom. 4:5).

What will you do with God’s kind gift of grace—refuse it, or say “thank You” and take steps to know Him?

Bible in One Year: Psalm 139-144

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