Topic: A Perfect Love [Joyce Meyer Devotional 26 February 2020]

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And we know (understand, recognize, are conscious of, by observation and by experience) and believe (adhere to and put faith in and rely on) the love God cherishes for us. God is love, and he who dwells and continues in love dwells and continues in God, and God dwells and continues in him.— 1 John 4:16 (AMPC)

Most people can believe God loves them if they think they deserve it. Problems arise when you feel you don’t deserve God’s love and yet desperately need it. God’s love for you is perfect and unconditional. Regardless of what you do or don’t do, He loves you. Even when you fail, He keeps loving you because His love is not based on you, but on Him. Love isn’t just something God does—it’s who He is.

Sin separated you from God, but He loved you so much He sent His only Son, Jesus, to die for you so He could lavish His great love on you. If you can believe that God (who is perfect) loves you, then you can believe you are worth loving!

Prayer Starter: Father, thank You so much for Your unconditional, perfect, never-ending love for me. Please help me to remember that You love me apart from what I do, and to receive Your love every day. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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