Topic: A Life of Integrity [Charles Stanley Daily Devotional 25 September 2020] -

Topic: A Life of Integrity [Charles Stanley Daily Devotional 25 September 2020]

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A Life of Integrity

Psalm 15:1-5

David’s psalms often describe the life of integrity believers should have. Today’s passage shows us that God values our righteousness and honesty. To develop and maintain a lifestyle that pleases Him, we must …

Formulate our beliefs on the basis of Scripture. The Bible explains our need for a Savior, Christ’s death for our sin, and the Father’s free gift of eternal life. Once we believe these foundational Christian truths, our priorities should flow from our position as God’s adopted children.

Submit to Christ’s lordship. Jesus tells us to deny ourselves and follow Him (Mark 8:34). Commitment to the Savior will help us stand against temptation and choose righteousness.

Build relationships with individuals who value godly living. The influence of other Christians strengthens us in our dedication and obedience to the Lord.

Acknowledge missteps. Everyone makes mistakes. But when we do, we should confess our sin to God and turn away from the wrong behavior (1 John 1:9).

Living a life of integrity isn’t always easy. But our Father, who understands our struggles, sent His Spirit to guide us toward godliness. Let’s ask Him to help us become more like the person described in Psalm 15.

Bible in One Year: Micah 5-7

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