Topic: A Lamp and a Light [Joyce Meyer Devotional 2 July 2021] -

Topic: A Lamp and a Light [Joyce Meyer Devotional 2 July 2021]

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Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.— Psalm 119:105 (AMPC)View Previous DevotionalAUGUST 02, 2021

A Lamp and a Light

There is nothing more supernatural than the Word of God, which is given to us by divine inspiration of the Holy Spirit speaking through His prophets and disciples. The Bible has an answer for every question we might ever have. The Word of God is full of life principles, true stories of God’s mercy toward human behavior, and rich parables filled with important truths for every person on Earth.

The Bible is a personal letter to you and me. It tells us everything we need to know. There may be times when God speaks something to us that is not in a specific chapter or verse, but if He is truly speaking, then what we hear will always be in agreement with His Word. God will speak to us and lead us in every situation as we seek Him through His Word. When I need to hear from God about something specific, He frequently reminds me of a scripture that clearly gives me the answer I am seeking.

Hearing God’s voice (being led by the Holy Spirit) throughout each day has become a natural way of life for me since I received the fullness of the Holy Spirit. God gives the gift of His Spirit to everyone who asks (see Luke 11:13), and the Holy Spirit helps us understand God’s Word so we can apply its wisdom to our lives.

Prayer Starter: Father God, thank You for providing me with all the answers to all my questions through Your Holy Bible and spending time with You. Help me to always recognize Your voice and follow Your leadership! In Jesus’ name, amen.

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