Topic:  A Mighty Ocean of Love – Daily Treasure devotionals – 15 January 2022

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A Mighty Ocean of Love

Sharon W. Betters


For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16, ESV).

How does the love of Jesus drive your mission statement? The board and team that run MARKINC Ministries, a non-profit that we started after the death of our son, Mark, struggled to carefully identify our mission. We agreed that we exist to offer help and hope to hurting people. We then described the ways we will fulfill that mission. 

Also Read: Open Heaven 15 January 2022  –Topic: THE GOD OF WONDERS 

Whenever a new opportunity comes to our attention, we push it through that grid. This process helps us invest our limited resources of staff and money in a way that has a bigger, eternal impact. When we prepared this year’s annual report and reflected on the previous year’s accomplishments, we were amazed by the broad impact of MARKINC as a result of pushing all of our tasks through our mission statement.


A mission statement helps you prune out activities that drain energy so that the resources you have can make a bigger impact. Finished writing your mission statement? Now start making a list of all your responsibilities and heart’s desires. 

Prayerfully push them through your mission statement. Be willing to cut out anything that will not help you fulfill your mission. Push any broken places through your mission statement as well. Take note of where your responses need to be transformed from life-taking to life-giving. 

Continue to pray for the Lord to give you wisdom as you pursue a life that will honor Him. And pray for us as we seek to offer help and hope to hurting people.

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